School Football Team – P6 & P7

Galston Primary School, in conjunction with your Active Schools Coordinator, have organised Football Trials for P6/P7 pupils to form our school football team. The trials will take place after school from 3pm to 4pm on Thursday 10th October
I you would like your child to attend please follow the link below to complete the permission form as soon as possible.
Thank you

Reminder for Forms

Help please, if you haven’t already done so:
Please complete the Acceptable Use of Computer Facilities Form that is required by EAC.
Failure to complete this form may result in your child being unable to take part in IT activities,
Please follow the link below to complete the form as soon as possible.
Please complete a Photo Permission Form for your child by following the link below.
Thank you for your help

Parent Council AGM & Meeting

Reminder – Galston Primary School Parent Council would warmly welcome any parent who would like to join in and find out more about the school and what the Parent Council does, to come along to the Community Centre at 7p.m. Wednesday 4th September.  The AGM takes place at 6:45p.m. for existing members.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the school over the last session via the Parent Council.  Your help is much appreciated.