Dress Down Day Reminder

On the last Friday of every month (unless advised by school) we have “Dress Down Day” for the pupils and staff. We ask for a donation to participate in this fun activity. The monies raised from Dress Down Day are used to purchase additional resources and treats for the pupils.. The recommended amount is £1 per pupil. We are now a cashless school and unfortunately, we do not accept any cash in the school.  A payment item has been created on ParentPay  called Dress Down Day Donations where you can make your donations direct. You can also request a barcoded letter from the school office and use this to make donations for all Dress Down Days.  
Thank you for your continued support.

P6 Bikeability

Mrs Fairbairn has now completed a Bikeability Instructor training course with Cycling Scotland. We are hoping to run Level 1 for our P6 year group in Term 4 when the better weather arrives. Within Level 1 – Riders learn how to prepare for a journey, check their bike and equipment are safe, and develop control skills, good observations and decision making. They also learn the importance of sharing space responsibly with other people. Training is completed in a traffic free setting.
As the ratio of adults to learners is set at a strict 1:15 for rider safety we would like to gauge interest in such a course to allow us to timetable sessions in the playground to accommodate P6 cyclists.
Please read the attached parents guide to become familiar with the course content and complete the questionnaire by following the link below below. https://cycling.scot/media/d4bp0dfl/2024-07-03-parent-s-guide.pdf

Scavenger Hunt

We are thrilled to share that our Rights Respecting Schools Committee has been diligently working behind the scenes to kick off preparations for our much-anticipated annual UNCRC Article Scavenger Hunt! This engaging event is a wonderful opportunity for students and the community to explore and understand the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in an interactive and fun way. The scavenger hunt encourages students to learn about their rights, promoting a school culture that values respect, understanding, and inclusivity. We are eager to foster a deeper appreciation of these important principles among our young learners. Stay tuned for more details, as we’ll be providing further information next week. Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to another successful and enlightening event!
Mrs Alana Sinclair
Class Teacher
Galston Primary School

Road Safety Magic!

Primary 1 – 5 all had a magical time at Alans Magic Road Safety show today.  They gained their Official Magician’s Assistant certificates by knowing and demonstrating the road safety rules. Alan the magician showed us lots of magic while reminding us how to be safe when crossing the road.  Ask the children from P1 to P5 to tell you about what they learned.

Easter Closing 4th April 2025 Transport Update

Early Closure Easter 2025 Transport Update
The Easter school closure on Friday 04th April 2025 whereby all schools close at 2.30pm will no doubt have an impact on pupils who access school transport. We have many linked contracts that serve both primary pupils as well as secondary pupils across both mainstream and ASN schools.
To ensure efficient transport provision on this date and to ease congestion, all contractors will arrange to collect primary children at 2pm and secondary pupils thereafter at around 2.30pm.

Primary 5CM & Primary 5P

You are invited to attend a Parental Engagement Afternoon for our P5 classes on 19/3/25 from 2pm – 3pm. This is an opportunity to visit your child’s class and see the work that they have been doing in. This will also allow you to see the work they have been doing on their Titanic topic before their outing to Belfast on 24/4/25.
Thank you

Work Well, Gang Faur

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