P6 Bikeability
Please read the attached parents guide to become familiar with the course content and complete the questionnaire by following the link below below. https://cycling.scot/media/d4bp0dfl/2024-07-03-parent-s-guide.pdf
Travelling Book Fair
Titanic VIsit
Pupils will require a packed lunch for the outing to Belfast on the 24th April. Children can bring their own lunch or if you require a packed lunch from the school kitchen please order by completing the form by following the link below to indicate your child’s choice of sandwich filling. This form must be completed by Thursday 2nd April.
Scavenger Hunt
Dalguise Return Time
Primary 7 have a predicted time of arrival back to school of 4p.m. This will also be confirmed when the coach has reached Glasgow and any update will be sent out to you then,
Road Safety Magic!
Primary 1 – 5 all had a magical time at Alans Magic Road Safety show today. They gained their Official Magician’s Assistant certificates by knowing and demonstrating the road safety rules. Alan the magician showed us lots of magic while reminding us how to be safe when crossing the road. Ask the children from P1 to P5 to tell you about what they learned.
Easter Closing 4th April 2025 Transport Update
Primary 5CM & Primary 5P
Neurodiversity Invite
Please find information and details about a NEST opportunity being held for parents: Introduction to Neurodiversity. NEST are the providers of support , videos and information with regards children who are neurodiverse e.g. ASD / ADHD.
Parents are also welcome to attend the drop-in group in school that runs on a Tuesday afternoon from 2 – 3pm for more information.