Burns’ House Museum Trip

On Tuesday, a number of our P7 pupils visited the Burns’ House museum in Mauchline. We had a great day filled with 3 interesting workshops;

The first workshop saw us use visual arts to retell the story of Tam O’Shanter. Pupils worked in 4 groups to tell a section of the story using light and shadow.


Workshop 2 was a tour of the house Burns lived in with Jean Armour. We dressed up as the characters and learned lots about their lives!

The final workshop was great! We used drama to retell the story of Tam O’Shanter and we all loved getting in to character!

P7 Burns Celebrations

It has been a busy week as we celebrated all things Robert Burns.

Well done to our 3 poetry finalists; Holly, Cameron and Freya. Freya was successful in winning the competition for primary 7.

Lexi  and Harry also took on the roles of compere for our Scots poetry competition – well done!

Friday saw us deliver our class assembly followed by a Burns supper. Well done to all pupils for participating! In particular, thanks to Allyssa, Kate, Ben and Leyton for delivering the toast to, and reply from the lassies. Jacob for delivering the Address to the haggis and Kaedden for the Selkirk Grace.

Thanks to all the family members who joined us this morning. We hope you were left feeling very proud of our pupils!

Weekly round up 1/11/19

It has been a busy week in primary 7. It was lovely to meet all the parents again. Thank you for your time and I hope you found our conversations beneficial. I also hope you found the target setting part of the appointment beneficial in being able to keep up with your child’s learning aims.

In maths we continued to work on shape, particularly constructing triangles using protractors. This has been a particularly difficult area for many pupils but it has been great to see confidence grow as we work.

In literacy we took part in a mini climate change study based on the work of Greta Thunberg. Pupils worked on key skills like note taking and had to use their notes to structure a letter to parliament in support of Greta’s work.

In P.E we started gymnastics and used Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ as inspiration for our sequences. Pupils performed their sequences for the class and I was very impressed by the creativity shown!

We spent some time this afternoon with our P1 buddies and all had great fun!


Star of the week: Kodee for effort in literacy.

Group of the week: Ben, Duncan, Allyssa, Maia, Liam, Kate, Megan and Cameron.

Superstar awards: Kate and Katie

First Head teacher’s award of the year: Lucas for excellence in maths.

Have a lovely weekend!


DNA Fun!

This week we have been learning about inheritance and DNA as part of our study of ‘Wonder’. In the novel, August’s condition is caused by genes he inherited from his parents.

We have explored the various characteristics we have inherited from our parents or grandparents and we spent yesterday creating a fun visual for what DNA looks like.

We were so happy with the outcome – and our examples tasted great!



Weekly Round up 4/10/19

We have had a week full of fantastic experiences!

Miss McCulloch was out of class on Monday and Tuesday on a course to develop her knowledge of Active Literacy and can’t wait to try some new strategies in literacy!

On Wednesday, we travelled to City Halls in Glasgow to see the BBC Symphony Orchestra Ten Pieces concert. Pupils loved listening to the various pieces of music.

Thursday saw 18 of our learners travel to the Ayrshire Athletics Arena for our sports hall athletics heat. Every singe pupil gave each event their all and did themselves proud, well done!!

On Friday we had local fire and rescue officers in to talk to us about firework safety. Pupils have a leaflet home in their bags should you wish any further information.

After such an exciting week, I think we will all be shocked when we go back to learning in class all next week!

Have a great weekend.

Microsoft Teams Info

Most pupils should now have logged on to our class Teams page in school.

Teams will be used to share communication with pupils and will be particularly useful during topic work. If you’d like to see more of Teams, please ask your child to give you a tour.

It seems the best way to access Teams at home, if not using a laptop or desktop, is via the phone app.

I understand that many pupils will not have their own phones. If you are happy to provide this on your device it would be great (it also lets you keep track of what we are up to!)

The Teams app can be downloaded from any app store by searching Microsoft Teams and downloading. Pupils will then have to enter their glow login details.

If there are any problems, please let me know!

Miss McCulloch

MacMillan Success

I was the proudest teacher in Ayrshire yesterday. Our Primary 7 pupils successfully planned, organised, baked for and ran their own MacMillan coffee morning.

I am so proud of every single learner in our class. You each took on a role and understood that teamwork really makes the dream work!

On behalf of primary 7, I am delighted to announce that we raised a staggering…


We would like to thank everyone in our lovely community who attended, donated cakes, or took time to bake. It is all appreciated!

Miss. McCulloch

Weekly Round up 6/9/19

Firstly, I’d like to thank all parents who attended our meet the teacher evening. It was lovely to see some familiar faces and meet new parents too. I hope you found the session useful!

In literacy we continued our study of ‘Wonder’. We have been making a number of links to health and wellbeing and ICT. We researched Treacher-Collins Syndrome and we are currently creating a medical information leaflet to teach others about it. We also listened to the song ‘Wonder’ by Natalie Merchant and analysed the lyrics – we really mastered it!

In numeracy we worked on negative numbers and problem solving. We focused on one and two step problems but found parts of it extremely tricky! Not to worry as we will be great at it soon 🙂

Our class Teams page has now been set up through Glow and pupils should have received an email invite to join the class.

We received another addition for our ‘Window to the world’ all the way from Seattle. Some pupils had to do some research to work out where Seattle is.

A polite reminder that all pupils can access free sanitary products from the school. All girls in P5-7 have been notified of where the products are kept and are aware that they can take products home to use. I’d appreciate if you could encourage your child to use our school stock (it’ll also save some expense at home). We supply
Bodyform products in a range of options.

As you will be aware, we had to cancel our sponsored walk last week due to the weather. Our walk will now take place on Friday 13th September, weather permitting.

Achievements this week:

Star of the week: Duncan Millar

Superstar award: Holly Pearson

Group of the week: Henry, Mirrin, Ben, Duncan, Lucas, Lainie, Lennon and Katie

Gold Standard work: Allyssa Sim



Weekly Round Up 30/8/19

We have had a busy second week of term.

In literacy we started our class novel ‘Wonder’. We look forward to learning all about August and his family. The book will explore themes of kindness, acceptance and will share real life experience.

In numeracy we have been brushing up on our number skills with plenty of mental maths! We have also been revisiting various topics, such as measure, time and money, in our morning starter.

In ICT we have been exploring Microsoft Publisher and have created some fantastic personal profile using some special features like Word Art, the transparency tool and background.

We were delighted to receive some postcards from Jai MacDowall for our ‘Window to the World’. If anyone is off on a trip soon, please consider picking up a postcard from your destination. We love watching our window grow!

On Wednesday we worked with our P1 buddies on the ‘Look for a book’ trend where we wrote letters and then hid them in the village with our books for local people to find.

On Friday we had Katie from RespectMe in class to lead a workshop which is being launched to all schools in Scotland. We were delighted to test it out and really enjoyed ourselves! Many of our learners provided quality input during the session.

Achievements this week:

Gold Standard work: Ona and Maia’s personal profiles

Group of the Week: Mirrin, Henry, Harry, Duncan, Lucas, Lennon, Lainie and Katie.

Star of the week: Natasha!


Have a wonderful weekend!

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