Twynholm Primary School

Expanding our minds – Discovering our potential

Eco Schools

2024 – 25

We are currently working towards are next Green Flag and are also embracing the LEAF (Learning about Forests programme).

Outdoor learning happens every second Wednesday afternoon and is based around both programmes.

Photos of all our activities are posted onto our school Facebook page.




Pop-Up Picnic (19th June 2024)

Celebrating our love of outdoor learning with a ‘Pop-Up’ picnic.
Well done to P1-4 on their camping training! … We’re all part of the Twynholm 🎵family🎵.

Eco-Schools Scotland



Our Eco-Code








Green Flag Award

We were thrilled when, after a year of hard work, we received our first Eco-Schools Green Flag in June 2023. Just look at the super feedback we received from Keep Scotland Beautiful and  Eco-Schools | Keep Scotland Beautiful:

This year we are starting the process of working towards our next one.

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