Christmas Shows: Pirates of the Curry Bean and Boogie Woogie Nativity
We put on a super production of this pirate musical and an all singing and dancing nativity in our village hall.
Christmas lunch and party 2024
Twynholm-bury! (12th June 2024)
We held a fundraising event which had a festival theme! P4-7 camped out in our beautiful school grounds and were joined for an early breakfast by P1-3 for their sponsored ‘Breakfast and Bounce’!
Mental Health Awareness Week (15th May 2024)
We recognised Mental Health Awareness Week with a ‘Green Day’. We wore green to school, brought green snacks for playtime and enjoyed an afternoon of outdoor learning. We played classic playground games, created a natural art mandala and cooked homegrown rhubarb on our outdoor stoves.
Celebrating Earth Day (22nd April 2024)
We enjoyed an afternoon learning about Earth Day as part of our Eco-Schools project. We made wild flower seed bombs, salt dough world ornaments then spend some time weeding and looking after our beautiful playground.
World Book Day (8th March 2024)
We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as a favourite book character and also creating a new Mr Man character, with linked descriptive writing piece. What a fun day was had by all!
Cinderella and Rockerfella (Dec 2023)
We staged the pantomime Cinderella and Rockerfella at the end of of Winter Term in our village hall. It was a fun night of singing, dancing and acting by the whole school.