Twynholm Primary School

Expanding our minds – Discovering our potential

June 20, 2024
by Dr Connor

Pop-Up Picnic

Fun in the sunshine at our Pop-Up Picnic yesterday to celebrate our love of outdoor learning.  Well done to P1-4 on their camping skills training!  We are all part of the Twynholm family!

June 5, 2024 by Dr Connor | 0 comments

After a rainy morning the sun shone for our Sports Day yesterday.  Congratulations to Dhoon, our winning house and to the upper and lower school Sports Champions.  Click on the link above for all the photos!

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March 22, 2024
by Dr Connor

Final morning 🌅

A final busy morning in sun. rain, sun, hail (!) and more sun ☀️

We began by checking our mammal traps and found some beautiful wood mice … then released them back into the wild.

Brilliant waterproof dens built by the P6 group and the P7 group climbed the outdoor natural wall! Everyone supported one another and had a lot of fun. 🤩

Having lunch now and waiting for the bus home. A fabulous trip.

March 21, 2024
by Dr Connor

Busy morning

Busy morning on Cumbrae for P 6/7 of Twynholm and Gatehouse.

P6s were climbing on an outdoor natural wall.  Lots of support from each other to help everyone climb the solid craggy wall!

P7s took part in an outdoor shelter building challenge. They had to fit their entire team into a waterproof shelter ….. this was tested using large jugs of water!  Great teamwork everyone.

March 21, 2024
by Dr Connor


Everyone has enjoyed a big breakfast and made their own packed lunch for later. Getting our waterproofs on now to go and learn some bushcraft skills.


September 20, 2023
by Dr Connor

We are a Rights Respecting School

The Rights Respecting Schools Award puts children’s rights at the heart of school life in the UK.

Article 29 (goals of education)

A person smiles beside a poster showing someone turning from themselves to a sparkly, confident version of themselves. A list of steps for how this can happen is laid out below.

I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment

Article 29 of the UNCRC says that a child or young person’s education should help their mind, body and talents be the best they can. It should also build their respect for other people and the world around them. In particular, they should learn to respect:

  • their rights and the rights of others
  • their freedoms and the freedoms of others
  • their parents
  • the identity, language and values of countries— including their own.

Education should prepare children and young people for a responsible life in a free society. It should teach them how to live in an understanding and tolerant way that is non-violent and that respects the environment.

For more information follow this link: UNCRC Articles



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