Halloween Update and Thanks

Hi Everyone,

Myself and Jill would like to thank everyone for their kind contributions to Friday’s Halloween activities afternoon. We would like to thank Burnside who very kindly donated sweets for our very popular sweetie cones. We would also like to thank Mr Coleman who has helped us with the crafty side of our fundraising, our fellow S6 students who worked hard beside us to keep the morale up and Matthew who has helped us set up the hall for a spooktacular afternoon! The afternoon was a success and we have raised a grand total of £184.14 which will be added to our Senior Prom savings. We would like to congratulate Gabrielle who won our guess how many lollipops are in the Jar with her guess being 145 and the amount in the jar being 144. Thanks again for all your contributions it means a lot, it was also great to see you have a great time!

Jill and Geddes

Sanquhar Academy School Captains

Halloween Activities Friday 29 October 2021


S6 pupils have arranged activities for Halloween to take place tomorrow during lunchtime.  Games will take place in the assembly hall for pupils and will include Witch Hat Ring toss, Pin the Spider on the Web, amongst other things.

Pupils will be asked for a contribution to take part in the games and proceeds will go towards the school fund and supporting the Senior Prom, which fingers crossed will go ahead later this academic session.

Geddes and Jill

School Captains

COVID Vaccinations


All children and young people who are aged 12 years and older are now being offered the COVID-19 vaccine. This offer is being made across the UK following a wider review by the four UK Chief Medical Officers. Medical organisations including the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have also contributed. More information on why young people are now being offered the vaccine is at www.nhsinform.scot/covid19vaccineyoungpeople

The vaccination will be delivered in Sanquhar Academy on the 5th of October 2021.

Please read the following leaflets which give you information about COVID-19 vaccination.  http://www.healthscotland.com/uploads/documents/56564-_COVID-19%20vaccine%20information%20leaflet%20for%2012%20to%2017-year-olds-Sep2021-English.pdf 


Consent form will be issued to pupils in the next few days. Please return your consent forms to the school office and we will forward them to the vaccination team.

DG Presents … Conversations in Business : What is COP26?

Message sent on behalf of Developing the Young Workforce


Another in our series of conversations around matters of business interest.

There is lots of preparation currently taking place for the forthcoming #COP26 summit in Glasgow.  But, what is it? 

Join our panel; Emma Piercy (Food and Drink Federation), Rebecca Wade (Abertay University) and Richard Smith (SOSE) as we ask them more about what exactly is going on … 

SET A REMINDER :    https://youtu.be/2h-4UIbiOnQ


This is a livestream show where you can ask questions or comments to the panel via our you tube channel. All you need is to log on to you tube with a gmail account.

Flu Vaccinations


As you are aware Flu Vaccinations are available for all secondary pupils this year.  Forms were distributed to pupils over the last few weeks.

Our Vaccination date is the 17th September.  All pupils requesting a flu vaccination must have returned the paperwork to school by the 13th September to receive their vaccination on the 17th.
