Author: Mrs Hetherington Cree

COVID Vaccinations


All children and young people who are aged 12 years and older are now being offered the COVID-19 vaccine. This offer is being made across the UK following a wider review by the four UK Chief Medical Officers. Medical organisations including the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health have also contributed. More information on why young people are now being offered the vaccine is at

The vaccination will be delivered in Sanquhar Academy on the 5th of October 2021.

Please read the following leaflets which give you information about COVID-19 vaccination.

Consent form will be issued to pupils in the next few days. Please return your consent forms to the school office and we will forward them to the vaccination team.

Flu Vaccinations


As you are aware Flu Vaccinations are available for all secondary pupils this year.  Forms were distributed to pupils over the last few weeks.

Our Vaccination date is the 17th September.  All pupils requesting a flu vaccination must have returned the paperwork to school by the 13th September to receive their vaccination on the 17th.

Prize Giving


We are so looking forward to prize giving tomorrow morning and are gutted that unfortunately parents and carers are unable to join us again this year.  We are taking photos of the prize winners to share with parents and carers over the next few days.

Fabulous Friday!


Our pupils have had a very successful return to school and are looking fantastic! They are a credit to their families and the community.  We are looking forward to our first full week next week.  S1 pupils are settling in well and are already finding there way around the school and getting used to the routines at Sanquhar Academy.  Mrs Taylor is very impressed with S1’s resilience and approach to getting to know  each other and the school!

Senior pupils who have changes to their options for this session have been meeting with Ms McLean over the last few days.  Ms McLean will be checking in with senior pupils over the next week regarding their courses for this session.  As announced by the SQA we are hopeful that exams for pupils studying at N5 or above will take place at the end of this academic session.  Our learning over the last two years means that we will continue to assess pupil progress throughout the session.

BBC News Exams in Scotland

We know that you will support your children to put 100% effort into their studies as we work together to ensure success for every learner.

Pupils have all been advised that they are to remain on school grounds at morning break.  S2-S6 pupils are able to go into Sanquhar at lunchtime.  However as always the staff in the school canteen provide a fantastic service for all our pupils.



Welcome back Summer Holiday Return 2021


We hope that you have all had a great Summer Holiday and are ready to get back to school.  Below are the updates for learners return to school as promised.


Face covering’s and hand sanitiser use remains in place for all secondary pupils and staff. Pupils with a medical exemption should notify the school office in writing.

Lateral Flow testing should continue to be carried out twice weekly and a test should be carried out prior to return to school. Test kits are available from the school office.  Lateral Flow test results should be recorded on the App as per the instructions issued with the kit.

PE – we are now able to use the changing rooms for PE.  Pupils should attend school in uniform and bring their PE kit with them.

School Uniform

Ties are available to purchase from the school office at £6.50 each.

19 August 2021

S1 – S3 should enter the building through the side door into the main assembly hall and collect their timetables when the first bell sounds. S1 will remain in the assembly hall all other pupils will attend their timetabled classes P1. S1 will attend classes from the start of P2.  S1 pupils will remain on school grounds for break and lunchtime.

S4 – S6 should enter the building though the PE door and collect their timetable from staff at the desk.

I look forward to seeing all pupils on Thursday.

Headteacher’s Update June 2021


The Summer Holidays are now upon us, what a year it has been for us all!  I would like to express my sincere thanks to all pupils, parents, staff and the community for working so hard alongside us to ensure that the children of Sanquhar Academy have had the opportunity to succeed, despite all the challenges this academic year has brought.

Staffing Update 

The following staff are leaving Sanquhar Academy to take up new opportunities and challenges and we wish them every success in the future.

  • Stephen Raikes
  • Krystin Black
  • Derryth Hope

New staff joining us will be:

Kieran Pagan as Teacher of Design and Technology and Euan Gibb as Teacher of Music.

I can advise that the School Leadership Team for session 2021/22 will include:

Sharon McLean will be Depute Headteacher for S4-S6.

Diana Taylor will be Depute Headteacher for S1-S3.

  • Oliver Rowe will be Acting Principal Teacher Pupil Support for Wilson House, PE and HE.
  • Alison Menzies will be Principal Teacher Pupil Support for Duff House and Expressive Arts.  Alison will be taking a break during session 2021/22 and Sophie Nisbet will be Acting Principal Teacher in her absence.
  • April McGuchan will be Principal Teacher of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
  • Roisin Tweedie will be Principal Teacher of Languages.
  • Gemma Moodie will be Principal Teacher of Humanities.

As always if you have any queries or support that may be required for your child, please get in touch with their Pupil Support Principal Teacher in the first instance.

COVID Update

We are hopeful that some of the mitigations currently in place to manage COVID may be able to be reduced into next session. At this point in time the COVID risk assessment in place within the school continues to stand.

I will provide an update in August to advise of any changes that may occur following the Summer Holidays.

I hope that the whole school community enjoys a well earned rest and we look forward to welcoming back all of our learners on the 19th of August.

Final thoughts…

To our fabulous S6 leavers remember

It has been one rollercoaster of a year for you all!
You have worked through it – Survived it! and you are about to continue thriving through it.
Life is always tough – it flings things at us that we are not expecting.  As Oprah says no experience in life is ever wasted.
Your strength is the ability to keep smiling and continue to look for the positives, no matter how big or small they are.
Enjoy whatever comes next for you all.