Reading For Life

In Palnackie primary we have a reading chart. Every time an adult from home hears you read you get a tick. After your first twenty five ticks you get a bronze badge. Arri is now working towards our gold badge !

Palnackies topic on space

  1. In Palnackie we started a new topic on space. The children have made some amazing astronauts and they learnt how to do fore – shortening.  While p6/7 were away the rest of us  did a food plate  about what astronauts would eat in space.

Weeks 3 and 4 roundup 3.5.24

It has been a fun 2 weeks here at Palnackie, although we did say goodbye to two of our P7s, Hlib and Vsevolod. We wish them all the best in their new home and schools.

We have been working on a wide variety of different tasks this week, many relating to our topic of Space. We had a playground litter pick while the weather was nice and then some fun and games in the woods. Grant has visited twice as part of the Feis Rois music offer, and we are busy rehearsing for our upcoming performance.

We also had wider achievements this week for sailing and Star Reader badges. Our pupils of the week were Harris and Joseph for working hard on maths, reading and top tasks!

Well done to everyone!