Weekly roundup 23.2.24

Another busy week here in our wee school! P7s got their new hoodies , playground leaders shared some of their game with others , and our second play session for age 2+ was a hit !
P1 were learning about sharing in maths , we all had a visit from Angela who talked to us about the importance of healthy teeth and less sugar, and best of all we’ve had lots of fun playing games and using our new resources that Mrs Graham managed to order through the council towards developing play pedagogy.


Wow! A busy week ! 😊



Weekly roundup 16.2.24

It’s been a very short week but the children have had a very productive two days.
We all took part in an art display for Flounders cafe yesterday , and the artwork will be featured Friday evening and Saturday for viewing .

P7 also attended their first  transition session  at Dalbeattie High School and enjoyed discussing their hopes and fears for the next step .

The Pupil Council also had a meeting to discuss the rest of term and what they’d like to learn about (and how) as well as ideas for making maths more fun .


Weekly roundup 2.2.24

Another busy week here for us!
We started with some active spelling sessions .

We also developed our leadership skills in playground team games .

We learned about Scottish fishing and created some Paul Klee inspired fish etchings .

In Health we looked at food groups , healthy and less healthy foods , and challenged ourselves to make healthy snack swaps . P1 experimented with fruit and veg prints… when they were able to stop eating them! 🥦 🥕 🌽

Finally we had our partnership assembly and Ari won the P1 Extreme reading competition, and Hilib won Pupil of the week for excellent effort and concentration especially in Art. We are very proud of you both! 🌟