End of term round up 22.12.23

The last week of term!

We visited Barlochan residential home, we did some programming on the microbit computers, we made Christmas decorations and Christmas cards. We also had a very successful nativity play, which was excellent! Thank you to all the parents and friends who attended our show. We were also very happy to have a partnership Christmas party with our other school Auchencairn . We had a great time!

We would like to wish everyone in our school community  a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. See you all in 2024!

Weekly roundup 15.12.23

What a busy week ! Our newly named gritters arrived  and we had our photos taken. We also got 2 Lego gritters and some chocolate as a prize !
We celebrated Christmas with our special lunch and Mrs Graham bought us crackers !


p3-7 have been learning about micro bits and they programmed them to display snowflakes falling .

4 of our P6/7 pupils took part in the stewartry curling competition,  sadly they didn’t win but they had good fun!

We have also been practising for our nativity show as well as some Scottish dancing in PE . P1 have also been busy making Christmas cards and melted snowmen ⛄️

Only one week left!

Weekly roundup 1.12.23

Its December and this new month brings with it the cold weather . Please make sure your child is well wrapped up for school.
Well done to Isla for being our pupil of the week ! Super leadership skills and kindness .

We’ve had a busy week of Christmas crafts, science , curling and more Scottish dancing !  We also made some lovely art work based on the theme of light and colour.