Weekly roundup 25.11.23

Another busy week with spelling outside , nativity show practice , addition and subtraction in number and more curling! 🥌 We also created artwork based on light and shadow – and we now know what opaque, transparent and translucent mean. P1 looked at shadows made by toys and turned them into pictures .


Well done  also to Maddie for her super achievements in horse riding at the Three Lochs! 🐎



Weekly roundup 10.11.23

Another busy week here at Palnackie !
P1 have worked hard to learn their new sounds as well as learning how to add from 0 to 5.

We have also been looking at Remembrance Day and why this is an important event in the UK.
We made poppies to place at the memorial in the village and we had a special assembly on Friday.

Weekly roundup 30/10/23

A brilliant first week back for all the pupils .!We had a fantastic Halloween party , organised by our Parent Council, as well as a visit to Barlochan residential home to show off our costumes. Lots and lots of sweets were eaten!

Well done to our Pupil of the Week, Hilib for super effort learning to speak English!

Flounders were the winning house team, with 43 points!