Feis Rois Week 4

This week we had our fourth Feis Rois session. First, Paul taught us a song called Bananas are the Best. There were some words in Scots, and even “mañana,” which is a Spanish word, and means tomorrow. Next, we practised our Gaelic song, with Caitlin. Then, Caitlin taught us about jigs and reels. if a song is a jig, you can say “carrots and cabbages.” That is six beats. if it is a reel, you can say “watermelon,” which is four beats. Caitlin played us some songs and we had to guess if they were jigs or reels. here are two videos of pieces of music that Caitlin played. Can you guess if they are  jigs or reels?


Rugby ~Week 2 with John Muir

This is our 2nd week of rugby. This week in rugby we played some games and learned how to pass backwards and how to stay on side.   He told us we that have moved on 2 levels. We have done level 3 and are half way through level 4!

John is our rugby coach and he makes the lessons so much fun. We do rugby every Tuesday at 10:30am.

By Joe E


On Friday  Primary 5 to 7 went to meet the ladies Olympic Curling Champions at Dumfries Ice Bowl.  We had prepared some questions to ask them. They brought their gold medals to show us.

Hammy was there from the men’s curling team and he brought his silver medal to show us. We were lucky enough to have a  go at curling and  we enjoyed this so much. They told us that  they had to train  very hard to  every day to get into the Olympics.

We all had a great time and  found the Olympian’s  inspiring . Some of us even got an autograph and some of us were shaking with excitement . Overall we were all so lucky to get the chance to meet members of the Olympics Curling Team.


Teddy In The Park

In the Purple Room as part of our science topic we were testing which fabric was the best insulator. We investigated which fabric kept the most heat in and which let the heat out.

We then  had to find out  who had the warmest jacket. It turned out that Leigh’s jacket was the warmest.

P1-4 pancake making

Yesterday P1-4 were making pancakes because it was Shrove Tuesday.

This is a Christian festival celebrated in many countries across the globe. It falls on the Tuesday before the beginning of Lent – a period of around six weeks leading up to Easter. During Lent, Christians give up luxuries to remember when Jesus went into the desert for 40 days to fast and pray. The exact date of Shrove Tuesday changes from year to year. But one thing stays the same — it’s always 47 days before Easter Sunday.

We used Lina’s recipe for making the pancakes. We enjoyed making the pancakes  and choosing our own toppings. They were very yummy!!!

P7’s Leaver Hoodies

As the  Primary Sevens will be leaving this year, they all received a leavers hoodie, in a colour of their choice. The Primary Sevens who will be leaving are: Ania, Nika, Anna, Isla, Maisy, Harry, Joe and Jess. 

We would like to thank Mrs Eccles for organising these and the  Kirgunzeon Parent Teacher Partnership for subsidising them.

Here are some pictures of all the Primary Sevens wearing their hoodies 😀

World Book Day 3rd March

On the 3rd March, it will be World Book Day! Everyone can come in their pyjamas if they want. If they don’t want to, they can wear school uniform.

We will have fun activities throughout the day. Everyone will be put into groups, with a P7 leader. Please note that you should listen to  your leader. There will also be a house challenge in the afternoon.

We hope everyone will have fun and this will encourage people to read more books!!!  World Book Day - Live Lesson - BBC TeachUnread Books at Home Still Spark Literacy Habits - Scientific American

Rugby on Tuesday with John Muir

On Tuesday 22nd of February we had a rugby session  with John  Muir from the Stewartry Rugby Club.

We did all sorts of games and skills to help  us learn about rugby. We had lots of team games to improve our dodging and passing . It was quite tricky throwing and catching the rugby ball as it is such awkward shape.

We are going to have 4 more sessions of this and Mrs Magee and Mrs Miller are going to do Rugby lessons with us on a Friday too! So  hopefully by the end of this block of rugby we will all be much better players.

If anyone is interested in joining the club speak to Charlie in P4 as he already goes every Sunday for coaching and matches.

Outdoor Learning With Mr Laidlaw

On Monday the 21st, we had a visit from Mr Laidlaw. He is a Stem Development Officer. He did outdoor learning with us

First, we drew around our shadows using chalk, so that after and hour we could see how far our shadow went.

Then, we made boats out of things we could find outside, like sticks and leaves.

After that, we drew seven lily pads each, and then we got three sticks and three stones. We had to solve a puzzle, where we had to switch the places of the sticks and stones. They could only move one space forward, unless they were jumping over another thing, in which case they could move two.

News from Kirkgunzeon Primary – A blog to inform and entertain.

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