On the 3rd of March it was world book day! We came to school in our pyjamas!
In the morning we did reading buddy’s for 25 minutes . After that we were split into groups of 4 or 5 and we did some book related activities. Nika showed us how to make book marks, with Ania we made books and Maisy did a treasure hunt. Anna’s activity was to create a character and with Isla and Harry we made an I movie.
In the afternoon we did a house challenge which was to design and make a board game with a book theme. Criffel made a board game linked to Three Little Pigs. Screel constructed a life size monopoly type game and Lotus did Jack and the Beanstalk snakes and ladders game.
The next day we finished them and enjoyed playing them. We gave each house feedback then a had a vote on our favourite. Lotus won and got 30 house points each.