Big Room Vikings Work

This term we are doing the Vikings for Topic. For one of the lessons, we did art, and we made mosaics of a Vikings head. It had to include a beard, hair and a helmet with horns. The groups were Embers Rising (Elha, Joe and Jess), Immortal Dynasty (Nathaniel, Logan M and Boyd), Warrior Culture (Sunna, Lily and Alek), Germanic Guild (Ania, Nika and Maisy) and Human Shield (Harry, Isla and Anna).

Ember Rising’s Viking head was called Bob the First, Immortal Dynasty’s was called Mr M B (for “Messy Beard”), Warrior Culture’s was called Barry the Barbarian, Germanic Guild’s was called Tim Kardashian and Human Shield’s was called Toad. We enjoyed using different techniques to make mosaics.

In another lesson we made posters of a Viking Longship, that were drawn and labelled. The groups were slightly rearranged. Embers Rising and Immortal Dynasty stayed the same, but Warrior Culture became Alek, Lily and Harry, Germanic Guild became Germanic Gold, and it was now Ania, Sunna and Isla, and Human Shield became Nika, Maisy and Anna. Embers Rising were given a printed Longship and had to colour and label it, while the rest of the groups drew the whole thing. Germanic Gold and Human Shield had to label and find out about the prow, the hull, the sail, the oars and the shields, while the rest of the groups only had to label and find out about the prow, the sail and the oars. We had lots of fun drawing and finding out about the Vikings means of transport. ♥ 😀

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