Daily Archives: 26/02/2021

Nature photographs

Nature photography

Last week we were asked to take photographs of nature. Here are three of my favourite pictures,

The water level was really low so the waterfall was falling a longer way than usual.

The snowdrops were very pretty and I took them close up.

I really enjoyed taking the pictures

Dragon Eggs

Yesterday me and my brother Josh made Dragon Eggs this is how you make them:

  • Boil an egg for 8 minutes
  • Get a mug three quarters full of water
  • Add some food colouring until the water is that colour
  • Crack the egg all around and put the egg in the water and leave it in the fridge overnight

Alfie’s blog post

I learned that time can be any on a clock a timer or even a phone. I also learned that time is important without time the world would be unbalanced.  People would be late for work and  kids will be late for school. Food all over the world will be burnt and shops will all have to go out of business.