Monthly Archives: February 2021

Nature photographs

Nature photography

Last week we were asked to take photographs of nature. Here are three of my favourite pictures,

The water level was really low so the waterfall was falling a longer way than usual.

The snowdrops were very pretty and I took them close up.

I really enjoyed taking the pictures

Dragon Eggs

Yesterday me and my brother Josh made Dragon Eggs this is how you make them:

  • Boil an egg for 8 minutes
  • Get a mug three quarters full of water
  • Add some food colouring until the water is that colour
  • Crack the egg all around and put the egg in the water and leave it in the fridge overnight

Alfie’s blog post

I learned that time can be any on a clock a timer or even a phone. I also learned that time is important without time the world would be unbalanced.  People would be late for work and  kids will be late for school. Food all over the world will be burnt and shops will all have to go out of business.


Balloon rocket challenge

We are learning about Newton’s third law of motion

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”

During the experiment we placed two chairs two meters apart and tied a length of sting with a straw thread through then we taped a balloon to the straw blew up the balloon and let go launching it to the other side.

What happens is the balloons air getting released creates a force that propels the balloon along the string.


Dragon eggs

  • I am going to make some dragon eggs!
  • First you need to get boiling hot water an egg then put the egg in the water and boil for about 8 minutes.
  • Get some food colouring and add it to some water in a mug and then put an egg in the cup and leave in the fridge overnight.
  • The next morning take the eggs out the cups carefully and remove their shells. If the experiment has worked you will have really colourful, cool looking dragons eggs like mine below.

Lockdown online art

Hello everyone.
On Monday afternoon me and my mum decided that we would do an online art project. We found a nice lady on YouTube that gave step by step instructions to create a piece of art called Blossom Tree.

We set up with paint brushes, acrylic paint, water and special art paper.  We started with a sketch then the moon and the night sky as you can see in the picture.

Next we did the water with the moons reflection on it, then moved into the land either side.After that we did the tree trunk and the roots with reflective highlights. Finally I did the blossom on the tree, the rocks and grass.

I used two amazing techniques, first to make the stars we used a brush and a flicking motion, secondly to do the pink blossom we used some cotton buds. Here’s the finished picture.

By Erica Lane


Balloon Challenge

Today we made the balloon rocket for our STEM challenge.We managed to make it go four meters. We tried cut the straw shorter to see if it would go further, but it just made it not travel as far and fast as the full straw did. In the end we couldn’t go any further because we didn’t have enough room or enough string. Maybe on a nicer day we could try to make it longer in the garden! It was quite hard to make the rocket because our cats kept trying to eat the string!🤣



Martha and Emlyn

Playing with my dog!!

In the holidays I played with my dog. He loves to play with tennis balls and lots of toys. He is a Border terrier and he is 8 years old and he is called Tam and we got him at 8 weeks old as a puppy. Also he loves to go on big long walks. He is very naughty because he very sneaks and eats all of his treats so I need to hide them so he doesn’t eat them!!!

Dragon’s eye art .


This is a piece of my art I did in lockdown ! 🙂