All posts by Mrs Woods

Meet Primary 1

Primary 1 have settled well into the routines of Heathhall school.

” I love going to school because I learn things.” ~ Thea

” I like playing with the lego, I like building.” ~ Alfie

“I like getting points for being kind.” ~ Finn

“I am happy at school, I get to play with my friends.” ~ Grace

“I like art, we made underpants.” ~ Poppy



P1 STEM challenge

Grampy Rabbit got stuck at the top of an Icy Mountain. We needed to help him get back home. We had to design and create a model of a jetpack to help him. Our jet packs needed a control panel, straps and fuel tanks.

“I could make my jetpack better by putting a compass on it. That way you’d know where you are going.” Jensen

“It was fun making a jetpack, The Sellotape was a bit tricky, but Max helped me.” Jude

“I wish I could have made flames coming out of the fuel tanks to make it look more real.” Florence

Term 1 Primary 1 Sunshine

Here’s a few of the childrens highlights of Term 1…

“We loved getting the mats and benches out in P.E, it was great fun rolling and balancing”

“We have been learning about our senses, we loved the feely box and smell pots. Some things felt slimy and there were some gross smells.”

” We can say some of our sounds now. We have learnt “s,a,t,i” we like trying to write them and learning the songs”

“We know lots of numbers and have been practising growing, throwing numbers and looking at shapes numbers can make.”

“We like working outside. Looking for leaves, describing them and making leaf rubbings was exciting.”