Newsletter – Monday 31st August 2020

Dear Family and Friends of Gelston Primary School,


House Captains and Vice-Captains

I am delighted to announce the Captains and Vice Captains for each House are:

Falcons:  House Captain is Ava Proudfoot and Vice-Captain is Alexa Swalwell

Owls:  House Captain is Milly Allison

Eagles:  House Captain is Rose Parker and Vice-Captain is Fern McMinn

All pupils did extremely well in presenting their speeches to their peers.  Congratulations to them all!



I am also delighted to welcome Miss Sarah White as our Clerical Assistant who will be covering Miss Campbell’s Maternity position at Crossmichael.  She will also answer the telephone for Gelston Primary School at times.  Gelston Office hours are as follows:

Monday: Miss McNeill before school.  No Clerical in Gelston during school hours so you will be transferred to Mrs Benson or Miss White

Tuesday:  Miss McNeill before school and Mrs Benson during school hours

Wednesday: Miss McNeill before school.  No Clerical in Gelston during school hours so you will be transferred to Mrs Benson or Miss White

Thursday:  Miss McNeill before school.  No Clerical in Gelston during school hours so you will be transferred to Mrs Benson or Miss White

Friday: Miss McNeill before school and Mrs Benson during school hours

If you have an urgent message then please contact the Headteacher’s mobile on 07741 686730.


School Meals Menu

Here is a copy of the school meals menu for your information.

0409-19 Primary School meal leaflet end of 2020


Updates on Covid-19

I will continue to keep you updated on the latest advice about Covid-19 arrangements.  Please see the letter received today from Professor Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director, Scottish Government:

Coronavirus – Jason Leitch Letter on testing and common colds – 31 August 2020

If I need to add any information to the blog then I will notify you by Group call text first.  Thank you for your patience and support.


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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