Newsletter- Monday 2nd March 2020

Parental Engagement – A Quick Survey!

We are continuing to try and improve our engagement with parents and the wider school community and I am hoping you can take a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire in order for the school to find the best way forward.  Please choose the option most appropriate to your needs.  Thank you to those of you who have completed the survey already!


Coronavirus Advice from the Local Authority

Please see the advice below issued by the Local Authority:

Coronavirus Advice


 Primary 4 Curricular Swimming

Primary 4 pupils continue to attend swimming lessons every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 25th February until 12th March.  Transport is provided.


Primary 7 Gateway Evening – Monday 2nd March

P7 pupils from Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools are invited to an information evening on Monday 2nd March at 6.30pm in Crossmichael Primary School.  This will be presented by Mrs A Cook, Depute Headteacher at Castle Douglas High School.  Please see the letter below:

Gateway Letter to Parents 2020


World Book Day – Thursday 5th March

Please can all pupils bring a potato in to school so that we can decorate it for World Book Day?


Wallets Marts Food and Farming Day – Friday 6th March

Our P6 pupils will be attending this event with Miss Reid and separate correspondence has been sent to P6 pupils.  Please see the letter below for more information.  In particular, please ensure that pupils wear layers of clothing as it can be extremely cold!

200225 Wallets Mart Letter Home 6


Diary Dates:

Thursday 12th March


Parents Evening
Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April at 6.30pm School Show – ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’
Friday 3rd April at 2pm Easter Service in Village Hall


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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