All posts by Mr Rudd

Welcome Back

Welcome back and welcome to our new families joining our school. It is great to see our pupils return safe, happy and ready to learn. Our new pupils have already settled and are being well looked after by their older peers.
Our Staff Team at Dunscore.
Miss Atkins – Principal Teacher, Mrs Robertson – Class Teacher, Mr Rudd – Class Teacher, Ms Romay – Class Teacher, Mr Law – P.E. Teacher, Mrs Carr – Learning Assistant, Ms Ross – Senior Clerical Assistant, Mr Sloggett – Facilities Assistant and John Carter – Head Teacher.
Class Organisation
The organisation of 3 class groups will run from Monday to Thursday, unless there is staff absence. Friday we will have 2 classes, P1-3 and P4-7.
Monday-Thursday                                       Friday
P1-2 – Miss Atkins                                       P1-3 – Miss Atkins
P3-4 – Mr Rudd                                             P4-7 Mr Rudd
P5-7 – Mrs Robertson
Meet the Teacher – Tuesday 3rd September 3.10pm-4.10pm
This is an informal drop in session for you to meet your child’s teacher and find out what they will be doing in class.
Our school improvement priorities for 2024-2025 are to:
  • Update and further develop our planning and progression pathways for numeracy and maths. Embed the last session’s progress on our literacy progression pathways, particularly writing, into our planning and assessment formats.
  • Further develop and embed digital literacy learning and digital skills across our school.
  • Continue to improve communication with parents and increase opportunities for positive parental involvement and engagement in the life and work of the school.
John Carter
Head Teacher

Assembly with MOOL (Massive Outpouring of Love)

Today Louise from MOOL spoke to us during assembly about the work of MOOL within Dumfries and Galloway supporting refugees. This linked to our right of the month (Article 10/22 – Contact with Parents and Refugee Children). She was joined by Sarab and her son Naeem, who are refugees from Syria. Their stories were very thought proving and helps us understand what it’s like to be a refugee. A huge thank you to Louise, Sarab and Naeem for taking the time to visit us this morning and share their stories.