The first picture is Matthew being a zombie and James as a pirate
The second picture is Shrek
The third picture is Chloe being a pumpkin
The fourth picture is Rory being a dinosaur
The fifth picture is Robyn as a rapper
We all had a big party and a big parade!
I enjoyed it a lot!
Halloween costumes
This is our 2023 Halloween p7s and we had a Halloween party whit P4-P7 some people won some sweets and the games were led by the P7s.
on Halloween we all were allowed to dress up these are some P7. We had a party with some really fun games like musical statues, musical bumps and night watchman.
Duncow school
They are cute pictures I dressecI UP AS
SPIDErman we had aparty at schooL
We have been looking at the Victorians and our school history.
Anna has an old hair curler and is curling her hair
Bailey and Dawson are holding a belt
Bailey has a piece of slate. They would write on them.
these are Halloween costumes and if you want to see the Riddler.
I love Halloween Do you like my pictures. I Dressed Up as a rugby player
Our learning
We have been doing some art and this is the type of art we have been doing!