Minutes of Meeting – Monday 16th November 2020


XMPC Minutes 16th November 2020



Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

Monday 16th November 2020 7pm via Zoom

  1. Attendees: Mary Lidstone-Scott (Head Teacher), Gilli Hodson (Chair), Shani McMiken (Treasurer), Debs Nelson (Secretary), Kim Glover, Sarah Cooper, Heidi Gunther, Zara Gell, Jackie & Derek Kernahan.


  1. Apologies: Emma McCracken, Lucy Wilson, Lindsay Smith, Rachael Mair.


  1. Minutes of last meeting: From 5th October Agreed as correct record of the meeting. Proposed – Shani McMiken, Seconded – Gilli Hodson.



  1. Matters Arising:
    1. Grace & Favour places on transport – now all granted and working well. Thanks to the school for communicating about this.
    2. Pupil Groups and Pupil Council – not yet re-instated as it is very difficult to form a group with respresentation from across the school while the classes are not allowed to mix.
    3. Community Woodland – a repeat request from Crossmichael Community Council (CCC) for help from all families associated with the school to help with maintaining the community woodland and/or lending equipment for maintenance of the newly renovated community woodland, especially around the picnic areas.


  1. Chairpersons Report

Hope everyone enjoyed the October break, Thanks to Sarah for the Halloween Scramble fun activity for the holidays. Thanks also to Mary and the whole team at school for keeping up with all the changing guidance, the implications of such on school arrangements and for supporting the children, keeping them safe and settled. Teatowel fundraiser now underway – more on that later.

D&G Parent Council Forum meeting on Zoom on Weds night if anyone can attend to represent Crossmichael, please contact Gilli for the meeting details – there will be a speaker detailing the investment from D&G Council in ITC.


  1. Treasurers Report

Opening Balance – £11,369.13 (including reserve funds from Blackcraigs)

Income – Donation £55, Halloween Scramble – £155, Teatowels – £715 so far, more to be collected

Expenditure – First news Subscription – £202.83

Closing Balance – £12,091.30

Internet banking now up and running which is great.


  1. Headteachers Report

New enrolments – 3 new at Crossmichael – so now 87 pupils

Gelston – 40 now with new starts throughout last term


Events have been enjoyed by the children – Halloween afternoon including themed games and activities and a yummy lunch

Bonfire night – firework safety including a talk provided by the Fire Service

Remembrance day – 2m silence and bugle in the playground

P6/7 took poems they had written to the war memorial, other classes painted stones

Health & Safety Updates – see blog for up to date details every week – face coverings being well accepted, in winter-time the likelihood of positive cases in school is increased so a whole class may need to isolate. To reduce the chance of more than one class needing to isolate, cross-over of pupils is being minimised  – with time in the playground and lunch being within class/year groups. In the dining hall classes sit separately and tables are wiped down between groups. Learning assistants are not going into the classrooms themselves to collect the children they are working with, so as to minimise the number of children having contact with them each day. Indoor PE now allowed, with some equipment and activity rules in place which should help with the seasonal weather now.

CD High School have appointed a Stewartry Cluster Covid recovery teacher. Block of a few weeks in each of the school – 3 weeks from government funding – resilience HWB.

Managing expectations – Trying hard to make people feel safe, staff and pupils are following protective measures really well. Recovery curriculum continues at present and although we still have a school improvement plan, it is not a key focus at the moment. Staff continue to be committed to literacy and numeracy, HWB, emotional and mental health. The children have settled in well and taken back by how well they were doing. As time goes on the reality of impact on anxiety levels, senior management have put in place management strategies and referrals also made to agencies out with the school as part of the pupil individual plans.


Mrs Clifton working at Gelston for few weeks – back to XM in Feb. Settled at XM with staffing. Gelston Principal Teacher on long term absence, hopefully will return soon. Mrs Lidstone-Scott now needs to spend more time there. Increased time for individual learning plans for Mrs L-S and Support for Learning Teacher.


Outdoor learning shelter is fabulous, amazing!  Thank you for applying for the funding yet again. LA Mrs Cowan has worked with the children repainting wooden birds and butterflies that were found in one of the sheds, and they look great.


ITC Equipment – updating in D&G for better connectivity and Windows 10 and devices to link in with school. Internet to link in Portakabin – existing laptops are not linking to network properly. Funding for laptops would be wonderful, so if anyone can think of applications for funding to buy new technology that would be great.


Parent consultations – via email at the moment due to ongoing restrictions and for more information parents will reply to the teacher by email


Christmas – staff meeting this week about plans to keep Christmas as magical as usual, given the different situation this year things will not happen as they usually do but alternative ways will be found and the excitement and fun will be there for the children.


  1. Fundraising

Thanks to Sarah for the anagrams, amazing total (£155) for a fun activity.

Friday was the deadline for orders for Teatowels – need all orders in by Thursday this week – 19th at the very latest – Shani will collect last few orders once quarantined.


  1. Update on Outdoor Learning Shelter – Building is now finished and looks brilliant. Path is now the next step for the development and Shani had applied to the CCC for £500 donation towards the path development and they have asked for more details about the path route and materials. Mary and Kim to liaise with Shani regarding the position of the gate and path and we need to clarify with the CCC plans to maintain the route proposed with the bridge as it currently is not suitable. Clip on the door, no lock. Plan for the shelter to be locked during the time and the bookings can be made for community use and events for the whole village but it won’t routinely stand open. Padlock with a code to be purchased by school and put in place asap.


  1. Update on Safer Routes to school – Lindsey has written to Peter McCormick. Heard back from him that he will look into it but no word as yet – Gilli to discuss with Lindsay.



  1. ITC – Wifi – Parent Council are happy to support in any way needed if resolution to connectivity issues in the portakabin are not being addressed

Funding re ITC equipment – Mary has contacted the council, but all to keep eyes and ears open for funding routes


  1. Christmas – Online/streamed panto is an option, would need booked for a certain date, funding for the panto, glen urr icecream/snacks from Parent Council and plan to have Christmas themed clothing on same day. Food bank donations instead of Christmas cards as cannot be passed around the classes as usual – DN to speak with Nicola. Zara to look at Christmas in booker and Zara able to wrap things if required

Christmas meal in school – still have and keep same class group and have crackers etc with each other – Gilli and Zara to look at crackers too

Plans for Christmas are still in development, with covid safe practices and will be shared with the school community probably via video, understandably, to keep everyone safe


  1. AOB – paying online for school meals – still not possible but council report laptops for kitchen teams in new year, Zara offered help in any way if required


Meeting re School Meals – some other local primary schools are meeting with the council regarding the decrease in quality of ingredients used and the impact this is having on uptake of school meals has gone down. New branding for catering will be discussed, as will staff morale and waste. We are unaware of issues at our schools but Shani to contact Wilma to discuss and Mary will discuss with Clare at Gelston. Meeting 1.30pm on Thursday if anyone can attend on our behalf once we hear the staff’s views and feedback.


Parton Photo Competition – celebrating the life and work of James Clerk Maxwell who is buried in Parton. Two age categories, details in newsletter last week. Closing date 5th December– outdoor exhibition in Parton over winter months. For more information contact………….


Solway orienteering on 25th November – free entry for anyone local, link to go onto blog for parents and children to attend.


  1. Date of Next Meeting –February 1st

Minutes of Meeting – Monday 24th August 2020

Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

Monday 24th August 2020 7pm via Zoom


  1. Attendees – Mary Lidstone-Scott (Head Teacher), Gilli Hodson (Chair), Ben Wild (Vice Chair), Shani McMiken (Treasurer), Debs Nelson (Secretary), Hannah Green, Katy Collins, Sarah Cooper, Jackie and Derek Kernahan, Heidi Gunther, Lindsey Smith


  1. Apologies – Lucy Wilson, Zara Gell, Rachel Mair


  1. Introductions – Gilli welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked everyone to introduce themselves and their children at the school.


  1. Approval of Minutes of last meeting – From 29th June Agreed as correct. Proposed – Jackie Kernahan , Seconded – Shani McMiken


  1. Matters Arising – Mel’s Post – has this been advertised yet? Mary advised that 7 hours from this post are now additional hours for Mrs Benson (the Gelston admin person) so there is always someone in the Crossmichael office every morning which will be great. The remaining hours may well be filled via the interviews for Vicki’s maternity cover next week.


  1. Chairperson’s Report – Gifts for Mel and Jess were presented on the last day of term and emails of thanks have been received which is lovely, so thank you to everyone for contributing. Susan’s gift for all her work for the Parent Council was also presented by Gilli at the end of term, and she thanked us for this. On the last day of term Jess Seivwright came and met with the leaving P7s. Each P7 came to see her and have a cupcake and Mrs Stevens also attended to say goodbye to them all. Thank you also to staff and pupils for the leaving assembly videos and Jess for the final quiz and awards ceremony, the children really enjoyed this. On behalf of the Parent Council we wish the leaving P7’s all the best. Thank you to all staff, parents and children for their efforts and patience last term at a challenging time.


Also, thanks to everyone involved in drafting our correspondence etc for the portacabin, thankfully not required to be used as we heard after the last meeting that we had the portacabin arriving, although not for the start of term but shortly afterwards.


Vanessa Morris sending weekly updates to the parent council email address – information came last week re Connect – all Parent Councils are a member of this and we are insured through this also. Vanessa will be forwarding details of our membership and insurance to us when she has received them from Connect. Training opportunities for all people to be available – let Gilli know if you would like to see the dates and opportunities. Gilli just joined the mailing list for NPFS – National Parent Forum of Scotland via the generic email so we will receive updates via that route also.


  1. Treasurer’s Report – including Updating signatories/Internet banking

Opening Balance – £1637.73


Parental donations towards presents – £305

Hoodie money into wrong account – £15

Restricted Income – Blackcraigs funding – £10,000 (Ringfenced for outdoor learning shelter


Leavers Presents and Ties – £103.60

Present Miss Seivwright – £60

Present Mel & Flowers Jess & Mel – £260

Adjustment for Hoodie money in wrong account – £15

Director of finance return of PC funding (to be transferred into school budget) – £150

Closing Balance – (incl restricted funding) = £11,369.13


Everyone approved that we apply for internet banking access to make things easier without having to access a branch ahead of meetings.

Additional signatories are required due to previously involved parents leaving the school and new volunteers were requested – Sarah Cooper and Jackie volunteered to be a signatory – Thankyou.


  1. Head Teacher’s Report

Over the Summer Holidays – Our previous meeting was on the last week of the summer term.  At that point we were unsure if pupils would be returning to school on a full time or part time basis.

We had our contingency plan in place and pupils were allocated to be in school on either a Monday and Tuesday (Group A) or a Wednesday and Thursday (Group B) with a Friday being a flexible learning day.

Risk assessments were written and tweaked on a daily basis.  Preparations began to ensure that all pupils were maintaining a 2m distance from each other.  This involved displaying signage, moving furniture, installing hand sanitisers and considering how to stop pupils from mixing with other groups of pupils who were not in their ‘bubble’.

The emergency childcare hubs at Dalbeattie and Castle Douglas remained open during the summer and were staffed by Headteachers and Learning Assistants.

On 30th July, we were delighted to hear the First Minister announce that all pupils would return to school.  This meant that new risk assessments had to be written and the preparations had to be re-done to reflect the new guidance that pupils could mix with each other, but adults still had to maintain 2m social distancing.

Unfortunately, members of staff were unable to access the school building because the new cleaning regime was not beginning until the first Inset day on 10th August.  We had a very busy two days prior to pupils returning on Wednesday 12th August.  We also managed to turn the hall into a classroom in that time.


The Return to School – It has been fantastic to welcome everyone back into school.  I am really pleased with how smoothly the transition has been for pupils and staff.

The measures we have in place seem to be working.  The children are used to washing and sanitising their hands regularly, especially when entering/ exiting the building and before/ after eating.  Although pupils do not have to socially distance from each other, we are trying to minimise the movement of children within the school building.  This helps to protect the adults as well as the children.  Each class uses a separate door and children can mix with each other outdoors where the risk is reduced.

We have copies of the ‘Phase 3 Covid-19 Risk Assessment’ available if any parent wishes to see it.


Effective Communication – I am very keen to ensure that we have effective communication with you, especially now that parents and families are not to enter the school building or playground.

It took a few weeks before we had the information that we needed from the Local Authority to be able to pass this on to you.  I would like to thank you for your patience and I really appreciated you contacting me directly with your questions and concerns as I was able to help find solutions.

Now that schools have returned, I would like to remind you that I will update the school blog every Monday.  (It would be useful if you could check it daily as sometimes new advice is shared that cannot wait until the following week.)   We will always send out a Group Call text if there is a piece of important information that we need you to be aware of.  I would ask that you contact the School Office via telephone (01556 670282) or email (gw08officecrossmicha@ea.dumgal.sch.uk ) if you have any general enquiries.

If your question relates to routines or class arrangements, then please contact teachers via their email addresses.  The class Facebook pages are a way of class teachers sharing information with you about your child’s class.

You can contact Mrs Glover (our Principal Teacher) or I if you need any other advice or support.  Our email addresses are on the website.  For urgent matters, my mobile number is 07741 686730.


Clerical Interviews – Mrs Glover and I are interviewing candidates for Miss Campbell’s Temporary Maternity Leave post (16.5hrs) on Wednesday 26th August.  Mrs Benson (our Clerical Assistant at Gelston) will be at Crossmichael on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning from 8am to answer the telephone.


P1 – P7 Buddies – We have paired up our P7s with our P1s and re-started the buddying programme.


House Captains/ Vice Captains – P6 and P7 pupils have been asked to produce a short speech to explain why they would make a good House/ Vice Captain.  I will record these next week and the videos can be played in each class.  Each child can then vote for their House and Vice-Captain.  We hope to have a decision soon!


  1. Update on Portakabin – due to weather tomorrow the portakabin is now arriving on Wed so access to school okay for tomorrow. Utilities etc. are to be connected and the handover should take place between the 31st Aug and 2nd It will be set up with IT facilities including a Promethian board that is a suitable size for the portakabin classroom.


  1. Update on Outdoor Learning Shelter – Gilli updated that we were fortunate to receive some funding from Blackcraig community fund to build an outdoor learning shelter in the school grounds. Group of parents and staff met Larran Foss from the council at the start of the holidays to agree the site and location of the outdoor shelter and access to the community woodland. Gilli has spoken to Richard Middleton (from Crossmichael Community Council) and he is enthusiastic for the children having easy access to the woodland. Shani’s feedback re the shelter – it is a multipurpose space, work done has to comply with the regulations, the funding must be spent within 12 months and only for purpose specified. A completion report is to be sent to Blackcraig within 4 weeks of it being finished and if they request an update report we need to send this and they may also request a site visit. Photos or videos to update them on progress may also be requested. Foundation Scotland must be acknowledged in any publicity/media about it and should be invited to any launch, and recognise them in annual review.


  1. School Transport – a few people impacted as the council are not giving grace and favour places a seat on the bus/taxi this year due to Covid 19. Affected various families who rely on this transport, where the routes are not safe for walking or cycling. Currently buses are driving past and people know there are empty spaces. All parents affected are encouraged to fill in NEP form – available on the school blog. An email has also been sent from the parent council to Lesley Heron (School Transport). The congestion outside school is also partly as a result of this change. Also some link with high school pupils and primary school not travelling on same bus as each other so to try and minimise mixing. This includes Siblings. Taxi transport is also being used for those entitled to transport but not able to get the bus at the moment. Parents should hear directly if they are being given a place.

Congestion very dangerous in the first three days of school but transport hadn’t sorted buses. Things seem better now buses have recommenced for more children and people are parking further from the school.


  1. Safer Routes to School – It was asked Can we ask taxi to move forward to start of fence so parents at the gate have more space. The idea of a designated parking area for people collecting children such as the spaces in the Market Hill Car Park for CD Primary marked ‘Safer Routes’ Is this an organised/council thing? – Mary to speak to Dave Tyson and maybe speak to Richard Middleton about parking/village issues. Lindsey can ask Richard to add this to the next Crossmichael Community Council meeting.


  1. Outdoor/Indoor shoes/PE – Usually ask people to bring indoor shoes for PE but as no indoor PE there will be indoor shoes for clean indoor use and outdoor shoes for PE and playtime. Main thing is about trying to keep carpets and indoors clean, to reduce mud/grass etc. Children get confused and come home in their other shoes. PE – Class Newsletters should tell details re days of week to come dressed in kit due to changing restrictions.


  1. Ideas for Fundraising Activities in our current situation – Teatowels? – Debs will ask Louise at Playgroup re the company ?All Your Own Work. Mary will speak to Teachers about drawing pictures. Quiz – Sarah Cooper kindly agreed to compile an anagram quiz and we could sell them for 50p and PC provide a Prize.


  1. Loch Ken Trust – Debs highlighted the recent adverts that encourage local people to get involved and have a say in the future of Loch Ken. Details will be shared via the blog when an electronic version is shared by Loch Ken Trust.


  1. AOB – Blog, can we update the email address for the PC – to the generic email.

Online subscription for This Week – OK to fund from the PC as previously discussed.


  1. Date of Next Meeting – Monday 5th October 7pm

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting – Monday 29th June 2020

Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

Monday 29th June 2020 7pm via Zoom


  1. Apologies – Ben Wild, Louise Cumbley, Marcella Eakin-Watt,


  1. Attendees

Mary Lidstone-Scott (Head Teacher), Gilli Hodson (Chair), Shani McMiken (Treasurer), Debs Nelson (Secretary), Susan Hall, Jackie (and Derek) Kernahan, Heidi Gunther, Hannah Green, Sarah Cooper, Zara Gell, Katy Collins, Rachel Mair, Jen Wilson


  1. Previous Minutes – From 8th June Agreed as correct. Proposed – Shani McMiken, Seconded – Susan Hall.



  1. Matters Arising


P7 LeavingParts of a letter from a concerned parent was shared with the Parent Council and this was discussed. Mrs Scott re-iterated the disappointment for everyone, staff included, as to how the P7s have had to finish their primary journey. They hope to have a get together as soon as safely possible. Others re-iterated the disappointment felt for the children and their wishes to be together with their peer group from their primary school for a real farewell.  Everyone appreciates how hard it has been for everyone.  Some parents felt that cross/mis-communication may have been a contributing factor but Mrs Scott was unable to respond fully as she was not aware of the issues prior to the meeting and did not know about the letter.  In future, she suggested that parents contact her immediately with concerns so that solutions can be found quickly. Mrs Scott explained how disappointed she was with the content and delivery of the letter at a time where everyone has been working extremely hard.  Mrs Scott suggested that the parent who wrote the letter should contact her directly.


So, what can we do as a parent council was asked?  Gilli and Susan to liaise regarding arrangements. Jackie thanked Susan for her efforts in organising the gifts and to the PC for paying for the photos, frames and ties.  Mrs Scott thanked the school staff for buying, wrapping and delivering presents to P7s at home, for preparing a pre-recorded assembly and all the other arrangements that have taken place behind the scenes.



  1. Leaving gifts for Jess and Mel

Jess collection has raised – £85, Hoodie was £18, Photo and Frame included in previous PC funding of photos – so remainder can be a gift sent directly to Jess for Amazon voucher, Card and Flowers.

Mel collection raised – £220 – Hoodie has already been presented (£18), Flowers to be delivered and Cycling Voucher – Shani to organise this.



  1. Outdoor Learning Facility update

£10,000 funding has been awarded from the Blackcraig fund. Working group meeting on Monday 6th to finalise decisions re quotes. Larran Foss (sp?) has been contacted regarding permission to place in school grounds.



  1. Update on Portacabin

Multiple emails sent to John Thin, latest reply stated that the Portacabin isn’t going to be in position in time for the start of term. Interviewing today for P1/2 teacher went well and Mrs Scott has appointed Mrs Ayesha Marscheider. Existing infant classroom will be for P1/2, P2/3 Portacabin as largest class, P4/5 in classroom nearest front entrance and P6/7 in room alongside the Library. Discussion followed about how unacceptable the lack of adequate space would be for children and adults and even though the dining hall would be of an adequate size to accommodate a class, it is not an acceptable solution.


Mrs Scott highlighted that we are still uncertain as to which scenario we will return to school under and the local authority cannot confirm plans until there is national clarity on 31st July. Contingency would be two days a week in school, Mon & Tues, or Weds/Thurs, with home learning on a Friday. Progress against the virus will dictate which plan we need to follow.


All agreed that full-time or part-time attendance aside, we need space that is adequate and suitable for the number of children that we have in school. Next steps for Parent Council –  contact Finlay Carson, David James, Ian Howie, Jeff Lever, Newspaper,


Shani, Lucy, Zara, Gilli, Jen, Katy – small working group to take this forward immediately – Katy to draft first letter for MSPs, send to working group ASAP. Sarah to provide contacts to Zara with for Galloway news ?Stuart Gillespie. Photo may follow – Zara will contact us via PC email if attendance for a photo is required.



  1. Update on Return to School

Director of Education is to send letter out tomorrow and at 2pm there is a Headteacher update but national advice will be not be provided until 31st July. Two plans at the moment, 2days school/3 at home or full-time; considerations for enhanced cleaning etc Lots of unknowns remain. School will send out reports to all parents/carers on Weds and a letter about the contingency plans regarding your preferred days from survey, should this be necessary when we get to August.



  1. End of Term BBQ

This was a nice idea to have small numbers to meet up outside at their own homes/another household (as far as rules allow) to mark the end of term, however given how tired everyone feels and the recent turn in the weather it was agreed that waiting until we can celebrate the outdoor learning facility opening might be better for all, so to have some thoughts about what we can do to meet up in the future.



  1. AOB

Mel Martin’s contract has been filled on a temporary basis with Mrs Jennings working Mon-Wed and Mrs Cowan working Thurs & Fri. The post will be advertised as permanent in the future but there was not time to go through the recruitment process before the summer holidays. Mrs Clifton has had her contract extended as the PEF learning assistant.  We will have an Additional Support for Learning Teacher in post from August (Mrs Howat) but she will be working remotely until Term 2.

Vicky’s Office Admin Maternity Leave cover (16.5hrs) to be advertised.  Georgina Benson (Clerical at Gelston Primary) will pick up 7 hours from Mel Martin’s contract and any additional hours belonging to Mel will be advertised along with Vicky’s.  Clerical hours – Vicky working from home until mid-Sept.



  1. Date of Next Meeting

On Zoom again for the next meeting, 24th August, 7pm.


Gilli thanked everyone for their attendance and support of the Parent Council. Thanks to Mary for attending this update meeting at such a busy and pressured time.

Parental Support from Connect Scotland and D&G – 15th June 2020

Connect Scotland is an organisation which supports parents as partners in education.  Here are the latest updates from them and from D&G.


  1. Connect Scotlandhttps://www.connect.scot/

Connect Survey: What’s Next and How are you Doing? https://bit.ly/ConnectNextStepsSurvey – live now until the end of June.

Interim findings of the survey so far: https://bit.ly/ConnectNextStepsInterim

Additional support: Enquire is the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning, managed by Children in Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government. Enquire offers extensive support and information to families about anything relating to additional support for learning. https://enquire.org.uk/

Talking about Transitions – which can also be accessed through Connect http://www.talkingabouttomorrow.org.uk/

Education Scotland also provide the following support

A reminder of the weekly newsletter for parents: https://education.gov.scot/improvement/scotland-learns/a-weekly-newsletter-for-parents-and-carers/

Save the Children – resources to help support parents and kids during Lockdown https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/what-we-do/coronavirus-information-advice/resources-parents-kids


  1. Respect Me:Positive relationships are hugely important to a child’s health and wellbeing and bullying can  have negative impacts on both mental and physical health. We all have an important role to play in helping children deal with and cope with bullying behaviour when it happens but also to help children learn all about positive relationships.


In our summer 2020 webinar series we will be guiding you through important topics related to bullying. We’ll bring you up to date guidance, resources, and organisations that can help you support a child  to deal with bullying behaviour whether it’s happening online or face to face.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact us: enquire@respectme.org.uk


Detailed Programme Descriptions:

Wednesday, 22 July 2020, 6.30-7.30pm

Getting ready for High School. Transitions, Friendships and Positive Relationships

Moving to high school is an exciting time but for some children worries about bullying can feature at this time. Positive relationships play an important part in everyone’s health and wellbeing. Find out more about  how you can help children enjoy positive relationships, be respectful of others and prevent bullying behaviour.


Wednesday, 26 August 2020, 6.30-7.30pm

Online Bullying

Children are spending more time than ever before online.  In the most part they enjoy positive experiences of learning and connection but find out more about what can be done when children experience bullying online


Wednesday, 23 September 2020, 6.30-7.30pm

Helping Children Develop Resilience


We are all currently experiencing unprecedented changes to our daily lives and there is much we can learn from research on resilience to support ourselves and our loved ones through this experience. Find out more about what resilience is and how we can help children to develop their resilience in order to be able to cope with life’s challenges and adverse experiences such as bullying. w: www.respectme.org.uk



  1. Chat with Us – Dumfries and Galloway Council – Deadline Monday at 9.00am for Questions 


Chat With Us….

We are hosting a series of public online Q&A events focused on Community Support, Business Support and Children, Young People and Parents.  Further information about the latest events can be found below:

Our eighth Children and Young People online Q&A will be available to view on Thursday 18 June.

The topic for this event is “Chat with us on…Helping each other and your friends”.  For this event we will have Councillor Ros Surtees, Vice Chair of Education and Learning Committee, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Audrey Lowrie, Safeguarding Manager, and Gayle Finlay, Youth Worker answering your questions.

If you have a question about this topic you can submit it advance by 9am on Monday 15 June, and can do so anonymously if you wish. Responses will be pre-recorded and published online on Thursday 18 June.

To submit a question, or for further information please see https://supportdg.dumgal.gov.uk/article/20849/Chat-with-us-on-Children-Young-People-and-Parents-

Here is the video from our seventh Children and Young People online Q&A.


Minutes of Meeting – Monday 8th June 2020

Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

Monday 8th June 2020 7pm via Zoom


Apologies – None received



Mary Lidstone-Scott (Head Teacher), Gilli Hodson (Chair), Ben Wild (Vice Chair), Shani McMiken (Treasurer), Debs Nelson (Secretary), Susan Hall, Jackie and Derek Kernahan, Heidi Gunther, Hannah Green, Sarah Cooper, Zara Gell, Louise Cumbley, Katy Collins


Previous Minutes – From 3rd March Meeting. Agreed as correct. Proposed – Susan Hall, Seconded – Ben Wild.


Matters Arising – Blackcraig Application- still no news regarding this funding application but hope to hear in next two weeks.



Chairperson’s  Report

Since AGM in May, Gilli sent AGM Minutes, details of new committee and updated constitution to Vanessa Morris at Education Dept, and with new generic email this allows more direct contact with her rather than school having to forward emails etc. DGPCF took place on May 26th and the main topic of the meeting was the return to school. Minutes are available for anyone who wishes to see them. Anything sent from Council of interest to all parents will be posted via the School Blog. There is a CONNECT survey on the school blog for parents to fill in and submit, and other useful national and local information – go to Crossmichael Parent Council Updates section.


Head Teachers Report

Thank You to our P7 Parents

I would like to thank our P7 parents for their support over the years.   I have really enjoyed getting to know you and wish you all the best when your children move on the secondary school.  Our loss is their gain!

Learning at Home

I would like to thank all parents for your engagement with us during the school closures.  The closed class Facebook pages have proved popular with us all and have been particularly useful for parents/ carers with younger children.  Older children have become very adept at using GLOW email groups and Microsoft TEAMS to access weekly activities.

Pupil Health and Wellbeing (HWB) Surveys

Each week we send a questionnaire to older pupils via their GLOW email address. We email this to all parents too and parents help younger children to complete it.  We have had a return of approximately 75% each week.  Each week, I speak to staff and we identify any pupils and families who may need our support.  The Principal Teachers and I then contact families to see what we can do to help.

Digital Devices

So far, we have distributed nine devices across the partnership for pupils.

Stationery Packs

Crossmichael opened for a few hours and I handed out packs to families who dropped by to collect them.


Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) in 2020/2021

Allocations are:

Crossmichael = £18,797

We are also carrying forward £6,645.59

In session 2020/2021 we plan to employ a full time Learning Assistant for PEF interventions – Closing the Literacy Gap (CLG), Closing the Numeracy Gap (CNG) and Fastlane (P4-7 Literacy intervention). The remainder of this money to support equity for all pupils during Covid-19.




DSM = -£2495

School Fund = £2149.45



Treasurer’s Report – No transactions since the last meeting, therefore opening and closing balance of £1637.73.



P7 Leavers and Leavers Assembly

Video recording from those who are leaving of a short speech each is being arranged to collate into a leaving assembly. Gifts arranged. Doorstep deliveries of their gifts by Mrs Scott, with social distancing of course, to see them in person will be arranged. Discussion followed about the options to help the P7s celebrate and remember their time at school together – possibilities include a virtual take away, for staff and P7s on Fri 26th June, or wait until into holidays to see if restrictions are eased and allow the P7s to regroup and say farewell to Primary School. Mary to email P7s and their families. Update on the Hoodies from Susan – not here yet, company recently opened up again so hoping they arrive soon.



Members of staff leaving

Due to current restrictions we cannot have a money collection for people leaving and we are really keen to continue to contribute and show our appreciation to those staff members who are leaving us – Mel Martin who has been part of our school community for so long and supported so many children and their families, and Miss Seivwright who will have completed her probationary year with us at the summer break. Gifts will be arranged following the collections and Hoodies have also been ordered for them.

Mary will compose an email to go out from School to all parents asking those who wish to contribute to do so by donating money directly to the Parent Council bank account using internet banking/online transfer, using the name of the staff member for whom the contribution is for as the payment reference (Mel or Jess). This will then help the parent council to identify donations easily and be able to purchase gifts.



Crossmichael Community Rainbow Snake

Lots of stones have been decorated already and the snake is now winding its way around the fence of school. This is a bright, cheery new addition to our community and is getting everyone involved so please all who can decorate stones please bring them along to allow children to see the snake and contribute to the school community while we are apart. Mrs Scott reminded us that Mrs Martin also wishes to create a permanent rainbow of painted stones in the school grounds once we have returned to school and each class will be given a specific colour to paint their stones.



Update on Portacabin

The council report that this will not be in position before the return of school. Discussion followed and the parent council agreed we need to contact the council about this. Gilli will draft an email and work with Zara on this. Debs and Ben will contribute also.

Mrs Scott reported that the council are aware of and committed to ensuring equity across the region in terms of ability to access school.


Update on Return to School

Staffing – vacancies across the partnership – Gelston have recruited to a Mat leave with a full year mat cover – Nicole Drummond, redeployed full time permanent teacher for their youngest class. Ros Stevens increases to 5d per week based at Crossmichael. Advertising for 4th teacher at Crossmichael currently and hope to recruit before the end of June. Miss Campbell, Clerical at Crossmichael is also going on maternity leave, in September so this temporary cover post will be advertised and recruited to over the summer. Mel Martin’s post has not been advertised as yet but will be when Mrs Scott has the go ahead.


Crossmichael Classes next year currently look like

P1-2 Vacancy

P2-4 – Mrs Burton 4days, Vacancy 1day

P4-5 – Mrs Glover

P6-7 – Mrs Stevens


However, we will not see classes as above initially as they return to school, with siblings likely to be taught within the same classroom to maximise capacity while social distancing.

Meeting new teacher for P1s will be very important and the need for information for all families about the return to school as soon as things become clearer was highlighted to reduce anxiety all round. Mrs Scott will be attending meetings in coming weeks and will report back at next parent council meeting planned for before the holidays, given return to school and recruitment uncertainty. Option for new and existing pupils to see into school, even virtually, would be welcomed.


A variety of thoughts and questions were shared, some with answers, some still uncertain. Themes included

What support is there/will there be for parents & children, including educational psychologists?

Who is in charge of their learning next term, the ‘in classroom’ teacher they have each week or the ‘class’ teacher for their year group?

What about the idea of later start and finish times, transport, days of week in school, locations of learning, additional spaces such as village halls etc?

Resources for learning, how are we going to manage cleanliness of activities/books?

Support concerns – same adults in same rooms, support

Managing siblings together – for those who wouldn’t want this

Some options/ideas

Reading books – leave ‘fallow’ in a box once used, deep cleans between groups of children/days

Use of volunteers for cleaning and additional cleaning staff with support for this

Remain Full-time Home Learning – still an option if preferred


Everyone agreed the Local authority needs to keep everyone better updated about the plans for managing home schooling and the regional plans about home learning


There are no plans to finish the term early so previous dates apply with term ending on Fri 3rd July


Everyone agreed we, as the Parent Council, need to support Mary, and each other with the uncertainly of all the issues so to have another meeting before the end of term would help have a forum for collective questions and support.


AOB – None

Meeting closed at 8.45pm


Date of Next Meeting

Next Meeting will be last week of term Monday 29th June at 7pm on Zoom. Please email crossmichaelparentcouncil@gmail.com if you would like to attend.

Information for Parents and Links to Surveys – 08.06.2020

1. Link to Connect National Survey
The Connect online national parental survey is still live. You made your voices heard in our first How are You Doing? lockdown survey and now we are launching our second lock down survey.
2. New updated information for Parents on Parentzone.
Education Scotland have created a Frequently Asked Questions and Top Tips for supporting your child’s learning in the home. Please see link below:


This link outlines guidance on the daycare services for children in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Provides information for parents and carers confirming arrangements since the route map announcement; highlighting the guidance to support the re-opening of childminding and fully outdoor childcare services; reiterates that ELC providers can remain open or re-open for the provision of critical childcare to key workers’ children and for vulnerable families only; Phase 3 wider re-opening of childcare services.
4. Dumfries and Galloway Council Support: Question and Answer on Physical Health and Wellbeing – We encourage you to share your questions with us by Monday 8th June – 9.00am

covid header

Chat With Us….

We are hosting a series of public online Q&A events focused on Community Support, Business Support and Children, Young People and Parents.  Further information about the latest events can be found below:


staff 5

Our seventh Children and Young People online Q&A will be available to view on Thursday 11 June.

The topic for this event is “Chat with us on…Physical health and wellbeing”.  This is your chance to ask a question about any aspect of physical health. For this event we will have Greg Millar, Principal Teacher, and Olly Driver Active Schools Manager, from Dumfries and Galloway Council, and Rebecca Brazenall, Lead Nurse – Sexual Health, and Barry Gemmell, Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioner, from NHS Dumfries and Galloway answering your questions.

If you have a question about this topic you can submit it advance by 9am on Monday 8 June, and can do so anonymously if you wish. Responses will be pre-recorded and published online on Thursday 11 June.

To submit a question, or for further information please see https://supportdg.dumgal.gov.uk/article/20849/Chat-with-us-on-Children-Young-People-and-Parents-



The video of this event is now live for you to view


click here

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