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Newsletter – Monday 4th May 2020

Dear Families and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,

I hope that you are safe and well.  Thank you for continuing to keep in touch with us via email, class Facebook pages or telephone.

A Problem Shared…
In my conversations with some parents this week, some common themes have emerged so I thought I would share them with you.

“I’m not doing enough!” 

I know that some parents are finding it difficult to get their children to complete the weekly class activities for a variety of reasons.  This can be because families are sharing devices or because the connection is slow.  Sometimes families are not able to print or do not have the required resources at home.  Sometimes our children are struggling to settle into doing school work from home.  Parents are also feeling under pressure to get their own work done.

lease do not worry if your child cannot manage the weekly tasks!  The national expectation is for our children to continue to engage in learning.  This can be completing online activities set by their teacher, which are differentiated according to your child’s needs, or this can be participating in a variety of other learning situations at home.  Try to aim for 1-2 hours a day where your child ‘engages in learning’ but do what is manageable.

“What is ‘learning at home’?”

One of the main things that you can do to support your child is to teach them how to be resilient and healthy.  Your child learns from watching how you deal with situations.  Play games with them and show them that it is okay to lose!  We learn from our mistakes.  When your child is upset or angry, listen to them, cuddle them and teach them what they can do to help themselves feel better.  We are all learning to find our way through this difficult time together.

“We don’t have enough devices/ Our connection is slow.”

For those families who are having difficulty accessing online materials because of a lack of devices, I have managed to source Chromebook tablets for you.  I will contact you individually to arrange delivery.   For those who have a poor Internet connection, we are testing the dongles to ensure they work before distributing them to your home.  We are able to make up paper copies of learning packs for some children  but there can be a delay as we need to do this at Dalbeattie Learning Campus Childcare Hub.  Please let me know if you require this service because you cannot access resources online. 



“My child is missing family and friends.”

Many of you are worried about your children because they are missing their friends and family.  Last week, I uploaded a variety of resources created by our Educational Psychologists and Clinical Psychologists to support you in having difficult conversations with your child about Covid-19.  They can be found here:

I also explained how important it is for us to keep in touch with each other.  Some parents are arranging video calls between children.  Although teachers are not yet permitted to engage in video links with classes, I am trying to find a way around this.   This is a national decision (not just D&G) but it would be good to have the option to set up small group online meetings to share news and activities.  I will keep you posted with any updates.


Crossmichael Parent Council AGM – Monday 11th May at 7pm

We are having our AGM via the ZOOM app at 7pm on Monday 11th May.   Anyone is welcome to attend.  If you wish to join us then please email our Chairperson, Gilli Hodson, by Saturday, 9th May: and she will send you the link and meeting ID.

The Agenda will be:
Approval of minutes of previous AGM
Chairperson’s report
Head Teacher’s report
Treasurer’s report
Election of Office Bearers 2020/2021
Approval and resolution of amended constitution

Keeping in Touch

Please remember to keep in touch with us.  You can email your class teacher, contact me via telephone (07741 686730) or keep in touch via the class Facebook pages.


Older pupils should be emailing their class GLOW groups at least once every week to maintain contact with their teacher and each other.  Parents/ carers of younger children should email their teacher once a week or upload photos to the class Facebook page.


Each week, I will be checking in with families who have not been in touch just to make sure that you are okay and that you are able to access the various platforms to communicate.  Please remember to contact us if you are having difficulties with engaging your child in learning or if you need any other support, or a blether!  We are available during normal school opening times.


Please take care of yourselves.  Here are some photographs of pupils from both schools.

Gallery of Crossmichael and Gelston Pupils – 4th May 2020

Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone- Scott


Newsletter – Monday 27th April 2020

Dear Parents, Carers and Families of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,


I hope that you are well and that you have made the most of the beautiful weather this week whilst exercising and maintaining social distancing.  We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful area.


I was sorry to hear about the devastation caused by the grass/ forest fires near Mossdale.  I was thinking of some of our families who live out with Laurieston area and I am glad that the fires were eventually brought under control.


In this newsletter, I provide advice about learning at home, information about keeping in touch, share your concerns and provide information about targeted pupil plans.



Scottish Government Publication – Learning at Home in Term 4

Last week the Scottish Government published guidance for learning at home during Term 4.  Some of the key points from the publication are:

  • Key goals are in supporting wellbeing and maintaining engagement in learning.
  • Approaches will vary depending on home circumstances, ages groups of children, differing levels of digital technology, etc.
  • Not all learning will be done online.
  • Pupil Equity Funding can be used to help support pupils who are at a disadvantage (E.g. digital devices, etc.).
  • All partners in the education system will work together to support parents of pupils with additional support needs.
  • Schools will be considering news ways to support learners with transitions.
  • Parents and carers are not expected to home educate in the formal sense.
  • Useful links for parents are ‘Parent Club Scotland’, ‘Parentzone Scotland’, The National Parent Forum for Scotland’ and ‘Enquire’.
  • School staff must consider their wellbeing too.
  • A variety of resources will be available nationally and locally for school staff to use.

The full publication can be found here:



Keeping in Touch

Please remember to keep in touch with us.  You can email your class teacher, contact me via telephone (07741 686730) or keep in touch via the class Facebook pages.


Older pupils should be emailing their class GLOW groups at least once every week to maintain contact with their teacher and each other.  Parents/ carers of younger children should email their teacher once a week or upload photos to the class Facebook page.


Each week, I will be checking in with families who have not been in touch just to make sure that you are okay and that you are able to access the various platforms to communicate.  Please remember to contact us if you are having difficulties with engaging your child in learning or if you need any other support, or a blether!  We are available during normal school opening times.


Some parents have arranged for video calls between friends.  This is a lovely idea and enables pupils to see each other.  Unfortunately, due to safeguarding restrictions, school staff are not yet able to host video calls with their class.  Some of our teachers have recorded short video messages for their class instead and the feedback from parents has been very positive.  We cannot underestimate the need to connect with each other.  Please keep in touch.



Parental Concerns About School Work

I have spoken to several families over the last week and everyone has expressed the same concerns.


Firstly, many of our younger pupils are displaying anxiety and having ‘melt downs’ when being asked to do anything associated with school.  Children cannot learn if they are feeling anxious or worried.  Please look at the resources that I have uploaded to the Partnership Schools website to support you with this.  I have found them useful as a parent.  The health and wellbeing of our children is more important than anything else.  Once they are feeling more settled then try to do activities together at their pace.


Secondly, many parents/ carers are feeling pressurised to home school their child(ren).  I do not expect you to teach your child in the same way as we do at school.  You already teach your child every day.  You are teaching them how to cope with uncertainty, how to build resilience and how to reduce their anxiety.  They are learning key life skills from you.


Thirdly, many of you are concerned that your children are not completing the work set by teachers.  Please rest assured that we do not expect pupils to complete every task, however, we would like it if pupils could aim to spend 1-2 hours a day engaging in learning.  This can be learning set by teachers or learning experienced with you.


Please encourage your child to contact their teacher weekly via email to let them know what they have been doing.  (Parents of younger pupils may choose to email the teacher or upload photos to the class Facebook page.)




Diary Dates

Friday 8th May is a non-pupil day (May Day holiday) and Friday 29th May is also a non-pupil day (Staff Inset Day).




Targeted Pupil Plans and Child’s Plan Meetings

Several pupils receive targeted support and have individual pupil plans.  We normally meet every 6-8 weeks to review targets on these plans.  It is my intention to continue with these meetings although targets will need revised to reflect the current situation.  I will be in touch with individual families to discuss how best to approach this whether that is by telephone, video call, via email or a combination of all three.




Please keep safe and as always, get in touch if required.


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


Newsletter – Monday 20th April 2020

Dear Families and Friends of Crossmichael Primary School,


At this time I would normally be writing a newsletter to welcome you back and to give you a list of diary dates for Term 4.  Although this term is not what any of us expected, I would like to thank you for your support.  We are learning to adjust to a new way of living and working.  It is not easy but I think we are doing a good job so far!  I am particularly proud of our children for coping so well under the circumstances.  Thank you.


Learning from Home

The class Facebook pages have proved popular with most families able to access information.  It has been lovely to see photographs of you and your children having fun and enjoying the beautiful weather whilst also following advice on social distancing.

The GLOW groups have also been well used by children and staff despite some teething problems in the beginning.  I have enjoyed looking over pupils’ work and seeing photographs of families learning new things together.  Thank you for these.  We are all learning to work in new ways and I thank you for your ongoing support.

The Council has asked me for updated details of any family who is having difficulty accessing online learning due to WiFi access/ devices so that we can support you.  Please reply to the text message I sent to you at the weekend.


Resources to Support Emotional Wellbeing and Welfare

Our Educational Psychologists and Clinical Psychologists have come together to produce resources to support pupils, parents and staff with our emotional wellbeing and welfare.   There are useful resources to help you support your child in managing anxiety, managing change and in coping with bereavement.  I will upload documents to our Partnership Schools Website.

One particularly good resource is a free story book written for children explaining the Coronavirus:

Coronavirus book for children Axl Schleffer

It is also worth mentioning that our Educational Psychologist and Educational Visitor telephone consultation service is available for parents, carers and staff.  Please see the poster below for details:

Telephone consultation service for staff carers parents


Dalbeattie Learning Campus Childcare Hub

I am fortunate to be part of the team involved in setting up and running the emergency childcare hub which moved from Castle Douglas Primary School to Dalbeattie Learning Campus at the end of last term.  I have been overwhelmed by the volume of staff who have volunteered to work in the Hub including cleaners, catering staff, facilities assistants, Learning Assistants, Early Years staff, Teachers and members of the Senior Leadership Teams in schools.  We have also had a number of volunteers from out with schools.

This Hub is available for families who have one parent/ carer who is a key worker and where all other childcare options have been exhausted.  It is also available for vulnerable children who may need childcare for a variety of reasons.

It is available seven days a week from 7am – 8pm and was open during the school holidays.  We are fortunate that parents and carers have been very sensible about using this facility and the numbers have remained relatively low.  This is vital for the safety of everyone in the Hub.

To register, please contact Dalbeattie Primary School on 01556 613130.

Children have opportunities to play and learn outside and indoors whilst being reminded to follow rules about social distancing.  There is designated time for pupils to access online learning provided by their teachers too.  Each child has access to free school meals when they attend.  It is satisfying to know that we are supporting our key workers.


Diary Dates

Friday 8th May is a non-pupil day (May Day holiday) and Friday 29th May is also a non-pupil day (Staff Inset Day).


Targeted Pupil Plans and Child’s Plan Meetings

Several pupils receive targeted support and have individual pupil plans.  We normally meet every 6-8 weeks to review targets on these plans.  It is my intention to continue with these meetings although targets will need revised to reflect the current situation.  I will be in touch with individual families to discuss how best to approach this whether that is by telephone, video call, via email or a combination of all three.


The New Portacabin

You will be aware that we have 83 pupils wishing to access our school in August 2020 but our current capacity is 75.  I am delighted to report that permission has been given to build a portacabin in the playground to accommodate pupils.

Thank you very much to the Parent Council who held a meeting to discuss different options then contacted the Local Authority to share the key points from your discussion.

I will provide you with further details once I have more information.


Keeping in Touch

Please continue to keep in touch with your child’s teacher via email or through class Facebook pages.  We are working from home.

I am available via email: or via telephone: 07741 686730.  I would be delighted to hear from you.

Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss anything further.  I will be sending you regular updates as I receive them.  Please keep safe and be kind to yourselves.


Warmest wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott

Headteacher (and Mum trying to home-school and work at the same time!)




Update – 01.04.2020

 Dear Crossmichael and Gelston Families,
The Critical Childcare Hub hosted at Castle Douglas Primary School is, from Monday 6th, going to be located at a joint Hub in the Dalbeattie Learning Campus from 7am-8pm, seven days a week and over the Easter holidays.
Castle Douglas Cluster Schools staff will be still be involved with supporting and managing the childcare provision.
Also, the Local Authority are arranging a ‘meals on wheels’ service for those families who are entitled to this provision so we will no longer be coordinating this locally.  Please see below for information from Dumfries and Galloway Council:

COVID-19 – Free School Meals

Providing free school meals and ensuring the welfare and support of our children and young people is a key priority for our council.

Due to the ever-changing circumstances of COVID19 we will make sure that a food pack is available to all children and young people who meet the criteria for free school meals. This does not include all children in P1-P3 who would normally receive a free meal, only those who meet the entitlement criteria:

  • Income Support
  • Job seeker’s Allowance (Income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (Income based)
  • Child Tax Credit on its own, with an annual taxable income of less than £16,105 (subject to change)
  • Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit with an annual taxable income of less than £6,900 (subject to change)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit with a monthly earned income of not more than £610

Families must confirm that they want to be included in this scheme by completing the online form or  or speaking to a member of the team on 01387 271112.

Complete the request form

I am sorry that the information being sent out keeps changing but unfortunately this is necessary due to the nature of the current situation.

As always, please contact me if you require any other information. My mobile number is: 07741 686730.


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


Update – 31st March 2020

I would like to take this opportunity to thank pupils, parents and staff for your support and dedication since we started ‘lock down’.

Thank you to our parents and carers

You are doing a great job in accessing learning activities from home.  I can see that you are working together and it has been lovely to see the photos shared via class Facebook pages and GLOW emails.

I understand how challenging it can be to support your own child(ren) whilst also working from home yourself.

Please remember that we are all adjusting to things so please do not put too much pressure on yourselves!


Thank you to our learners

Boys and girls, I think you are AMAZING!!  You are trying so hard with the activities.  Remember that it is important to talk to each other too.  You can video call each other via Microsoft Teams.  I would love to hear from you!!


Thank you to our staff team

Every week our staff team are working hard to create and upload weekly learning grids to Class Facebook pages and to GLOW groups.  This is a new way of working and I am so thankful that you have risen to the challenge.  Also, thank you for helping with the daily Critical Child care for Key Workers hosted in the HUB at Castle Douglas Primary School from 7am – 8pm.


Thank you to EVERYONE!

We really appreciate everyone following the ‘lock down’ rules,  socially distancing and therefore helping to  stop the spread of COVID-19.


Easter Holidays – Monday 6th April – Friday 17th April

Teachers will not be preparing weekly learning grids over the holiday period but there are many links to useful websites available on the Partnership Schools website.

If required, you can contact me at the Castle Douglas Primary School HUB during the holidays.  Please use my mobile number: 07741 686730.


Free School Meal Support – Dumfries and Galloway Council

Due to the ever-changing circumstances of COVID19 D&G Council will make sure that a food pack is available to all children and young people who meet the criteria for free school meals. This does not include all children in P1-P3 who would normally receive a free meal, only those who meet the entitlement criteria. More information  and registration for this service is on the Council Website –

Pupils from our school who are entitled to free school meals can collect meals from Castle Douglas Primary School from 12.30pm – 2pm.  If you wish to collect a meal then please order using the link below:
Yesterday, I emailed parents/ carers of children who fall into this category to offer a ‘meals on wheels’ service.  I am currently collating a list of those who would like to utilise this service and a list of volunteers who would be willing to distribute the packed lunches to pupils.  I will get back to individuals as soon as I am able to organise this.  
I am missing you all and send you my very best wishes.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you wish.
Best wishes,
Mary E Lidstone-Scott

Update – Wednesday 25.03.2020

Dear Families,
This week I have been helping to organise staffing for the ‘Hub’ at Castle Douglas Primary School.  The school is being used for child care purposes as a last resort for families who have two parents who are critical key workers.  I am delighted to report that this arrangement seems to be working well and pupils numbers are being kept as low as possible to ensure the safety of children and adults.
Pupils from our school who are entitled to free school meals can collect meals from Castle Douglas Primary School from 12.30pm – 2pm.  If you wish to collect a meal then please order using the link below:
I understand that it may be difficult for some families to collect meals as we live out of town.  Please contact me if this is an issue and I will see what I can do to help.
Thank you to everyone who has sent photographs via GLOW group emails.  It has been lovely to see so many of you having fun and learning new skills with your families.
Best wishes,
Mary E Lidstone-Scott

Update – Monday 23rd March 2020

Wishing You Well

Over the next few weeks, my main priority is ensuring that we are safe and well.   It will take some time for us all to adjust to the changes we are experiencing.  It can be overwhelming for pupils, families and staff.   Teachers will be sharing learning activities with you and your child(ren) in the ways highlighted below.  We hope that you find this communication useful and we welcome your feedback.  Thank you for your patience as we find ways of supporting each other during this difficult time.



  • Communication with parents/ carers – Generic information is communicated via the school website and blog by the Headteacher.  Teachers are communicating with parents/ carers either by email or via the class Facebook page.
  • Communication with pupils – P1-3 Teachers are communicating via the parents/ carers (as above) as the children are too young to access GLOW groups. P4-7 pupils are communicating via GLOW groups.

I would like to reassure you that staff are on hand to provide support between 9am and 3pm.  Please feel free to email us directly, message us via the class Facebook pages and older pupils can email us via GLOW groups.  You can also contact me directly on my work mobile: 07741 686730.


Emergency Childcare for Critical Key Workers

Castle Douglas Primary School has been opened as a hub providing emergency child care to children of critical key workers.  It is important to keep the number of children in school and private childcare sectors to the absolute minimum, as mentioned in the First Minister’s statement yesterday, in order to contain the spread of the virus.

More information can be found using the D&G links below:


Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you wish.

Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


Update – Friday 20th March 2020

Key Worker Update

All parents/ carers received a text message yesterday from the Skills, Education and Learning Directorate asking those who are key workers in Health, Social Care, Emergency Services and Social Work Services to complete a form.  Further clarification was included in a letter sent to parents today by the Directorate.


By Thursday 26th March, it looks like local ‘hubs’ will be set up to assist key workers with child care.


I will be updating you as much as possible over the next few weeks and I wish you safe and well.

Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


Update from the Headteacher- 19.03.2020

Update from the Local Authority

Dr Gillian Brydson (Director of Skills, Education and Learning) will be writing to all parents/carers to detail the arrangements we have so far for school closures following the First Minister’s announcement that schools will be closing to the majority of pupils from the close of play on Friday 20, March.


Home Learning Packs

Teachers have prepared home learning packs for pupils and many of these were sent home today.  (Packs contain your child’s usernames and passwords for websites.  They also contain worksheets and jotter(s).)

If your child is absent and you wish to receive your pack then please make arrangements to collect them from school tomorrow.


Class Facebook Pages for Parents/ Guardians

Teachers are in the process of setting up class Facebook pages for parents/ guardians so that we can share learning activities and ideas.  I will link these to the Blog when available.  (Please see previous post for more detailed information.)


Communication Between Teachers and Pupils

P1-3 pupils will be reliant on parents/ guardians passing on learning activities from teachers via class Facebook page.

Pupils in P4-P7 know how to ‘log in’ to GLOW and can access their emails and GLOW Groups.   (They have been given their GLOW usernames and passwords.)  Here is a quick guide for pupils:

How to access GLOW emails from home

P4-7 pupils can communicate with their teachers via GLOW Groups.  They can upload photos of their learning from home and attach this to their emails if they wish.  (Most know how to do this already so please don’t worry.  We are able to help them if required.)


Advice Pages to Support Families

On the Partnership Schools website, I have created a page called ‘Advice Page – Coronavirus Support’ .   It will be updated with advice files for adults and children.  So far today the following have been added:

a) Helping children and young people manage in unsettling times

b) Social story coronavirus for families

c) How to stay in touch with the school

It can be accessed using this link:

P7 Leavers

In the event that the schools are closed until the summer holidays, we will ensure that our P7s have a ‘Leavers’ Meal’ and a ‘Leavers’ Assembly’ at a later date.  I spoke to them today.

Please contact us if you require any further information.


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott
