Newsletter – w/c 07.02.2022

Dear Families and Friends of Crossmichael and Gelston Primary Schools,


Update on Absences

I would like to thank you for your understanding over the past few weeks  as we cope with an increase in the amount of positive cases of Covid-19 within our schools.  In the middle of January, this affected many pupils from Gelston Primary School.  I am delighted to report that attendance figures have nearly returned to normal again.  Unfortunately, Crossmichael is now experiencing a high number of cases and we had to send two classes home on Friday due to staff shortages.


Across the partnership, we have four Teachers and four Learning Assistants absent.  Two of our three Clerical Assistants have also been absent and the school offices are not manned during the day on a Tuesday or a Friday until everyone is able to return.


Supply staff are in high demand and covering classes has been challenging.  Our teachers have missed their RICCT (Reduction in Class Contact Time) as I have had to use the RICCT teacher to cover classes.  They are owed this time back.  Since Christmas, I have been teaching every Friday in Crossmichael and I have been teaching full time over the last two weeks (and again this week).


I feel very blessed to have such an amazing team around me and I am delighted that we have been able to keep both schools open despite the challenges.  Once again I must thank you for your understanding especially when it comes to communication.  I will endeavour to send you regular updates once things settle down again.


Lockerbie Manor Residential Trip for P6 and P7 Pupils

Unfortunately, we had to re-schedule the trip to Lockerbie Manor because over a third of pupils caught Covid-19.  Gelston pupils had recovered but Crossmichael pupils and staff were impacted.  I took the decision to postpone and was delighted when they were able to offer us the remaining dates from 2nd to 4th March.   We look forward to going!


Covid-19 Procedures

If your child tests positive via lateral flow test then they should isolate for 7 days.  If your child tests negative on day 6 and day 7 then they can return to school.  If they continue to test positive then they must isolate until day 10.  (They can return after that even if they test positive.)  You should log a positive test online.


If your child has symptoms then they should go for a PCR test and follow the isolation rules as above.


If your child tests negative but lives in a household with a positive contact then they can return to school provided that they record a negative lateral flow test each day for the next 7 days.


Staffing Changes Across the Partnership

In Term 2, Mrs Marscheider was appointed as Acting Principal Teacher from Mondays to Thursdays while Miss Reid was absent.  This term, she has been Principal Teacher every Friday at Gelston whilst returning to Crossmichael to teach her P1/2 class there from Mondays to Thursdays.


After the mid-term break, Mrs Marscheider will return to Crossmichael on a full time basis.  We thank her for her time at Gelston and wish her well.


Each Friday, Miss Holman was teaching P1/2 at Crossmichael.  She has kindly agreed to swap schools and will be class teacher in P4-7 at Gelston every Friday.  (Since Christmas, she has also been covering P6/7 from Monday- Thursday at Crossmichael.)  We thank Miss Holman for her time at Crossmichael and we are delighted to be keeping her within our partnership schools.


I have decided not to appoint a 0.2fte (one day) Principal Teacher at Gelston for the rest of this session.  The procedure would involve advertising internally and then externally.  If one of our existing teachers were successful then it would cause disruption to another class and I am trying to limit this where possible.  I also want to ensure that we get the right person for the job and I understand that many teachers are exhausted and may not be in the correct frame of mind to apply for a position at the moment.


Attainment Data

At Gelston Primary School, I have had meetings with teachers to discuss individual pupils’ attainment and we have identified universal or targeted support for each child.  Unfortunately, I had to postpone meetings at Crossmichael Primary School but I have had the opportunity to look over all attainment data and we already have targeted or universal support in place for each child.


Dumfries and Galloway Council has asked for a snapshot of attainment data to be provided by 11th February 2022.  We are reporting on which curricular levels have been achieved in Literacy and Language and in Numeracy and Maths.  I am heartened to see that our attainment data is improving despite the pandemic.  The quality of learning and teaching, the consistency in our approaches (including revised curricular programmes) are definitely having a positive impact on learning.  I look forward to sharing this information with you soon.


Reporting to Parents – Telephone Consultations

In March, teachers will be having 10 minute telephone consultations with all parents to discuss pupil progress.  (Dates and times to be confirmed.)  Please rest assured that we have already been in touch with parents whose children required targeted support for learning (such as Closing the Literacy Gap) and have been holding regular Child’s Plan meetings for others.  Some parents have already requested a telephone consultation with their child’s teacher and these discussions have been very useful.


Please remember to get in touch if you have any concerns as we can share a wide variety of assessment evidence with you to show you your child’s achievements and next steps in learning.


Dates for Your Diary

Monday 14th February – Wednesday 16th February:  Mid-term holiday.  Pupils return on Thursday 17th February.  (Staff training days on 15th and 16th February.)


Lockerbie Manor Residential Trip for P6 and P7 Pupils: Wednesday 2nd March – Friday 4th March

Monday 4th April – Monday 18th April: Spring Holiday.  Pupils return on Tuesday 19th April.


Best wishes,

Mary Cruickshanks


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