Update on Tuesday 18th August

Dear Family and Friends of Crossmichael Primary School,


I have a received a few emails about different topics so I thought that I would provide an update again today.



Start of the School Day from Monday 24th August


From Monday 24th August, children should enter the playground and place their belongings on the ground beside their designated door.  They can then go and play in the playground until the bell goes at 08:50 when they can line up.




P1 and P7 Buddies


I am delighted to say that we are re-introducing our buddy system this week.  Until the Phase 3 Covid-19 Risk Assessments were written, we were unable to start the buddy programme.  Although children can mix with each other, I had to ensure that the cross-over of children between classes in the school was reduced to protect the adults.  It has been an onerous task but we are now able to move ahead.


Today, we are pairing the 9 x P7s with our 14 x P1s.  From tomorrow, the children will have an additional break time together at 2pm and we will be discussing other ways that P7s can support their buddies.


From Monday 24th August, the P7s will meet their buddies before school in the playground and help them to line up when the bell goes at 08:50.



School Meals

Normally at this time of year, we send a letter home to parents detailing how much they need to pay for the week or term.  We are not able to offer the full school menu at the moment so Mrs Pringle (our cook) is taking orders on a daily basis.  Some children who normally take school dinners are choosing to bring packed lunches at times until the full menu is on offer.  This makes it difficult for us to sort out how much parents owe the service.


A letter will go out to parents once the P2-4 children have moved out of the hall and we can return to the full menu.  Until then, we ask parents of P4-7 pupils to pay £1.90 on a Thursday and Friday and £1 on a Mon, Tues and Wed until 31st August when the cost will be £1.90 a day.  P1-3 pupils receive free school meals.



Change of Shoes


Normally we ask that pupils bring a change of shoes with them to school.  They normally change into indoor trainers/ plimsolls that can also be used for indoor PE lessons.  This helps to keep carpets clean.  We cannot have indoor PE lessons at the moment due to Covid-19 restrictions so all PE is outdoors.


We are asking parents to ensure that each child has a clean pair of indoor shoes and a change of socks in their bag if required.  Our new P1s are getting very good at changing their shoes in the mornings so will continue with this routine.


Teachers will be providing parents with a class newsletter detailing what days outdoor PE/ outdoor learning will be happening.  (Children should wear old shoes and clothes for outdoor learning as they are likely to get muddy.)



Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy


Last year we developed our Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Policy.  Here is a copy of a leaflet explaining the key points:

Promoting Positive Relationships Information Leaflet

If you would like any further information then please contact the school.  It would be lovely to hear your feedback.  You can either reply to the blog or email the school office.


As always, please contact us if you have any questions.  The office email is gw08officecrossmicha@ea.dumgal.sch.uk .

Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott


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