Tuesday 11th August – Update from the Headteacher

Dear Family and Friends of Crossmichael Primary School,



Our Return to School – Wednesday 12th August

I hope you are well.  There is great excitement in the air at Crossmichael Primary School as we prepare for the return of all pupils tomorrow (Wednesday 12th August)!  We are really looking forward to seeing you all and hope that all pupils settle as quickly as possible.


The Council has two webpages which set out general guidelines and procedures.

  1. Re-opening of Schools


  1. Frequently Asked Questions Re-Opening of Schools https://supportdg.dumgal.gov.uk/article/21023/FAQ-s-Re-opening-of-Schools


Schools have some flexibility in how to meet these guidelines.  Here are a few more updates before tomorrow.

The Start of the School Day/ Wet Weather Arrangements

To avoid congestion at the school gates and to enable pupils to have a gentle start to the school day, they should make their way to their assigned classroom door between 8.40am and 9.10am where they will participate in activities and have quiet time if needed.

P1/2 (Mrs Marscheider) – Cloakroom door at the back of the building

P2-4 (Mrs Burton and Miss Todd) – Side entrance to the hall

P4/5 (Mrs Glover) – Main entrance at the school office

P6/7 (Mrs Stevens) – Library entrance at the side of the school building

In the event of wet weather, pupils should still make their way to their designated door.


Parents in School Grounds / Contact with the School

The Council Website states that no parents will be allowed inside school grounds with the exception of new Primary 1 pupils.  I would also like to make an exception for parents of newly enrolled pupils and also parents of pupils who have additional support needs.  You may enter the playground.


If you wish to contact the school then please contact us via telephone or email before arriving in person.  All visitors to the school building will be asked for their contact details according to the Test and Protect guidance.  Hand sanitiser will be at all entry points to the school and should be used by all visitors. This would include when handing items in to the school office for example.


School Car Park

I am aware that it can get quite congested at the school gate so I would ask that adults maintain 2m distancing at all times.  Please remind pupils to maintain a 2m distance from adults too.

Parents should not park in the school staff car park.  Please try to park further down the road and walk up to school.  Pupils can enter the playground from either gate.


End of the School Day

At 3pm, to avoid congestion at the main school gate, pupils will leave from two different exits.

P1/2 and in P2-4 will exit the playground from the main gate beside the car park.

P4/5 and P6/7 will exit from the top gate beside the big tree/ school bus stop.


Building Site for the Portacabin

Contractors are on site preparing for the installation of our portacabin which will provide a classroom for P2-4 pupils.  The site is securely fenced off and pupils can access the playground safely.  Until the portacabin is ready, the P2-4 children have their classroom in the school hall.


School Meals and Water Bottles

School meals will be delivered to classrooms until the P2-4 class move out of the PE/ dining hall.  For safety, cold options will be available at first.  The school office has sent out emails detailing what options are on offer over the next few weeks. School meals are free for P1-3 pupils and cost £1.90 for P4-7 pupils.  We will provide each family with school dinner money envelopes.  You should send any money in a sealed envelope labelled with your child’s name, class and amount.


Your child is welcome to bring a water bottle to school. Please label it with their name and ensure it is filled at home.  We cannot provide cups in school.


In the Classroom

Face coverings (or masks) do not need to be worn by pupils when they are in school or in the school playground.  Any child within the school wishing to wear a face mask can do so.


Hand sanitiser and wipes will be available in all classes and other areas throughout the school. Pupils will wash hands when entering/ exiting the building, after using the toilet and before and after meals.


Pupils should bring a pair of indoor shoes with them and their outdoor shoes can be stored in a plastic bag within their school bag.  Your child can bring a packed lunch and snack for playtime from home.


School reading books will go between home and school with strict cleaning measures in place to ensure that they are disinfected before and after entering school.

Pupils can share resources and we will be cleaning them regularly and encouraging pupils to wash hands.


Windows will be kept open for ventilation so you may wish to send your child to school with a jumper.


In the Playground

Pupils can play with each other in the playground.  Pupils will wash hands before and after break times.


Communication with Class Teachers

In the next two weeks, teachers will provide you with a class newsletter detailing key information about learning, homework, routines and any other relevant information such as outdoor learning days.


We will continue with closed class Facebook pages and teachers will be setting these up shortly.  These are for sharing information from school.  If you wish to contact your child’s teacher then this should be done via email instead of on Facebook.


Please email your child’s teacher if you wish to be added to the new Facebook groups.

Mrs Marscheider: gw17marscheiderayesh@ea.dumgal.sch.uk

Mrs Burton gw13burtonaileen01@ea.dumgal.sch.uk

Mrs Glover gw08gloverkim@ea.dumgal.sch.uk

Mrs Stevens gw08stevensrosslynn@ea.dumgal.sch.uk



Crossmichael Parent Council Meeting

We are meeting via the Zoom app on Monday 24th August at 7pm.  If you wish to join the meeting then please email the Chairperson of the Parent Council (Mrs Gillli Hodson) for an invitation.  The email address is: crossmichaelparentcouncil@gmail.com



Thank you

Once again, thank you for your patience as we try to adapt to new ways of working.  Please keep in touch and let us know if routines are working for you and your children.  The office email address is: gw08officecrossmicha@ea.dumgal.sch.uk and the school telephone number is: 01556 670282.  My Headteacher’s mobile number is: 07741 686730.


I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott



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