Newsletter- Monday 9th March 2020

Text Messages

Our average monthly bill for sending text message reminders to parents is £90.  We use this service for emergency announcements such as road closure updates or schools closure information.  We notice that we have been sending texts to remind parents of sporting events or to remind them of deadlines for payment.  Please  look at the blog or contact the school for further information to help us reduce the need to send text messages in the future.


James Clerk Maxwell Family Science Festival

Please see the link below for further information about  a science festival being held this Saturday in  honour of a local scientist with links to Parton.

Projected Roll for August 2020

We have capacity for 75 pupils in school and our projected roll for August 2020 is 83 pupils.  We need to think creatively about how to accommodate these additional catchment pupils.

The Parent Council are arranging a meeting in the next few weeks to discuss this further.


Coronavirus Advice from the Local Authority

All schools are being issued with hand sanitiser and antibacterial soap.  We continue to encourage thorough hand washing.  Please see the previous post for more detail from the Local Authority.


What’s on this week?

  • Monday 9th March – P6&7 pupils to Curling
  • Tuesday 10th March – P5-7 Rugby, Cross Country Practice after school, Headteacher out of school all day
  • Wednesday 11th March – P5-7 Rugby and Headteacher out of school all day
  • Thursday 12th March – 17:30-19:30 Parents’ Evening


Primary 4 Curricular Swimming

Primary 4 pupils will be attending swimming lessons every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 17th March until 2nd April.  Transport is provided.


Bikeability Training

Every year we provide training for our P7 pupils so that they are safely able to ride their bicycles on the road.  A tutor is able to deliver training for parents to enable them to become ‘Bikeability’ instructors.  The tutor will also come to the school and work alongside parents until they feel confidently able to work with small groups of pupils.  The more parents who are willing to participate in this, the safer our children will be on the roads.

We really  need to train up a new cohort of parents.  Please see the attached letter for more information.



Diary Dates:

Please note the change to the Show Show Date.  We have had to move it to Tuesday 31st March at 6.30pm in Crossmichael Village Hall instead.

Thursday 12th March



Monday 16th March at 6.30pm

Parents Evening



Lockerbie Manor Information Evening for current P5 and P6 pupils who will be in P6 and P7 in Feb 2021

Wednesday 18th March


Parents Evening
Tuesday 31st March at 6.30pm School Show – ‘The Bumblesnouts Save the World’
Friday 3rd April at 9.30am Easter Service in Church
School news:
P1/2/3 are looking at taking care of our environment. We sorted ‘junk’ into recycling categories which led to very in-depth discussions. We then created a poster in groups of 2/3 to show what can be recycled, reused and reduced. This will lead on to an enterprise project.

We decorated potatoes as our favourite characters from a book for World Book Day on 5th March.

Best wishes,

Mary E Lidstone-Scott



2 thoughts on “Newsletter- Monday 9th March 2020

  1. As a parent I believe a closed Facebook group solely for parents to be the way forward for cascading reminder information such as ‘P5/6/7 remember outdoor clothes for rugby today’. We seem to be one of very few school who don’t have a Facebook group for this purpose.

    1. Miss Cruickshanks Post author

      Thank you, Kim. When I approached parents last year, the majority were against a school based social media page. However, Gelston parents do have a ‘Facebook Parents’ page. This would need to be something decided by the parents and set up by the parents. It is a good idea as long as everyone remembers to contact the school directly if they have any queries about school based issues. This avoids any confusion. Best wishes, Mary L-Scott


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