Brownhall Buzz

Brownhall Primary, Glencaple Road, Dumfries, DG1 4TU 01387253564

December 19, 2018
by Mr Gray

WOW Presentation

The Health Group were involved in beginning the WOW initiative. This involves pupils recording how they travel to school each day in an attempt to win badges.

December 5, 2018
by Mr Gray

Play Leaders Course

P5/6/7 have just completed the first part of the Play Leaders course with Hayley from Active Schools. The pupils have been finding out about organising and leading games. The aim being for these skills to be used in the playground at break times. Hayley will be returning to deliver the second part of the course next term.

December 4, 2018
by Mr Gray

P3/4 Special Visitor

P3/4 welcomed Flora Burns to their class to talk about the life of J M Barrie. This was part of their topic to learn more about famous people with a connection to Dumfries.


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