Moving on Monday Club


Well, it’s amazing to think that this is the last week of nursery for our incredible, beautiful and wonderful pupils. You are all very special to us in the nursery-you brightened up EVERY single day for us.

We love you very much and hope you love Primary 1!

Today would have been our Graduation Garden Party. We would have been singing this song to everyone.





Welcome to Moving on Monday Club! It’s good to see you here!


I am sure you have all loved Miss Murray’s stories every week. She’s the best!

Reading with your child is also one of the BEST things you can do.

As well as being a lovely shared time, children who have been read to have better academic achievement! It doesn’t cost anything, just time! So sitting together with a book or a story you know by heart is a great way to help your child learn.

Boys and girls, why not pretend you are Miss Murray telling a story!!! Grab your favourite book or puppet and retell the story. Do you think mummy or daddy could film you? Send your video to Miss Murray and give her the best surprise ever!

Here is a family reading the Owl Babies. This is from the Scottish Book Trust who give out the Book Bags that your children receive. They have an app with lots of stories and rhymes. (Search App Store for Scottish Book Trust).

Here’s Fairy Sarah reading a bedtime story. Her videos on You Tube are fun.

Well, next week will be a very special Moving on Monday Club!

We will be coming to see you all with a special present.

Ooohhhh we can’t wait to see you!





Welcome to Moving on Monday Club

especially for nursery children moving on to Primary 1.

We’ll be here every Monday to share activities, ideas and challenges to help you get ready for P1.

Today, you’ll be learning about the people you will see at school as well as finding out how you’ll all stay safe at school.

Do you know these smiley faces?

These are some of the people you will see at school.

Who are they? Tell your mummy or daddy.

You are going to see LOTS of smiley faces at Beattock Primary!

Here is your P1 teacher. Mrs Miller will LOVE to see you.

Here is Mrs McConnachie with her baby Cooper! She is the Deputy Headteacher. She will be so HAPPY to see you.

You will also see Mrs Boa. She will cook your lunch time meal. Yum Yum.

Here are some friendly boys and girls at the school.

When you are at school you will wash your hands like you do at nursery.

Why not practice washing your hands for 20 seconds after you’ve been to the toilet and before you have lunch today. Here’s a song to help you remember what to do:

See you next week!



Welcome to Moving on Monday Club

especially for nursery children moving on to Primary 1.

We’ll be here every Monday to share activities, ideas and challenges to help you get ready for P1.

It takes concentration!

At school your child will be in many situations that call for concentration. Teachers are skilled at planning and preparing appropriate activities and will support your child to grow in concentration.

Parents often worry before school starts that their child will find it hard to concentrate for so long because sometimes it seems like their child can only concentrate for one second!!!

But if you watch your child doing something they’ve chosen to do and something they enjoy, you’ll see that they can concentrate for ages.

Have a look at these pictures from nursery and you’ll see the enjoyment and the sense of achievement that comes alongside concentration:

What helps children concentrate? Allow them to be in situations that demand concentration, such as the examples in the pictures above.

Then praise and more praise! Praise your child for even the little they can do.

Give them a sense of achievement over the little things and the bigger things will follow!

So today, find something your child likes doing, watch their concentration and PRAISE or THANK them for what they can do! (Even if they’ve only managed something for one second!!!). And tomorrow, when they do the same thing, praise them some more!

Here are some things you might like to do with your child to watch them grow in concentration.

Playing games together is a really good way of developing concentration. Here are some old favourites:

Why not join in with the Sports activities on the school’s Facebook page this week? Have fun!

We miss you! See you next week! Can’t believe it’s June already!



Welcome to Moving on Monday Club

especially for nursery children moving on to Primary 1.

We’ll be here every Monday to share activities, ideas and challenges to help you get ready for P1.

Can you RECOGNISE numbers?

Learning to recognise numbers is a practical skill that lasts a lifetime. It’s good if your child can show an interest in numbers, such as ‘my age and my door number’.

Games and play are the best ways to learn numbers.

Numbers are all around us. Look around your house-you will see lots of numbers on clocks, phones, recipes, magazines. Where else do you see numbers?

OUTSIDE your house there are lots of numbers too.

Here is a wee quiz. Look at these numbers around Beattock.

Can you spot them?

It’s great that your child can count and recognise some numbers. These are super skills. Even more important though is that your child learns something called 1:1 correspondence. This is when you use your finger to touch objects as you count. It’s like slow motion counting!

Here is a video for parents.

Some of you will have children who can count really well. Here is another skill that we learn at nursery and Primary. It’s called SUBITIZE! Pronounced Soobitize! Here’s a catchy song. A great way to learn to subitize is to play games with a dice.

Bye! See you for next week’s blog!

Moving on Monday Club for Parents!

Welcome to Moving on Monday Club

Today’s blog is especially for PARENTS as you get ready to look out, order and buy things for your child going to school. 

You still have plenty of time!! As things stand at the moment, children start P1 in August so there are still 14 weeks to go until Thursday August 20th!

But it’s good to be organised and I know that some of you are ordering uniforms and planning what you’ll need.


Here’s an example of the variety of uniforms your child could wear.

The basic school uniform at Beattock Primary school is WHITE POLO SHIRT, DARK TROUSERS OR SKIRT. As you can see from the photo, cardigans, jumpers, white shirts, pinafores and shorts are all part of the uniform.

What else will my child need?

  • Comfortable easy to fasten school shoes
  • Indoor shoes your child will change into when in class (these should be like plimsolls, easy to fasten and comfortable)
  • clothes for P.E.-tee shirt and shorts/leggings/joggers (indoor shoes can be used for PE but you can also provide trainers)
An example of clothes for PE.
  • Wet weather clothes (such as wellies, outdoor overalls, waterproof jacket),
  • School bag
  • Pencil case – this is optional but is a nice thing to have for doing homework. The school will provide all essential equipment for learning.
  • Water bottle
  • Gym bag for PE clothes

The main thing to remember is that your child will be in uniform all day-a uniform should be COMFORTABLE and EASY to get on and off.

Every one else will be in uniform too and cardigans, jumpers and even trousers get lost and mixed up-you’ll need to LABEL everything.

You can also get help to buy a school uniform. Check out the links below:

D&G School Clothing Grant

Scottish Government Best Start Grants

Here is a letter form Mrs Miller with more info about P1:

Primary 1 Information Sheet


I love this photo of first and last days at school-get ready for some fun shots! And some weepy ones too!






Moving on Monday Club

Welcome to Moving on Monday Club

especially for nursery children moving on to Primary 1.

We’ll be here every Monday to share activities, ideas and challenges to help you get ready for P1.

How good are you at COUNTING?

What’s the biggest number you can count up to? No way! That’s a VERY big number! Let your family hear you COUNT. I bet you make them smile! Some of you can count up to 20!!!!!!

Listen to this song, we sing it at nursery.

Listen to Liam singing the song:

Well done Liam! Why don’t you sing this song and record it on your mum’s phone like Liam? I know that you are all lovely singers!

Learning number skills like COUNTING are very important life skills. Think about it, you count every day! Include your child in counting-as you put the shopping away or as you load the washing machine!

Here is a great counting game that we really LOVE at nursery. What’s the Time Mr Wolf. Count out as you step closer and closer to the wolf! Don’t get eaten!!!!!

Great counting everyone.

See you next week for more learning.

Moving on Monday Club

Welcome to Moving on Monday Club

especially for nursery children moving on to Primary 1.

We’ll be here every Monday to share activities, ideas and challenges to help you get ready for P1.

Are you ready to get your body moving???? Are you ready to build an Assault Course???

This looks fun! I like the Magic Carpet ride!

Make your own Assault Course outside with chalk! This looks a lot of fun, especially jumping over the volcano!

Learning to move your body is a really important skill. It builds up core strength and coordination as well as concentration. These are skills you need before you learn to write. They help when you do P.E. and when you go to after-school clubs too.

Check out these other gross motor skills (that’s a posh name for skills to help your body move) that you could try with your family!

These skills will be great when you play in the big playground with your buddies and friends.

See you next week to learn and practice more skills!


Moving on Monday Club

Welcome to Moving on Monday Club

especially for nursery children moving on to Primary 1.

We’ll be here every Monday to share activities, ideas and challenges to help you get ready for P1.

Are you ready for the first challenge? I think all of you will find it pretty easy!

Challenge # 1 Can you put your coat on in 30 seconds?

I wonder if any of you did it quicker than that?

Challenge # 2 Take off your coat without the sleeves going inside out!!!!

That’s a tricky one. What will you do if your sleeves go inside out? Do you know how to fix it? Well done!

Learning to be independent is very important. It gives you a good feeling when you can do things for yourself. 

Putting on and taking off your coat by yourself is a great skill to have before you start school. Lots of you even know how to hang up your coats. Look for the little hoop and hang it on the hook! And you even know how to zip and button.

Mrs Miller will be so pleased that you can do this all by yourself!

See you next week!

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