Category Archives: Wider Achievements

Borgue Assembly 10.12.21

This week we wished Mackenzie a happy birthday for the weekend and decided new daily mile challenges. The winners of the house points for Ross were Arthur M and Jake, and the winners in Brighouse were T and Morann.  Well done!

The award winners this week were Arthur S, Morann and Joel for their effort in the school show.

Brilliant job, everybody!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Our super children have been featured in this week’s Galloway News, highlighting their dedication to home learning. We thank them for their efforts in completing these tasks and we are delighted to see their cheery faces, we miss you all!

Many thanks also to Ms McCall for her hard work in collating and sending in the photos to the newspaper.

Borgue Harvest Assembly

We had our (socially distanced!) Harvest Assembly this afternoon and each class presented something about harvest and Autumn for the other class to hear.

P1-3 shared something seasonal beginning with each letter of the word Autumn! They had also created super squirrel pictures, which are displayed on the wall behind them.

P4-7 presented their favourite things about this time of year, like hot chocolate, Hallowe’en and fluffy pjs! They also shared a poem called “Cauliflowers Fluffy” about the types of seasonal vegetables.

We also would like to thank everyone for the generous donations to the Kirkcudbright Food Bank, including lots and lots of eggs from Mrs Sanderson! Wow!

Our Junior Road Safety Officers shared the winners of the design a vest for wearing at night on the road.

First place: Morann

Second place: Lily and Calvin

Third place: Joe

Prizes were house points and fluorescent wristbands and reflectors. Well done all!

Morann also won a prize for growing the tallest sunflower over the summer! Well done!