cool curling at north west castle

Hi everyone,

Today p6\7 went to the north west castle in Stranrar to do curling and I must say it was very fun.  All of the coaches were very kind were so kind and they taught us how curl well.  first we learn’t how to do it and not let go of the stone and then we learn’t how do let go of the stone while doing it which was a bit harder at tyhe start.  At the end before we went we had a proper cometition but befoe we did we to shake they other teams hand to show good sportman ship. But before we had the comprtition we had to pick who would play what place.  In my team there was Connie, Kathryn, Iona and myself.  Iona was the skip Connie was the lead and Kathryn was number 2 and I played number 3.

Bye Bye from Kristy

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