The lion king

On a cold wedensday morning  we drove to school and got on the bus.I sat next to lorna all we did was chat.We got put into group’s.I was in Miss bell’s group.Miss bell’s group had Ella,Eloise,Katie,Aaron and Jake d.At the show ther was zebras,giraffes and a big elephant and zazu sung I WILL WALK FIVE HUNDRED MILES.It was AMAZING.On the bus i had a sweet shop.

out door learning

Making an african headress from willow

On a cold and wet thursday morning p3/4/6/ were doing out door learning in the back school play ground. First we did our register when mrs steel said our name you would say ready and responsible. Then we had 4 groups of pepole all of the groups went to a place one of the places was to collect the mud from one of the school gardens and put it in a buket and put it on our head and walk to another garden with out the bucket falling of our heads.  Another one of  the activities was to make a African necklace . The last activity was to make a African head dress. by Ellie