Trip to Scottish Parliament

On Thursday 2nd October 2014, pupils from both Leswalt and Portpatrick Primary schools travelled to visit the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.  This excursion was to reinforce learning in the current project of “Local and National Government”.  While in Edinburgh pupils were given a tour by Alex Ferguson MSP and met the Deputy first minister, Nicola Sturgeon.

Leswalt end of term celebration of achievement

Mrs Sheila Baillie welcomed a packed Leswalt Primary School hall to parents, friends and relatives for the annual closing ceremony and celebration of achievement.
She introduced Mrs Helen Dodds, who had been a parent at the school for the last 22 years.  As her youngest child is moving onto Stranraer Academy it would be her final time as a Mummy at the school, so Mrs Dodds was asked to present the prizes;
100 % Attendance
Jenna Calderwood, Aiyanna Wilson and James Boyce

Excellent Behaviour
P1- Auryn Kirkpartick
P2- Charlotte Gaw
P3- Megan Mc Intyre
P4- Jamie Drennan
P5 – Finlay Cowan and Lauren Anderson
P6- Merryn Walker
P7- James Boyce and Erin Topping

Football awards were presented by Euan Dodds to the team .  He awarded the most improved player of the year trophy to Kerr Calderwood.
Star reader in p2 – Iona Rickard, Millie Smith and Charlotte Gaw
Star reader in p3 – Ethan Smith
Star reader in p4 – Jack Rickard
Star reader in p5 – Kathryn Topping
Start reader in p6 – Finlay Keenan
Star reader in p7 –  Tommy Kerslake
Word millionaire – £10 Book token– most proficient reader in whole school – Tommy Kerslake

Super Spellers–
Kieran Dodds, Freya Bathgate and Merryn Walker

Marvellous mathematicians–
James Murray, Kieran Dodds, Tommy Kerslake, Rhona Baillie, Abbie Mc Quillan, Lauren Anderson, Freya Bathgate, Merryn Walker, Millie Renwick, Jamie Drennan, Arden Mc Intyre

“Fly like the wind” – trophies for each year group, donated and to presented by Aiyanna Wilson;
P1- Auryn Kirkpatrick
P2 – Boyd Sloan
P3 – Kayleigh Williams
P4- Jamie Drennan and Emily Cochran
P5 – Kerr Calderwood
P6 – Rhona Baillie
P7 Emma Drennan
Winning house –     Soleburn

Sports champion p4-7
girl- Rhona Baillie                      Runner up – Emma Drennan
boy- Jack Jukes                         Runner up –  Kerr Calderwood

Academic Achievements
Literacy                p1-4 Emily Cochrane         p5-7 Tommy Kerslake
Numeracy              p1-4   Arden Mc Intyre       p5-7  Rhona Baillie
Health and Wellbeing      p1-4 Charlotte          p5-7  Callum Mac Donald

Achievement award for learning p1-4 (Rickard)  – Euan Mc Credie

Creativity award (Nina Agnew) – Freya Bathgate

Endeavour award (Mrs Buchanan) – Emma Drennan
Community association Gala Queen – Abbie Mc Quillan
Tribute was then paid to the 11 Primary 7 pupils who will be starting Stranraer Academy in August, before they received their leaving gifts.

Mrs Baillie closed the afternoon by thanking all pupils, parents and staff for their hard work throughout the session.  Erin Jamieson, the youngest pupil in the school, presented Mrs Helen Dodds with a bouquet of flowers and all the other Primary 7 mummies received a small posy.

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