Tesco have kindly donated lots of stationery to the school, after having a clear out in their shop. All of those pencils, Pritt sticks, folders and pads of paper will certainly be put to good use! A huge thanks must go to Tesco for their generosity. Have a keek at the photo below to see some of the goodies we were given!
Our Visit to Kilmorie Cross at Kirkcolm
The Kilmorie Cross
Yesterday P4-7 travelled to Kirkcolm Primary to enjoy a day of learning with them in the village hall – this was in conjunction with the Rhins of Galloway Coast Path Project. At first, we were told about the Rhins coastal path which is to be built over the over the next 2 years. Archaelogists are ready to start their careful examinations of the areas in which the paths will be created. In groups we went to visit the Kilmorie cross stone which is in Kirkcolm church yard. The stone has been there for, it is believed, about a 1000 years. The ‘monk’ explained that it told us the stories of the people living in the area at that time. On one side of the stone it had the Last Supper with the table held up by two drinking horns. And on the other side there was the story of Sigurd and the dragon. He was regarded as a Viking Superhero! We think people carved this stone and possibly added to it over the years – you had to look really closely to be able to spot the picture clues. There was a picture of Jesus on his cross. There were workshops to participate in: rune writing, weapons and artefacts with Sven, blacksmithing, a settler’s game and a battle re-enactment. It is really cool to think these things were around all those years ago and we can still see them today! We all got a tshirt with the newly-launched Rhins Coastal Path Project logo on it – it’s a version of the Viking rune symbol for a person.
We had a great day with our friends from Kirkcolm. We learnt about our local area through fun activities! Thank you to the Rhins Coastal Path Project!
P6/7 Digital Leaders Leswalt Primary
(Chloe and Erin)
Maths Fun with Parents
On Monday, we welcomed families and parents into school to join in on some Maths fun! The whole school was split into 6 mixed ability groups and worked their way around different stations, which incorporated a range of Maths skills. Each station was led by a P6/7 pupil who explained the task and helped the pupils.
The 6 different stations included: bingo where we practised addition/multiplication; Code ‘n’ Go Mouse, putting our coding skills to use to navigate the mouse to the block of cheese; ‘Shut the Box’ game which focused on addition; Sumdog where we got the chance to explore our new subscription; indoor games such as dominoes and Snakes & Ladders to practise counting; and Big Maths Learn-its to give parents a chance to compete against their child as well as the clock!
Thanks to everyone who came along and to the class teachers for setting this up. Everyone had a great afternoon joining in on some Maths fun – have a look at our pictures below!
The McDougalls Visit Leswalt!
What fabulous Friday afternoon fun! The McDougalls brought their brilliant show to our school! The children enjoyed a great afternoon of singing and dancing as they went on a ‘global adventure’ with Max and Auntie Aggie visiting Spain, France, China and Scotland! The songs used Spanish, French, Mandarin, Gaelic and Scots with lots of fun actions to go along with them. The songs had everyone joining in and dancing along.
HUGE thanks to Natasha (Kaiden and Joshua’s mum) for winning this show for the school through a Facebook competition. Lucky lucky Leswalt!
Maths Week Fun!
Lots of Maths Week fun has been on offer at Leswalt Primary this week!
P1-3 headed off to a fabulously-named Bubbly Maths Show this morning. Bubbles of all different sizes were created.
P4-7 pupils ventured out into the Autumnal sunshine to refresh their shape skills; spotting parallel lines, 2D shapes with more than 4 sides, angles, perpendicular lines and 3d shapes in their playground. After this quick recap of prior knowledge; they investigated Roman Numerals using twigs to represent our more commonly recognised numbers. We then set each other some Roman Numeral sum challenges which really got our application skills working!
The class headed back inside and resumed their Talk Partners’ Famous Mathematicians research task. The pupils used suggested websites to collate the who, what, when, where, why and how about celebrated mathematicians such as Alan Turing or Stephen Hawking. Some even went rather further back in history to look at Leonardo da Vinci; whilst Mrs F researched Pythagoras. We then brought all our information together to share with one another.
In the afternoon, P4-7 had their turn at the Bubbly Maths Show. They too enjoyed watching bubbles of all different sizes being made with the children working out the diameter of the bubble sphere. Attention was then turned to estimation skills using metres; calculating area and volume, and checking their estimates using metre ‘balloons’. Finally the pupils tried to work out how many children might fit inside a cubic metre which was created entirely out of balloons!
Busy times indeed!
Office 365 at home
Free resources to learn together
Leswalt Primary is happy to support families to learn more about digital technologies. Senior pupils are using Office 365 through Glow in school. If you would like access to this software at home, it is available free to use through the children’s Glow accounts. The children have added the ‘app’ tile (shown below) to their launch pads to make it easy to locate.
Should you need to locate it for yourself, once your child has logged in, simply click on the black flag on the left hand side of the screen and type Microsoft into the search app box in the top right hand section of the screen. This image can be enlarged by clicking on it.
Free online tutorials are available from the Microsoft Training Centre at the following address:
Click on each software icon to reveal instructional videos by task.
We hope this is useful for you.
# Successful learners together
Wonderful Wigtown!
P1-3 enjoyed a fabulous time at the Wigtown Book Festival today! The author of One Button Benny, Alan Windram, had the boys and girls (and adults!) up dancing and singing at what has been hailed as “the BEST Wigtown Book Festival yet!”
Ellie and Ela formed a new girl band ‘El’ and wowed us with their performance!
A great time was had by all! Many thanks to Sue Caunce for accompanying us.
That’s the Book Festival kicked off for another 10 days of literary fun this year. Go and check it out!
Emergency Services Visit
Today, P.C. Wilson visited P4-7 to give them an insight into her job as a member of the Emergency Services. The pupils heard about a normal day in the life of a police officer (there really is no normal day!)
P.C. Wilson explained that the main aims of the Police force are to guard, watch and patrol. They work to ensure communities are kept safe. Our area has a Road Traffic Unit to deal with accidents, speeding and any other vehicle issues and a Port Unit which deals people’s safety when going on/off the boat.
The youth section of Police Scotland (P.S.Y.V.) do lots of work locally and this is open to children from the age of 13.
She reminded them of the emergency number 999 and the non-emergency number 101 and the times when each would be used.
The children asked lots of great questions. This visit really helped their HWB understanding of Emergency Services.
#Confident Individuals – Super Presentations!
What a treat we have had this week! Each pupil researched, prepared and presented a talk on a Victorian Scientist or Inventor.
From posters to leaflets, power points to models; the work put in by the children, both at school and at home, were superb!
Well done everyone!
Rugby Fun
Sadly today saw the end of our three week rugby coaching sessions. Huge thanks to Nick and Campbell for their teaching input. Warmup sessions, training drills, mini games and lots of top tips helped the pupils to develop their rugby skills. The class thoroughly enjoyed this sporting input.
Remember rugby sessions are held on Sunday mornings at 10.15 at the Transit Camp in Stranraer for primary school aged children £1 a session or become a member for £20 and every session is free!