The Community Safety Team popped into Leswalt on Thursday afternoon as part of our ongoing Eco Schools work, to discuss with the children the importance of putting our litter in the bin and keeping Leswalt lovely looking! Andrew explained to pupils about the different types of litter that we can find outside and why it is dangerous to wildlife.
At this point, the sun was shining so we headed outside to conduct a litter survey of our playground. We then split into 2 groups, with half carrying out a litter pick of the playground and the other half looking at the Council’s street cleaner. Despite having to shelter from the rain half way through, we had an enjoyable afternoon outside!
The North Rhins Partnership schools came together at Kirkcolm on Tuesday for a day of fun in the sun – and what a glorious day it was! After the boys and girls of Leswalt and Portpatrick arrived, Leswalt showcased their singing in preparation for the end of term ceremony.
After break time, we got our sun cream and hats on and headed down to the beach, where we all did our bit for the environment by participating in the Great Plastic Pick-up for Scotland. Pupils collected lots of plastic, string and metal from the beach to help keep it clean. This will help in all 3 schools’ bid to achieve their Eco-Schools Green flag. Kerry Monteith from Dumfries & Galloway Council kindly brought along litter pickers and organised for the bags of rubbish to be uplifted. Whilst at the beach, some pupils got creative and made some beach art using seaweed and stones, such as castles, mermaids and fish.
We then made our way back to Kirkcolm Primary for a picnic lunch outside in the sun to re-fuel in preparation for the Partnership sports afternoon to come.
At 12.30pm we started our Inter-Schools sports, with lots of parents and families from the 3 schools cheering everyone along. We had a variety of races including sprint, egg and spoon, sack, skipping, distance and relay. Throughout the afternoon, pupils enjoyed water and a selection of fruit which was kindly provided by Lidl, who sponsored our afternoon. In the middle of our races, we stopped to catch our breath and say goodbye to our janitor at Kirkcolm, Mr Dougie Brawls, who was retiring from his post. Mr Brawls has worked at Kirkcolm Primary for many years and was loved by all in the school community for his cheery good nature. He was presented with gifts from staff, pupils and the Parent Council to show our appreciation for all his hard-work over the years.
To finish off our fun-filled afternoon, we had a beach ball race between the 3 schools where pupils had to pass the ball over their head to the next person using their feet! After some very close competition throughout the afternoon, Kirkcolm Primary was victorious with a total of 283 points. All the boys and girls had a great day and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to mix with the pupils from the other schools.
On the 18th of June the whole school went to Culzean Castle for our school trip.
P1-4 headed off to explore the beautiful castle. They saw lots of really interesting things in there – including a bell to ring for a servant! We don’t have things like that nowadays! They then enjoyed some fun at the playpark.
P5-7 worked on two workshops; Materials from our Earth and Using Maps. They spotted and chatted about man made materials and natural materials. Then they headed down to the beach to search for sandstone, volcanic rock, driftwood, feathers and limpet shells. In the map workshop, they learnt how to position a map the correct way and set a compass. They used their maps to navigate their way to the castle and back to the Home Farm and also created a felt map. After a busy day it was time to get the bus back to school! What a grand day out!
Well done P5-7! Today they held an Eco Friends Coffee Morning to display all the work they have been doing this term on plastic pollution, Fair Trade, The 3 Rs and Super Energy savers. They served banana muffins and chocolate crispies using FairTrade goods and FairTrade tea and coffee. Parents enjoyed browsing their stalls , looking at the pupils’ upcycling homework and junk modelling hats and chatting to the pupils about what they had learned.
£30 was raised which the children have decided to donate to Aldouran Wetlands. Mrs Jane Sloan popped into school to pick this up. The P7 pupils presented the donation to her which, she said, would be used to ensure there are plenty of nuts to keep the ever-hungry red squirrels going.
P1-4 have been learning about how different world religions welcome a baby. With the help of Rev Claire, we christened our very own Baby Annabelle in Leswalt Church. Thomas and Breagh acted as parents, with Jack and Maisie accepting the responsible position of Annabelle’s godparents. Baby Annabelle behaved wonderfully and we all learned lots about this family celebration.
Ground-breaking visit today when P5-7 headed to the Community Reuse Shop and Stranraer Zero Waste Project!
What an informative morning we had; looking around the Reuse shop at all the goods which have been donated by the people of Wigtownshire to be re-used by the people of Wigtownshire. Everything from full-size snooker tables from the George Hotel to pianos, from books to CDs, from golf clubs to food processors – you name it, it was there!
After Wilma had shown us around (and we’d enjoyed a pit-stop with juice and biscuits!), we headed over to the recycling area. We were amazed at how tidy it was for, essentially, a place where all your rubbish goes! Plastic, cans, paper, garden waste, electrical appliances, clothes, batteries and even cooking oil can all be recycled!
The Scottish Government has a goal to have no biodegradable land-fill by 2020 and it’s clear to see that Stranraer is definitely one of the leaders in this area! And now that our P5-7 pupils, who will be our adults of the future, are aware of just how much can be recycled, things are looking really positive. Well done Eco Friends!
Well done to the Leswalt Primary and Portpatrick partnership team – LesPort United perhaps?!- who won the football tournament at Castle Kennedy Primary’s Fun Day on Saturday!
The final game saw them playing the hosts in a thrilling match which ended in victory with Euan McCredie’s winning penalty shot! As always the team were a credit to the school. Well done to Ethan, Finlay McMillan, Alistair, Euan, Eva, Millie, Cameron and Rowan and Rhian from Portpatrick.
What a fabulous afternoon we all enjoyed over at Leswalt Park for our annual Sports Day! The sun shone which was an added bonus. The parents enjoyed a fun afternoon cheering on all the boys and girls who were such good sports. Logan’s mum, Lizzie Kennedy, very kindly provided the children with ice lollies after the long distance race – phew they were all ready for something refreshing then! The Parent Council then treated all boys and girls to a tub of ice-cream from Gillian’s shop. An afternoon with friends in the sunshine, participating and supporting each other in fun sporting activities and enjoying ice creams and lollies – all sounds perfect to me!
P1 accompanied, by Mrs Smith and Mrs Dinsmore, headed on the service bus into Stranraer today. They headed to Sugar Rush to spend their well-earned pennies from their tuck shop initiative, had a fabulous time playing at Agnew Park and scoffed a yummy ice cream from Dunns. Such fun! Have a look at the photos below to see their happy, smiling faces, the golden sand, blue sky and tropical palm trees – just idyllic I’m sure you agree!
Cameron came into school this morning armed with a bag of 2 footballs and 2 basketballs which he and his mum had bought for the school’s playtime box. As we thanked her for being so thoughtful, Sharon commented, “It’s nice to be nice!”
What a lovely gesture! A huge thank you to you both – the boys and girls are delighted 🙂