Eco Schools Success

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded our first Eco-Schools Green Flag! Pupils in the Eco committee have been the driving force behind all of the environmentally friendly work that we have undertaken throughout the year, with all pupils in the school joining in on activities and taking responsibility for making the school and community a greener and more sustainable place.

Over the last year, pupils have participated in various Eco-friendly activities, organised and led by the Eco committee. They have carried out a local litter pick, inviting parents and the local community to join in; joined various recycling projects including crisp packets and batteries; worked with the local community group ‘Wetland Watchers’; and held litter assemblies to raise awareness of the impact to the whole school.

Our Eco-Schools assessor stated, “Congratulations on successfully achieving your Eco-Schools Green Flag award! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your application and am very excited about the work being done at Leswalt Primary School. I was very encouraged to read about the successes you’ve had and how you’ve gotten the whole school involved in the effort.” The assessor also stated that aspects of our work were noted as examples of good practice and may be used on the website/social media as case studies to support other schools with their Eco-Schools work.

Work is already underway to select our new Eco committee and continue the good work to ensure we are able to renew our Eco Schools green flag in 2 years’ time.

Have a keek below to see photos of the pupils with our Green Flag, which we will be displaying in the school corridor. The Eco Committee members were particularly proud as punch of their achievement – well done to you all!!

Fun in the Sun at Heads of Ayr Farm Park!

What a wonderful day we had yesterday on our whole school Summer trip!

The sun shone, the children squealed with laughter and great fun was had by everyone! Between visiting lots of animals, playing on the bouncy pillows, slides, zip wires, quad bikes, water bombs, the fortress and so much more; the children had a fantastic day with their friends.

Many thanks must go to the Parent Council for their help in funding this trip!

Partnership Sporting Success

Tuesday saw all 3 of our North Rhins partnership schools come together for a morning of exploration and an afternoon of inter-school sports fun. Pupils from Portpatrick and Kirkcolm travelled to Leswalt, who hosted the event for the first time. After arriving, the boys and girls made their way up to the Aldouran Wetlands for some fun in the gardens.

They then made their way back to school for a picnic lunch outside, and enjoyed getting to know and play with pupils from the other schools. Just as we were ready to head to the village park to begin our sports, the rain started – but it didn’t damped our spirits! Thankfully, the shower passed and it was a lovely warm afternoon for the boys and girls to cheer on their own schools – they were all getting very competitive and were keen for their school to be the overall winner of the afternoon!

There were various races for pupils to participate in, including sprint, skipping, sack, egg & spoon, distance and a relay. After counting up the points and working out the scores proportionately given the differing numbers of pupils in the 3 school, Portpatrick were the overall winners of the afternoon, with Leswalt in 2nd place and Kirkcolm in 3rd.

A huge thank-you must go to Lidl who supported the event for the 2nd year running, by providing water and fruit for the pupils to enjoy – they were well in need of this after the distance race! Also to the Brown family, who transported the equipment from the school to the park for us. The pupils had a wonderful afternoon mixing with other boys and girls in their year group across the 3 schools and are looking forward to our next get together already!

Leswalt Learns about Czech Republic

We had some visitors pop into school today to meet the pupils of Leswalt Primary. Rev Clare Burl and Steve Flowers brought along some people who are over visiting from the Czech Republic who have ‘twinned’ with Leswalt Church. The boys and girls entertained the visitors with some beautiful singing which the audience clapped along to, and Gregor and Phoebe recited their Scots poems in an attempt to teach them some traditional Scots language – although I’m pretty sure they couldn’t understand much, so we took some time to explain what all the Scots words meant, such as ‘sterving’, ‘I’m gey wee’ and ‘gae us the boak’!!

In an attempt to find out more about them, the pupils then asked the visitors some questions about their life and schools in the Czech Republic. Mr Flowers introduced all the visitors to us and told us their names in Czech – we had to guess what this could translate into in English. One of the visitors (who is a teacher!) then taught us some word in Czech such as please, thank-you, hello, goodbye and (randomly!) ice-cream.

The visitors stayed for another 15 minutes to have a look around and ask questions, with some pupils acting as tour guides.  Everyone commented on how well the children performed and how wonderful their behaviour was – what a credit to our school they all are!

Primary 1 on Tour!

If you had been heading into town on the service bus yesterday morning, you’d have noticed a happy, smiling bunch of P1s, accompanied by Mrs Smith and Mrs Dinsmore, who were off into town to spend their earnings from their very popular tuck shop!

The boys and girls (and ladies!) enjoyed a lovely morning in Stranraer; visiting the museum, choosing some sweeties, playing at the the park and enjoying an ice cream. Just look at the pictures to see how happy their wee faces are!

Well done P1! You had worked hard to collect your earnings- we’re glad you had a great time spending it!

Cream Tea is the Crème de la Crème!

Yesterday Leswalt Parent Council held an extremely successful Cream Tea fundraiser. Stalls ranged from face painting to BBQ, bottle stall to a 50/50 raffle, baking stall filled with yummy treats to a fabulous raffle. The P6/7 pupils mucked in and helped to run stalls too; Beat the Goalie, Guess the Number of Sweets, Glitter tattoos and Nail Painting, Lollystick Game and Pre-Loved Toy stall. A bouncy castle and of course, the delicious Cream Teas were a huge hit!

Friends and family from far and near came to enjoy the afternoon and over £900 was raised. What a fabulous team effort! Huge thanks to all members of the Parent Council and all parents, staff and pupils who came along to lend a hand.

Report added by our Digital Leaders!

Sports Day in the Sunshine!

The weather was kind to us for a dry but breezy Sports Day. We all headed over to Leswalt Park and cheered each other on for a great afternoon of sprinting, sack, egg and spoon, distance, obstacle and skipping races and the bean bag throw. Add in some ice-cream tubs (thanks Parent Council), free bottles of water (thanks Leswalt Village Store), ice poles (thanks Logan’s family) and even more fun watching mummies, daddies and little ones race and it all made for a lovely afternoon. Have a look through the photos above…

Thanks to those parents and Mr Brawls who helped in transporting equipment to and from the park.

See you all at the Partnership Sports on Tuesday 25th June!


Farmyard Demo at Leswalt Primary

Many thanks to Mrs McKnight (and her band of willing volunteers!) for a super Farming afternoon!

If you had happened to drive by our school on Friday, you might have been surprised to see tractors, sheep, a mini Auction Mart, ducks being herded by dogs and sheep shearing! They were all there to bring alive the P1-3 Farming topic.

Another exciting school day at Leswalt Primary!!


Operation Safety Fun!

On Friday our 4 Primary 6 pupils, accompanied by Mrs Gaw, headed into Stair Park for the Annual Operation Safety event. They had a fantastic time; learning lots of new skills and making new friends too.

Read all about it in their reports below…

My trip to Operation safety!

The p6s went to Operation Safety on the 31st May to experience how to stay safe. The first activity was internet safety and we had to text people on a computer and try not to give any personal information. It was really fun. After that we watched a video clip all about this girl that was getting threatened online. Then we had a talk about vandalism which was very informative. Next we learnt about drugs and alcohol safety and then coastguard safety. Our final activity was with Scottish Power and it was really good to find out about electrical safety .This is a great thing for people to go to and I wish I could go again.

by Phoebe


My trip to Operation safety!

On the 31st of May primary 6s  went to operation safety at Stair Park football stadium with Phoebe’s mum Gael and Ivy’s mum Becky. We did lots of activities about how to keep safe on all sorts of things; like on the internet and and how to save someone that’s in the sea drifting away. We covered internet safety, vandalism, ambulance, fire safety and then we had lunch. In the afternoon we talked about drugs and alcohol safety, the coastguard and our last group was with Scottish Power. I loved going to Operation Safety and I would love to go again.  We also made three new friends Jenny, Ellie and Charlotte from Sheuchan.

By Auryn

My Operation Safety Report

On the 31st of May I, and the rest of the P6s from Leswalt and Kirkcolm, went to Operation Safety at the Stranraer Football stadium. My favourite activity was internet safety because we got to go computers and type messages to each other and the only bad thing that happened was when we got on the wall of shame. My favourite thing that happened was when we arrived I met three new friends from Sheuchan called, Jenny, Ellie and Charlotte and we learnt lots about keeping safe.

By Erin

P6 Operation Safety

On Friday 30:5:19 the p6s of Leswalt and Kirkcolm went to Stair Park stadium to do Operation sSafety which teaches kids about being safe. First we had internet safety, and we watched a video clip, then an activity about vandalism. First aid procedures was next, then fire safety, which was in the away changing room. After lunch, our group found out about being safe with drugs and alcohol (that activity was held in the refs changing room.) After that we visited the coast guard group and finally electricity safety with Scottish Power. I really enjoyed my experience and now know lots more about keeping myself safe.

By Finlay

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