P5-7 make Banana bread!

In the latest in their weekly healthy eating lessons, Primary 5-7 baked some banana bread.  The bananas were bought from the local village shop – Leswalt stores .  And, to say thank you for delivering the bananas to school the children took some of their home baking for Gillian and Fiona to enjoy in the shop!



Burns Club competition champions!

Well done to Merryn, Aiyanna and Emily who represented Leswalt Primary School at the Stranraer and District Burns club competition in the Ryan Centre.
Merryn won the trophy for her singing of Scots songs, and Leswalt Primary School were the winners of the Margaret Bell trophy for the most points gained by a Rhins Primary school.
Great work girls!! Real confident individuals.

Emily, Aiyanna + Merryn - Burns competition - March 2015

P5-7 Electricity circuits in action

Mrs Bathgate set the senior pupils of Leswalt a challenge – they had to use the knowledge and skills learned in their recent electricity science lessons to create a Reindeer –

 complete with a flashing red nose and spinning bow tie!

The children successfully applied their learning and the photographs show the results of their hard work.

P5-7 Trip to Stronord

The Primary 5,  6 and 7 pupils from Leswalt recently had an active 2 days of outdoor education, at Stronord.  The senior pupils of  Portpatrick Primary were invited along to join them, and fill up the spare bunk beds!  Have a look at the fun they had!
​​​​On the 26th of February we set of to Stronord outdoor activity centre. On the first day we went hill walking, we left the mini buses and walked up with stunning views of a  water fall. The next bit of the hill was very slippery and there was rocks to climb on.  When we got over the rocks there was a stone wall we just saw a small face carved in to the stone. Then we came up to another waterfall and we used that as a snack spot. We walked over a bridge with holes, and it was wobbly.  The next stage of the climb was very rough and it was into the trees. It was astonishing scenery – it was great. There were very deep puddles and our feet got wet.  We got to the top and there was a very heavy ice storm and Jack, Kerr and Jamie huddled together . It stopped and we headed down the hill .

The next day we went mountain biking and went on the seven stains mountain bike track  and went through puddles and uphill and downhill. At the  end of the day we went orienteering and we had a race. There were  six practices then there was a race from these numbers 1, 4 ,7 ,8, 9  and 10 we all had small tags to plug in to these machines .

It was brilliant fun

Jack Rickard


​​On Thursday the 26th of February Leswalt Primary 5-7 and Portpatrick Primary 6-7 went off to Stronord outdoor Education Centre.

On the Thursday we did hill walking. We climbed Fell of Talnotry which took 5 HOURS!! When we got to the top there was a massive hail storm, and if you turned round a tiny bit it would be really sore. My favourite bit of hill walking was coming back down because it was really slippy and everyone kept falling in the mud!

When we got back everyone got in their PJs and a woman came and made tea – it was delicious!

On the Friday we got up and went to Kiroughtree and did mountain biking,we did some of the hardest tracks there! We went over a track were one side was a 30ft drop and a deep lake on the other side of it!

Later on Friday we did Orienteering had six practice runs, where we had to use a stamper. On the second round they went round with electronic pins, where they had to go round a course. My time was 11:24 which was 3rd place.

My favourite activity was Mountain biking. Freya Bathgate P7 from Leswalt said ” The instructors were really friendly and I really enjoyed it and I would go back! “

Rhona Baillie P7    


On the 26th of February Leswalt primary school p5-7 went to Stronord  on an overnight school trip with Porpatrick primary p6-7. Stronord was an old school house that has now is changed into 2 separate dormitories a girls one and a boys one.

The first activity we did was hill walking we were all told  take spare waterproofs because it could be very cold and wet. The waterproofs came in handy because when we were walking up the hills it started to snow really heavily and there were also hail stones. The walking was very fun, but also very tiring.

When we got back Carol the cook made us tea and then we all put our jammies on and played outside.

In the morning we split into 2 groups; one group went mountain biking and the other went orienteering.

 During the mountain biking we cycled on 2 of the 7 stanes track and we also cycled over a dam that had a 30ft drop and over a massive bridge. For orienteering you had to find a orange marker and stamp the number on it on to a piece of card and the we had a competition where ;you had to find the orange markers and scan the number on it and run back. Rhona and I were partners and were second

We all had a really good time and I am sure we would all like to go back to Stronord .

Kathryn Topping


At the end of February  p5-7 went on a little trip to Stronrord over night.

We all did 3 activities. We all stayed one night. The schools that went were Portpatrick and Leswalt.

The first day we went on a really good walk they saw a lot of different water falls – they were stunning. We were walking for just over 3 hours. We walked over hills and walked in the woods and on paths. It was a great achievement.

After we got home this really nice lady called Carol made tea. We got to choose from macaroni and pizza. She also very kindly gave us chocolate cake and ice cream. Every one really enjoyed their tea. After Carol left we got to play about either outside or inside. Outside there was a lovely big garden to play tig. Inside there was a lovely lounge to chill about. So we did that for a while. We all came in at dark and played inside. Then we all went in to rooms and talked until we all fell asleep.

In the morning Colin (the parent from Portpatrick ) and the teacher from Leswalt made breakfast. Then wey got ready for biking and orienteering . Before we left we split in to two teams. In orienteering  we got to find numbers and then they had to do races. After that we had lunch. We then went biking. We went down hills and up hills and on flat paths. It was amazing.

Sadly that was the end of the trip and we came home. If I was to give it stars out of five, I would give it five.

Arden Mc Intyre

P5-7 Stirling Castle trip

To enhance the learning and teaching of their Mary Queen of Scots project work, the P5-7 class had a fantastic trip up to Stirling Castle. 
We had loads of fun at Stirling castle yesterday. First of all we had lunch and then we went to the chapel where we met our tour guide, Kirstin .She wanted to know what we knew about Mary queen of Scots and then she showed us the great Tapestry of Scotland. It was very interesting there were lots of volunteers that were able to tell you about the design of a panel of the tapestry. I think there were 199 panels that made up the tapestry.

After we saw the tapestry we went to the Kings bed chamber and then to the Queens bed chamber. There were people dressed up in costumes there was a chamber maid that told us all about the work that she does. Next we went to the inner hall and the outer hall and Kirstin told us that if you were really important you would get into the outer chamber and if you were extremely important then you would meet the Queen in her bed chamber – but that was only if you were extremely important.

After we had saw the outer and inner hall we went back to the education room and we all got to dress up. All the girls had dresses and head gowns and the boys were either a king or a jester. We also got to have a look at all the weapons that would of been used in Mary Queen of Scots time. There were 2 different types of guns and then there was a bow and arrow there were three types of arrows. The first one was for when you were riding and you would aim for the horses heart and the second one was for shooting people and the third one had a small basket that you put fire in.

We got to try on all the shields and hold the guns and some people got to try on the chain mail but it was so heavy that only some people got to try it on.

Over all we all had a really fun day and I am quite sure that we would all like to go back again .

Kathryn Topping P6

Have a look at the photos to see all the fun, and learning which took place.

Primary 5-7 ; ready steady cook!

As part of their Health and wellbeing learning and teaching, the pupils of Primary 5,6 and 7 have been cooking up a different dish every week.

Have a look at how they made some bread and pizza in the class with Mrs Bathgate.

You may not have actually seen any of this evidence for yourselves, as not much made it home (it was all eaten in school!)

Scots poetry week winners

The month of January saw the pupils of Leswalt Primary focus on Scottish literature.

Pupils were all give a Scots poem to learn, handwrite and use as the inspiration for a piece of art.
There was a great selection of talent evident in all of the catagories, and the judge had a very difficult job in deciding the winners.  After much deliberation he chose;
P1 – ‘Mince and tatties’ – Recitation winners : 1. Robin McLean; 2. Luke McHallum; 3. Gregor Reid :
Illustration winner – Luke McHallum : Handwriting winner – Gregor Reid
P2 – ‘Bull sale’ – Recitation winners : 1. Auryn Kirkpatrick & Phoebe Gaw; 2. Finlay Scott & Erin Jamieson : Illustration winner – Phoebe Gaw : Handwriting winner – Auryn Kirkpatrick
P3 – ‘Wee freenly dug’ – Recitation winners : 1. Jenna Calderwood; 2. Charlotte Gaw; 3. Millie Smith : Illustration winner – Iona Rickard : Handwriting winner – Charlotte Gaw
P4 – ‘Kirk moose’ – Recitation winners : 1. Kayleigh Williams; 2. Megan McIntyre; 3. Ethan Smith : Illustration winner – Kayleigh Williams : Handwriting winner – Megan McIntyre
P5 – ‘A dug, a dug’ – Recitation winners : 1. Emily Cochran; 2. Jack Rickard & Arden McIntyre : llustration winner – Jack Rickard : Handwriting winner – Emily Cochran
P6 – ‘Wullie wastle’ – Recitation winners : 1. Lauren Anderson; 2. Kathryn Topping; 3. Finlay Cowan :
Illustration winner – Kathryn Topping : Handwriting winner – Kathryn Topping
P7 – ‘Address to the haggis’ – Recitation winners : 1. Aiyanna Wilson; 2. Merryn Walker & Freya Bathgate : Illustration winner – Freya Bathgate & Aiyanna Wilson : Handwriting winner – Aiyanna Wilson


Another great Burns Supper

On Tuesday 27th January 2015, Leswalt Primary held its sixth annual Burns Supper.
The whole school sat down together to enjoy this tradition. Merryn Walker, P7, was a very able and organised chairperson who ensured the proceedings ran smoothly.
Alistair Brown, said the ‘Selkirk Grace’ before the haggis was piped in. Gregor Reid, P1, proudly carried the haggis into the company.  The haggis was presented to Aiyanna Wilson, P7, who confidently addressed it with great gusto. 
Mr Douglas McClure educated and entertained the company about the life of Robert Burns, in reciting “Tam O Shanter” word perfect – much to the delight of Primary 1-4 who had been learning all about this poem in class.
Recitations were also delivered from pupils in primary 1 to primary 7.  
Finlay Keenan, proposed an amusing toast to the lassies before Rhona Baillie in p7 gave him an appropriate reply.
Millie Renwick in Primary 7 provided an articulate and amusing toast, to Leswalt School
The Burns Supper concluded with Freya Bathgate in p7 giving an appreciative vote of thanks.
The company sang ‘Auld Lang Syne’ at the end of a highly successful and entertaining Burns Supper at Leswalt Primary.

P7 Christmas night out

“Primary 7 have had a long established tradition of going for a meal out together at Christmas time.  This year they all went to the Craignelder Hotel in Stranraer, and invited their friend from the partnership Primary of Portpatrick.  The children all enjoyed a delicious 3 course meal in the company of Mrs Baillie, Mrs Bathgate and Mrs Buchanan.  Presents were exchanged before the staff chauffeured the pupils home at the end of the evening.

This evening was made possible due to the generosity of Leswalt Parent council fundraising group and Mr Hammy Mc Millan from The Craignelder Hotel.
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