Runners up at Sandhead football tournament

The partnership football team of Leswalt /Portpatrick United finished off the Summer season of fun days on winning form.  Today  they won every game to get through to the final at the Sandhead tournament – against their new trio partnership school of Kirkcolm.

It was a very tense final, with Mrs Baillie being very diplomatic on the sidelines and avoiding showing allegiance to any one of her schools.  At full time the score was 0:0.  The tension was further heightened as it went to a penalty shoot off to decide the winners.  Kirkcolm narrowly won on penalties, but Leswalt and Portpatrick football team can hold their heads high that they played very well and demonstrated great sportsmanship.  

Runners up Sandhead fun day 2017

Runners up at football !

The joint partnership football team from Leswalt and Portpatrick Primary schools took part in the first fun day tournament of this term – with great success.

The boys and girls played at Rephad fun night and progressed unbeaten to the final.  This competition was open to all schools in the Stranraer cluster.  In the final they played Belmont Primary, who eventually won. 

Well done to all who played – there was great team work and sportmanship displayed throughout.  Special thanks must go to Ewan Dodds for coaching at Leswalt and Alec Ross for managing the team at this tournament.


Alexander and his lambs

Alexander took great pride in showing the school some of his lambs, last week. Mum had taken the lambs to Nursery, for his little brother and popped in at Leswalt Primary on the way past so that everyone in school could also see the new borns.

Alexander lived handling them and letting all his friends see the lambs. 


This afternoon Primary 1-4 enjoyed a visit to school from Zoolab.  This visit was to tie in with the current topic of “the Rainforest”.  Zoolab brought with them a variety of animals that could live in the rainforest climate.  The children got the chance to handle many of these animals – including a snake which ate 5 mice for tea the previous evening ( and the children were encouraged to feel lumpy bits in the body!)

The majority of children enjoyed the experience – have a look at the photographs to gauge reactions!

STEM at Portpatrick Primary

Today all of Leswalt Primary travelled to their partnership school at Portpatrick.  While there the pupils were undertaking a variety of activities relating to STEM – Science, technology, engineering and maths.  Pupils undertook their Big Maths challenge first before being divided up into groups to undertake challenges such as making a marble run, fruit kebab fractions, fruit smoothie maths and building a bridge out of spaghetti!  Leswalt and Portpatrick pupils also enjoyed a play together in the playground.

It was a very busy, but fun day across the partnership.

P1-4 Rainforest fun

Primary 1-4 have been learning all about life in the Rainforest this term.  AS part of their work they have been tasting different foods, originating from the Rainforest, sorting foods, and making some creative artwork.  Have a look at some of the things they have been doing with Mrs Mc Knight so far.




Christmas party fun!

Primary 1-6 at Leswalt Primary recently had lots of fun and games at their Christmas party.  They also had a fabulous feast of party food – provided by parents before the arrival of a very special visitor in the form of Santa!  Thankfully all the boys and girls were on his good list, and all pupils received very generous gifts from Father Christmas. 

Children in Need

The boys and girls of Leswalt Primary raised money fro Children in Need in a variety of different ways this year.  Official Pudsey headbands and wristbands were sold in school all week, pupils had a non uniform spotty dress up day and primary 7 offered all the opportunity to finger paint a Pudsey bandana.  The grand total is still to be calculated – however currently it is standing at well over £120.

The photographs show Leswalt pupils showing their spots ,as well as the spottiest children in school, with their prizes.pb181004 pb181006

School photographs – from long ago

Primary 1-4 have been learning all about school in the past.  As part of this project they looked at lots of old school photographs, from Leswalt Primary.

This afternoon they tried to re-create a school photograph from the past.  What do you think?!

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