Leswalt Christmas production – 2020 Style!

Normally at this time of year the staff and pupils would be rehearsing getting ready to put on a Christmas show in Leswalt village hall for the community to enjoy.

Unfortunately, COVID  prevented our usual Christmas concert.  However, even a World wide pandemic could not stop the creativity and sense of fun of Leswalt staff and pupils .

Click on the link here to see how Christmas 2020 will always be remember for being special. 

I hope it makes you smile! 

Christmas Knits and Festive Munch at Leswalt!

It’s Christmaaaaas!!! Well… it’s definitely getting closer! There’s a definite festive feel  in the air at Leswalt as the staff and pupils wore their cheery Christmas jumpers and headwear to school today AND had the added bonus of tucking in to a tasty turkey lunch – complete with crackers and some Christmas tunes of course! Great fun!


New playground markings

In September we were successful in receiving some funding from Maths Week Scotland.  Mrs Mc Harg put in a funding bid for a grant.  The only condition was that we had to use this to promote Maths, so we decided to purchase a new playground marking in the shape of a giant target. This will enable pupils to work with numbers in a fun way both at break times and during lessons if they go outdoors.

Today the team from Sovereign play were on site to install the new maths target round the back of the school to give the children another focus at playtimes and maths lessons.  We all went a wander round this morning to check it out and were delighted  with  the  final  design.

Wee woolly bunnets!

Primary 1-4 have been very creative and have all made some very cute Christmas woolly bunnets with Mrs Mc Knight. 

Everyone made elf sized winter warmer head wear in class, using lots of brightly coloured wool.  These creations will be entered as part of the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) competition to make a Christmas decoration using wool.  The boys and girls will send off their photographs to be judged.  And, once made they took great pleasure at hanging them all on the Christmas tree in the school hall for everyone to see.


Well done p1-4 , they all look very cute and cosy! 

Christmas Card competition success

We were delighted today to get a good news telephone call to say that a Leswalt Primary pupil is a runner up in the annual Alister Jack MP Christmas card competition.

This competition is open to all schools in Dumfries and Galloway.  Hundreds of pupils took part in it. And, our very own Chloe Kennedy is a runner up!  Chloe’s design will go inside the card, which will be sent out from Westminster.

As a prize, Chloe will receive a certificate and Amazon gift voucher to spend online.

Well done Chloe – we are all very proud of you!

Well done Andrew – a fabulous fundraiser!

Huge thanks and congratulations must go to Andrew and his family who have shown great initiative and decided to get out walking, get fit and raise money for Leswalt Primary in the process.

Andrew has been asking friends and family to sponsor his efforts of walking.  Yesterday Andrew and some of his family walked 8 miles.

Andrew would like the money to benefit the school playground, so is passing his fundraising to the parent council to combine with the recent money they were awarded.

To date Andrew has raised an amazing £437 – with the promise of more coming in!

Well done young man – we are very proud of you!

Thank you Mark and Rachael!

Over lockdown, Mark and Rachael Drummond we budding entrepreneurs who set up and ran their own farm shop at Barbeth.  They sold delicious home baking, crisps, tablet and all sorts of yummy treats.   Mark and Rachael very kindly decided to donate all of their profits to their school.

Grandpa Simpson was very impressed with all of their efforts too and said he would match whatever they raised .

So, Mark came into school with the amazing total of £350 this week!  Wow!Well done team Drummond/Simpson!

Rachael thought the school could maybe buy a laptop with the money.  Mark said he wanted something more fun.  Mrs Baillie thought while a laptop can be fun, it would be good for all the boys and girls to have some fun together , after a long lockdown away from each other.  Mrs Baillie has suggested the boys and girls could perhaps have a fun day away (when we are allowed to!) and enjoy it together.  She has asked the boys and girls to think if they have any other ideas for the use of they money -maybe mums and dads have ideas too?

Thank you Mark and Rachael, we will put the money to good use!


End of March lockdown begun,

That meant schools were closed, so no more fun.

Nobody knows how long it will last,

But I hope and pray it goes fast.


First few mornings were spent with Joe Wicks,

Working out and learning new tricks.

Four days in, and I am super sore.

I think I would rather stay in bed and snore.


In the mornings I walk the dog, ready to start my morning slog.

Doing school work is not the same, without all the fun and games.

I miss my friends and I miss my class

How much longer is this going to last?


Outside painting and moving gravel,

Suns out, pools up, time for a paddle!

Easter comes with painted eggs,

Family quizzes to see who is best.


Making soups and baking scones, learning tiktoks to

different songs.

Family time and movie nights,

What to watch causes fights!


Thursday nights we stand out and clap,

Say hello to our neighbours and then that’s that.

Doing jigsaws and hopscotch with mum,

Waiting on our online shopping to come.



Across the road a lady from afar,

Looks after her sheep and lives in her car.

We fill her flasks every day,

To keep the baby lambs hunger at bay.


I really miss my teachers at school,

Hoping this time at home doesn’t make me a fool.

My parents at home are trying to teach,

Making goals that I can reach.


On my phone 24/7,

Chatting to my friends feels like heaven.

Let’s put an end to this awful covid-19,

Allowing me to meet up with family and friends I have not seen.

Hopefully, this virus will eventually clear –

making 2021 a better year!



By Chloe Kennedy, p6 Leswalt Primary


Lockdown life video

Our wee team have very been creative during lockdown and all came together to create our special video.  Everyone was given a special word to create a piece of word art at home.  No-one knew what it would say when it all came together.  Once put together we have a fabulous poem and message to all.

Have a watch and you will see our creative, happy children in the glorious setting of their homes .

We are so proud of each and every person for the part they play in our family of schools.

Click here to see us in action 🙂


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