Farewell Mr Brawls!

Today the boys and girls of Leswalt primary gathered to wish a very special man and janitor a very happy retirement.

Dougie and his wife Denise were invited in for some memories, gifts and songs.

The boys and girls had all written their special memories of Mr Brawls in a scrapbook.  We all watched a video montage to remind Mr Brawls of the fun times he had with us at school.  Aidan and Faye brought in some “special juice” for him to enjoy.  Mark and Rachael brought a big cake for all to enjoy, from Simpsons the bakers. A well known Proclaimers and Abba song was re-written specially for our guest of honour.  

Everyone had generously donated money – the Parent Council, parents and staff. This money was combined to get specially commissioned garden chair and table made for him – built out of whisky barrels.  This was made by “Wee dram barrel creations” and was engraved with his name and a message from us all at school.

The afternoon finished with all enjoying a wee pice of cake and having some banter with Mr Brawls.

We all would like to wish him a long, happy and healthy retirement.

He has been a star!

Click on the links below to see our tributes

Bye bye Doogi – YouTube

Mr Brawls is leaving us today – YouTube

Super Trouper – YouTube

First day at Kirkcolm Primary

All of Leswalt Primary have made it to Kirkcolm Primary for the first day of fun in the sun together.  They are enjoying the new surroundings and getting to know new friends.  Happy days ahead for all!

Funding for playground development

The parent council have been awarded £10,000 from Killgallioch Wind farm!  That is amazing.

This money recognised the efforts of the fundraising initiative started by Andrew in P7 and the subsequent efforts of others to provide additional funding in recent sponsored activities.

Many thanks must also go to Elaine Mc Gregor and Mags Agnew who have been working on this bid and promoting the fundraising.  The money will be for new playground equipment – including outdoor gym equipment and an outdoor classroom.

Well done to all pupils and parents for the part you have played in this – top teamwork!

Now we will have both a shiny new school and new playground to look forward to!

Willow dome gets a lock down haircut

Many thanks must go to Mrs Richardson, Ivy Richardson and the team of helpers from p5-7 who over the last two Friday afternoons have set about the back garden area at school.

The willow dome was in great need of a lock down haircut – it had grown out of  control.  Have  a look at the wonderful transformation. 

Many thanks to Mrs Richardson and her team for all of their hard work.

Mrs Baillie is looking forward to the hairdressers opening soon so she can have the same magical transformation…….

First day back at school for p1-3

It’s been 9 long weeks since we last saw their little faces at school, and we were delighted to see so many happy smiling faces at the door of  Leswalt Primary on Monday morning.  It was P1-3’s first day back since the New Year – the building has been rather quiet without them!  They were all glad to see each other and be back with their friends.

We’re super happy to have P1-3 back with us at school and hope they all had a brilliant first day back – fingers crossed it’s not too much longer before P4-7 can join us on 15th March .

Scots poetry results

Lockdown 2021 meant that we could not have our usual in school Scots poetry focus as all learning was taking part at home.  But, this did not stop us!  Our in inaugural  North Rhins inter school Scots poetry competition took place on Friday 29th January and was judged  by local Burns enthusiast, Mr Alec Ross.

This event took place on Microsoft Teams, where everyone could see the beautiful handwriting and creative artwork.  Pupils recited their poems with gusto, over the internet.  

Results were as follows – 

North Rhins Scots poetry results  – January 2021

P1 – ‘Wee rid motor’ – Recitation winners : 1. Harry McKie (PPK); 2. Rebecca Manson (KKM);Lily Bennewith (LES):  Illustration winner – Jessica Johnstone (KKM) : Handwriting winner – Rebecca Manson (KKM)

P2 – ‘Nessie’ – Recitation winners : 1. Colin McGregor (LES) / Aaron Farquhar (KKM);Rececca Connor (PPK) :  Illustration winner –Ben Thomson (LES) : Handwriting winner – Rachael Drummond (LES)

P3 – ‘The Circus’ – Recitation winners : 1. Carter Henderson (PPK); 2 .Ela Chang (LES);Ellie Bennewith (LES): Illustration winner – Erin Harbottle (PPK) : Handwriting winner – Erin Harbottle (PPK)

P4 – ‘Fireworks off the castle’ – Recitation winners : 1. Cameron McNeil (PPK); 2. Hamish McGregor (LES); Cara Jamieson (LES) :  Illustration winner – Carys McHallum (LES) : Handwriting winner – Faye Adams (LES)

P5 – ‘Magic Pizza’ – Recitation winners : 1. Noah Gaw (LES); 2. Thomas Agnew (LES);Olivia Johnstone (KKM):    Illustration winner – Jack Trafford (PPK) : Handwriting winner – Thomas Agnew (LES)

P6 – ‘The Whistle’ – Recitation winners : 1. Maya McNeil (PPK); 2. Malcolm McGregor (LES);Breagh Kirkpatrick (LES):   Illustration winner –Izzy and Alba White (PPK) : Handwriting winner – Malcolm McGregor (LES)

P7 – ‘Robert Burns’ – Recitation winners : 1.Jack Cloy (LES); 2. Gregor Reid (LES); Zack Ashton (KKM) :    Illustration winner – Zack Ashton (KKM) : Handwriting winner – Arla McCulloch (KKM).


Many thanks must go to all parents and carers at home for supporting the children in this.


Spreading the Christmas cheer

On a wet and windy last day of term Mrs Claus and her elves (aka Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Baillie and the p5-7 children) went a wander round the village to distribute the Christmas cards all of p1-7 had made in school to some of the elderly residents of Leswalt.

Many doors were opened, to delighted faces and the children wished all “Merry Christmas”.    It was a lovely way to spread the Christmas cheer, even the rain didn’t dampen our smiles!


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