Successful football season!

Our partnership football team, incorporating pupils from Portpatrick Primary school has finished off a very busy summer season of games with 4 tournaments in the last 4 days!

On Friday, they entered Park Primary football tournament and won every game, taking them to the final where they were narrowly beaten 3:1 by Rephad in the final.

On Saturday they were in action again at Castle Kennedy Primary, and on Sunday they ended up runners up at Sandhead fun day football tournament, after numerous wins again.

Yesterday they played their final games in the summer league, which has been playing on a Monday night at the 3G pitch in Stranraer.  The team finished a very credible 4th, out of all 12 primary schools in our area.

Well done to all who have played in the team.  Many thanks must  go to Ewan Dodds who has given up a lot of his own personal time to coach the children.  Thanks also to all the parents who have helped transport footballers and supervise them at matches this year.

What a team!

Football team June2016

Who you gonna call? Shapehunters!

Primary 1 have been busy out and about in the village on a mission – as 2d shape hunters!

Armed with clipboards and their special “shape hunter” hats, the young team headed out and about to find a trail of 2d shapes which Mrs Smith had set out for them in the village and Wetlands.  Once all the trail was recovered the young Shape hunters set about their second mission of locating 2d shapes in the environment.  Look at our photographs to see what they found.

Life cycles and sound safari at Aldouran Wetlands

Primary 1-4 went another wander to the Wetlands this week as part of their science learning and teaching.  The visit today focussed on a treasure hunt to help them learn more about life cycles, as well as a sound safari, up through the glen.

Yet again they had another wonderful afternoon of outdoor learning, led by the great team of volunteers at our local gardens

Have a look at all the fun they had while learning!

Hampden Experience

Ten of our pupils were lucky enough to have a fantastic all expenses day out at Hampden football stadium in Glasgow.  The Primary 1-4 class have been getting weekly football training with Garry Mc Knight an SFA coach.  This input is funded by Tesco.  Garry was asked to select one school which he had been visiting and take  5 boys and 5 girls with him to the National stadium in Glasgow.  Leswalt Primary were delighted to be selected as the only school in Dumfries and Galloway.  

On Monday 23rd May, Jenna Calderwood, Millie Smith, Iona Rickard, Kirstie Mac Donald, Charlotte Gaw, Logan Wilson, Boyd Sloan, Euan Mc Credie, Cameron Mc Cutcheon and Gregor Reid met at school at 7.30am.  They headed off to Hampden accompanied by Garry Mc Knight (SFA Coach), Ewan Dodds (Leswalt Primary school football coach) and Mrs Smith from the school.

At Hampden the children had a tour of the stadium, watched the freestylers performing football tricks, trained in the indoor facility, met some premier league footballers, got their photograph taken with the Scottish cup and even got to play football on the pitch at Hampden.  The children had lunch provided to them at Hampden before leaving for home with a goodie bag packed with items such as t-shirt, water bottle and football for each of them. 

Logan Wilson in Primary 4 said his favourite part was “when we got to run out the tunnel and onto the pitch at Hampden with everyone cheering for us”.  Euan Mc Credie and Boyd Sloan were delighted to tell the class the next day that they had scored 10 goals between them – and as Mrs Baillie the Headteacher pointed out, that will be a good story to tell their grand children when they are older …..all about the day they played football at Hampden and scored so many goals!


Bugs in the classroom!

This afternoon P1-4 were due to head up to the wetlands again in Leswalt.  Unfortunately the weather took a turn for the worse as it became wet and windy.  So instead of the children going to the wetlands, the wetlands came to the school!  Jean Sheppard popped into school and spent the afternoon with the younger pupils.  She brought with her some visitors in the form of minibeasts found in Aldouran wetlands.  The children had a fascinating afternoon as she showed them a variety of bugs and beasties which were all found in the local environment.

P1-4 painting

As part of their continuing work on developing the school grounds, Primary 1-4 have been busy outside painting.  With their old clothes on once more,  they had a wonderful afternoon of fun in the sun.  The tyres were given a base coat of paint before they are transformed and the mural round the back of the school was brightened up.

Have a look at the happy little gang hard at work!

Cream Teas

On Sunday 8th May the Parent council Fundraising group organised a fun afternoon and Cream Teas event at Leswalt Primary.  In preparation for this the group had been baking lots of tasty treats as well as organising a bouncy castle, generous prize raffle, bottle stall, face painting, candy floss, nail bar and lots more of attractions.

This Cream teas was well supported by the local community in Leswalt as well as numerous businesses- Stena Line, Henry’s Bayhouse, Auto links, Academy vets, Central Café, Pap Rab’s pizzas, Tesco, Frasers the butchers, Simpsons the bakers, Glenhead happy eggs, Glenapp Castle to name but a few.

The combination of glorious weather and influx of visitors to the school enabled the final total of £1073 to be raised – much to the delight of all involved at Leswalt Primary.

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