Puzzle it Out with the Fun Maths Roadshow!

This afternoon, we were delighted to welcome Mrs Hall from the D&G STEM  learning team with the Fun Maths Roadshow!

We got the chance to work on some mind-boggling puzzles which encouraged us to solve problems, use trial and error, look for patterns and show determination to crack those number and shape conundrums. We could choose whether to work alone or with a buddy and enjoyed a great afternoon of puzzle-tastic maths!

Soup Glorious Soup!

Using the vegetables kindly gifted by Barsolus to P7 on their trip there yesterday, P5/6 made a pan of delicious soup.

Mrs Kyle took them in small groups to prepare the vegetables by washing, peeling, chopping and grating and adding them to the big pot of lentils, bacon, stock and water. The smell wafting down the corridor was amazing!

In the afternoon, everyone sat down to enjoy a mug of warming soup – the perfect snack on a dreich Friday afternoon! What a lovely way to investigate growing vegetables to using them to make a delicious meal. Thumbs up from everyone all round!

A Marvellous Macmillan Coffee Morning at Leswalt Primary!

£340.85! Yes – a whopping £340.85 was raised this morning by our amazing P5-7 pupils backed by our fabulous community for Macmillan Coffee Morning!

Faye and Ewan wrote this report about the very successful event.

On Friday the 29th of September, Leswalt Primary held a coffee morning to help raise money for Macmillan Cancer support. This is what we got up to! 

Once our visitors arrived, they were greeted by our very jolly welcoming team, Isla, Amelia and Carys. After they got to the hall, they found a table and sat down and were greeted by our social team and servers. On the table there was a cake stand covered in delicious home baking and the servers offered them a warm cup of tea or coffee. 

Behind the scenes were our amazing cleaning crew of Brandon, Mark, Roman and Ewan who were accompanied in the kitchen by teachers Mrs Kyle, Mrs Warwick and Mrs Ferguson who were filling the mugs with lovely tea and coffee. 

We also had a presentation created and delivered by our wonderful house captains Hamish and Carys and vice house captains Faye and Cara, at 10:00am  explaining to our guests just why we were holding a coffee morning. 

The sales table was filled with more fabulous baking, some scented home-made candles made by Mrs Kyle and baby Spider plants donated by the Drummond family. A delicious cake from Holly’s family was auctioned off by Ewan Clark to Mr Gerald Baillie for an impressive £11!

After the big clear-up, we all sat down and enjoyed a cake and a cuppa too! Then we made up a few plates of tasty treats to hand out in the community to people who weren’t able to make it.

We raised £340.85 for Macmillan Cancer Relief.  We hope everyone that came really enjoyed themselves as we all certainly did! HUGE thanks to all those who donated baking and/or came along and supported this worthy cause.




Planning our Macmillan Coffee Morning!

Following our visit from Mrs Sloan and Mr and Mrs McMiken about their involvement as volunteers with Macmillan Cancer Support, lots has been going on behind the scenes with regards to P5-7’s preparation for their fund-raising coffee morning!

Primary 5 got together to draft a letter to be sent out to family and friends, Primary 6 have been busy planning and designing information posters to be displayed in the shop, the school window and be delivered around the village next Friday. Primary 7 pupils are working on their presentation giving some background information about Macmillan Cancer Support and how important fundraising is to help those living with a cancer diagnosis. They will present this at the Coffee Morning to all who come along! Hope to see you there 🙂

Below is an extract from the letter typed up by P5 pupils:

WHAT: Macmillan Coffee Morning 

WHEN: Friday 29th September 9:30-10:30am 

WHERE: Leswalt Primary School Hal

WHO: anyone can come along! 

WHY: to raise vital funds for this worthwhile cause. 

Bring your own mug (BYOM) along and we will happily serve you a warming cup of tea or coffee and serve you a tasty treat too – all for a donation in our bucket for this charity. 

We will be busy baking some goodies for you to enjoy in the run-up to our Coffee Morning, but we would love any baking donations which we could serve or sell on the day.  

Could you let us know if you are able to donate any baking? 

Pop a note into school or give us a call on 01776 870289 if you can help.

Can’t wait to see you all there on Friday 29th September! 


All About MacMillan Cancer Support

This morning the P5-7 class had a visit from some volunteers from MacMillan Cancer Support. This is a short report about their visit! 😊 

The volunteers who came to visit were Mr and Mrs McMiken and Mrs Sloan. They told us about the different ways that they have raised money, such as Granny Maeve cycling 1049 miles around Scotland, she is an amazing 85 years old!!!  Granny Maeve alone raised £75,000 for charity! Go granny Maeve!!!  They also told us some facts about MacMillan Cancer Support. It was founded in 1911 by Douglas MacMillan. Back then there were no NHS. They also told us about what the charity does to help people living with cancer. They hand out grants for anything people living with cancer might need help with, for instance fuel for driving to the hospital in Edinburgh.  

We are going to have a MacMillan Cancer Support Coffee morning on September 29th and are really looking forward to seeing lots of people there to raise money for this deserving cause. 

Thanks to the volunteers from MacMillan Cancer Support – you really are super- heroes! 

 By Carys, Hamish and Cara

P7 House and Vice Captains 




Break-time Cupcakes from Kaiden and Aria-Rose!

How lucky are we? Kaiden and Aria-Rose brought in cupcakes for everyone to have at playtime as an end of term treat.

Huge thanks to their family for being so thoughtful – as pupils have  enjoyed a number of treats from them over the course of this year and previous ones too.
Such generosity is much appreciated! 

Thank you Kaiden, Aria-Rose and family ❤️

Goodbye Rev. Clare!

This afternoon, the ever popular Rev. Clare joined us for a chat about life as a minister. This was the final event in our Careers in the Community focus. It was SO good to see her and talk about different aspects of her work (listening, praise, leading, prayer and most importantly…love). She was able to give an insight into the many roles of a minister – the job isn’t just an hour on a Sunday! The pupils also took the opportunity to ask her lots of questions too.

Moreover, it gave us the chance to say a HUGE thank you to her as she is retiring as a minister and so won’t be leading church services for us in school or across the road in Leswalt Church. She did however promise to come and visit us sometime with her gospel choir – so at least it’s just a goodbye for now.

Alexander and Fraser presented her with a handmade card designed and created by Leswalt Primary pupils, a bouquet of flowers, a Leswalt Primary pen and an extra-special certificate ‘Pride of Leswalt’, thanking her for being such a good friend to us all at school!

Looking forward to seeing you again soon Rev. Clare!



Goodbye and Good Luck Evan!

Today marked the end of Evan’s primary school years as he’s off on holiday next week.

But we didn’t want him just to slip out of the door at 3pm, so we had an afternoon of celebration for him!

We enjoyed juice, biscuits, sweets and crisps and watched a power point  of the cutest photos all about the main man Evan!

Have a fabulous holiday Mr S and all the very best for S1 at Stranraer Academy.

Don’t be a stranger 🙂

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