Teddy Bear Maths

P2-4 had a busy maths session today! They brought their teddies to school to do some measuring!


Here’s what they had to say about it…

We needed to work in pairs and use a measuring tape.

We measured in centimetres (cm)

We tried using a metre stick and a ruler but they just weren’t flexible enough!

We worked out which end of the measuring tape to start at and which side to use – some of the measuring tapes used inches on one side.

We filled all of our teddy measurements in on our data files.

It was good fun!


Visit from Munro Madnezz Bhoys

We had the pleasure of a visit from Gerald from the Munro Madnezz Bhoys Challenge this morning.

He told us all about the 282 Munros in Scotland (there used to be 283 but one shrunk (!) and is no longer counted as a Munro!). They are named after Sir Hugh Munro who discovered and categorised them all – though he didn’t climb them all.

Gerald has climbed many of these and told us of his love for doing this. He has raised lots of money for Macmillan Cancer charity through his climbs.

He showed us all some of the equipment that he uses and explained how to keep safe when climbing. It is something which he adores doing.

Laura and Alison from Active Schools were with Gerald. They have set primary school pupils the challenge of doing sports activities to equal the time it would take to climb a Munro. Who is keen to take up this challenge?

Recording sheets are available in school. How many Munros do you think you could ‘climb’? Come on, give it a go!

Triathlon Fun!


On Monday 7th September, P5-7 joined lots of other pupils from local schools to participate in an event run by Triathlon Scotland. The children had lots of fun swimming, cycling and running. It was a great taster session to get a feel of what a triathlon involves – but on a mini scale! Well done to everyone involved – the pupils had a great time!

Outside Maths!

Today P2-4 had great fun measuring outside. They worked in small groups and recorded their results on their clipboard.

Each group worked out how many giant steps, fairy steps and how long a people chain they needed to measure from one part of the playground to the other. But everybody was ending up with different answers!

There had to be a solution… Then we came up with the answer – a metre stick! This was a standard size and so our measurements were the same.

We also had a go at using a trundle wheel too. We really enjoyed measuring using metres.

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