3D Shape Race

This morning P2-4 headed outside for some 3D Shape maths. We all got cosied up before we headed outside as it was rather chilly!

We were ready to recap our knowledge on cubes, cuboids, spheres and cylinders. We had great fun doing the 3D shape race in teams to sort the everyday objects according to their shape. Check out our photos below!

Tomorrow we will be finding out about the properties of shapes – but we think we’ll stay inside the warmth of the classroom for this!

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Super Healthy Bodies

This afternoon, the school nurse Debbie Brown came into chat to P1-4 about lots of ways to keep their bodies healthy. The boys and girls shared with her some of the HWB lessons we have covered about keeping our teeth clean and squeaky clean bodies.

The class talked about the power point Nurse Debbie had, which reminded everyone about: keeping hair clean, checking for those pesky head lice, washing hands properly especially after being at the toilet, washed bodies and clean clothes and tooth brushing.

Nurse Debbie also told the boys and girls that as their bodies grow and change as they get older, regular washing becomes even more important so it is good to get into routine now.

We then thought about the fuel we put into our bodies = food and how healthy it is. The pupils got the chance to look at different types of food and put it onto the Eat Well plate in the right category. A little sugar is ok now and then but not too much!

A busy afternoon with lots of information. We will all be squeaky clean and super healthy from now on….well we can at least try as best we can!


P2-4 2D Shape Hunt

What a lovely and bright February morning! Just perfect for us to get out and about shape hunting. We have been looking at 2D shapes, their properties and tiling in class, so we headed out into the playground to find some shapes. There were loads!

We used a tally chart and worked in pairs. Rectangles were the most common, followed by squares, circles and triangles. Mrs Ferguson set us a challenge to find some more unusual shapes too.

Euan and Auryn found a bolt shaped like a pentagon on the car park fence and Kirstie and Chloe spotted a hexagonal bolt at the wooden play area. Charlotte and Erin wondered about the hopscotch rocket in the playground. It had 13 sides! They did some fact finding when they got back into class and discovered a 13 sided shape is called a tridecagon! Mrs Ferguson learnt something new too! Finlay took a really close look at the red plastic racquet and discovered that the holes were actually octagons!

I think you will agree that P2-4 are Super 2D Shape Hunters!

Our French Visitors

Today we welcomed two teachers who teach in North East France. They have come to Scotland to see how we learn French. We learnt lots from them as they told us about a day at their school in France and also gave us some tips on pronunciation too! It was Gregor’s birthday today so we even sang Happy Birthday in French too! Joyeux Anniversaire Gregor!



Leswalt Primary Remembers Rabbie

What a fabulous display of tartan was on show at Leswalt Primary today. From kilts to leggings, hair bobbles to tartan tammies; the children turned out in style for this Scottish tradition. The staff and pupils celebrated the birth of Scotland’s national bard with a programme packed full of songs, poetry and feasting. Malcolm McGregor of P1 took on the role of carrying in the haggis, managing not to nibble any of it on the way, led by Finlay Scott carrying the bagpipes. Lauren Anderson of P7 would have done Rabbie himself proud with her Address to the Haggis. Jenna Calderwood of P4 said the Selkirk Grace before we all tucked into a delicious plate of haggis, neeps and tatties (or kilted sausages for those not too keen on the warm, reeking, rich haggis!) Dessert of shortbread, ice cream and toffee sauce was enjoyed by everyone as we listened to some traditional music – clean bowls all round!

Finlay Cowan of P7 oversaw the running of the poems and speeches keeping everyone on track and the pupils and staff settled back to enjoy the winning recitations and entertaining speeches. Mrs Ferguson gave a short Immortal Memory then Kerr Calderwood and Kathryn Topping of P7 led the toasts to the lads and lasses with good humour and witty observations. Lauren provided the toast to Leswalt School reliving her memories of her school years from P1-7. The recitations were provided by Aidan Adams (P1), Chloe Kennedy (P2), Phoebe Gaw (P3), Kirstie Macdonald (P4), Kayleigh Williams (P5) and Emily Cochran (P6).

Vote of thanks by Rebecca Brown ensured that everyone, including the dinner lady Patricia, was thanked for their input. O’ what a glorious sicht!


Mile Challenge

Well we’ve kept to our New Year Resolution!

The pupils and staff of Leswalt Primary have headed out for their morning walk the last two days. Heading out just after break, we set off through the park and completed the loop around by the Wetlands and back to school. We even managed to beat our time today! It’s a chance to exercise those legs, get the heart pumping, enjoy a sociable chat and let the local villagers see lots of wee, smiling faces! We then come back to school invigorated and ready to crack on with our Language work.

Give us a wave if you see us out and about!

A Very Merry Maths Session!

Yay! P2-4 got to go outside for their Maths session today!

The pupils were split into teams; the Red Nosed Reindeers, the Blue Frosty Snowmen and the Cheeky Green Elves!

Using what they have been working on in class, the teams were set multiplication tasks.  They needed to use their Rainbow Tables,  investigate square numbers and tackle some Merry Mental Maths problem solving!

Back in class, the pupils had some time to self-evaluate their morning’s work. They even managed to each colour in their team’s mascot – by reading the colours which were written in French! What a multi-talented bunch of pupils we have!


Drumming Performance

What great fun Primary 1-4 have had with their 6 week block of African drumming in school led by Paul.  Traditional chants, beats and dances from Ghana formed the basis of the sessions.  To round the block of work off, they told the story of some animals in Africa and showed off their chanting and dancing skills – Luke, Cameron, Charlotte and Aidan played the acting roles of the tortoise, lion, hare and buffalo!  P5-7 responded by chanting back and learning an African dance with their little friends.  What great fun we all had!

#confident individuals #successful learners

Have a look at photographs below!

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Remembrance Day

Leswalt Primary held their own minutes silence at 11am on Wednesday 11th November at the war memorial at the village. Jamie and Kathryn read aloud their pieces of writing which they had completed in class about Remembrance Day. Mrs Ferguson read through the inscription on the monument and laid the poppies made by pupils from P1-4. Some pupils chose to leave their poppies at the memorial as a sign of respect. It was a poignant and thoughtful time of remembrance – just as it should be.

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