HWB – It’s Good to Talk!

Many thanks to Margaret Baillie (Primary Mental Health Support Worker) for joining P5-7 in class the last two Tuesdays and leading the pupils in discussion about mental health, discrimination and stigma. The boys and girls have demonstrated a very responsible and mature attitude when discussing health issues which are not always visible to others looking on. We have chatted about emotions and why it is good to share any worries and concerns. The pupils also thought about songs and activities which they might turn to if they were ever feeling a bit out-of-sorts.

The boys and girls have got a little leaflet pack home with them with some hints and tips about maintaining a positive mental health. It really is good to talk!

Practising mindfulness with Mrs Baillie.

Leswalt Loves Maths – it’s official!

Day two of Maths Week Scotland at Leswalt Primary and it’s all go, go, go!

From maths songs and raps, online Maths games to outside decimal games fun! This afternoon, we all enjoyed a speed-dating experience with a Maths twist finding out about how number and maths is used out in the wider world (many, many thanks to the parents and friends who gave up their time to be part of this – much appreciated!)

Mrs Henry’s Maths puzzle page has gone home to invite everyone to join in and try to solve the number conundrums! There’ll be a prize draw at the end of the week for this.

And that’s just the beginning….

Tomorrow it’s time for some board games fun – getting those games looked out and get ready to use your logic! On Thursday there’ll be more maths and number fun to be had in class. And on Friday, well we’re heading off to spend time as a trio at Portpatrick Primary and will find out more about Lego Robotics! Wow! Excited? I know I am!

We’ve uploaded just a few snaps below to show some of the fun we’ve had so far. More to follow…..

Leswalt P6/7 enjoy being Triathlon stars and a Jason and the Argonauts treat!

On Monday the 11th of September, Leswalt Primary P6&7  joined lots of other schools to enjoy to take part a Triathlon and Drama production at Stranraer Academy. Everyone did really well in the triathlon – it was quite an experience! We all got a medal and a cup of water at the end!Once we were changed, we headed off to the Assembly hall for a drama production. It was about the Greek myth of Jason and the Argonauts. It was really fun and interesting. There were only two actors to re-enact this story. They did a brilliant job!

All in all, it was a busy and very enjoyable morning. What a way to start off a week!

Report by Kayleigh and Alistair


Local Politics

This afternoon, Andrew Giusti popped by to share some experiences of his job as a councillor. He explained his reasons for becoming involved in politics and talked about the importance of being able to listen to others, be respectful and tolerant of the opinions of others and the importance of being able to express your views clearly and sensibly.

The pupils asked lots of very sensible questions and this has really added to their understanding of what goes on in the world around them. Alex Fergusson (former MSP) is coming into visit later on in the term too.

CSI in Wigtown! Whodunnit?

Leswalt P5-7 and Kirkcolm P6/7 enjoyed a great day in Wigtown today as part of the Dumfries and Galloway Science Festival. A CSI case had been set up for the children to investigate using different science techniques.

Thanks to Gael Gaw and Kim McGuire for joining us for this!

CSI Science Recount

On Friday the 1st of September 2017, Leswalt p5-7 and Kirkcolm p6-7 Mrs F, Gael and Kim went to Wigtown for a D&G Science Festival CSI event.

We had our lunch in a lovely park in the sunshine. After lunch we went to the CSI Crime Scene. A painting had been stolen! We needed to use the evidence left behind at the crime scene to find the criminal. We zoomed around all the 14 different stations and had a lot of fun. At the end we found out who committed the crime it was Cody! His DNA, footprints and fingerprints led him to us!

I enjoyed dressing up the most. Our teacher Mrs F took photos for our school blog. It was amazing. We even got mug shots taken.

I really enjoyed going to this. I would definitely recommend it to anyone else.

Megan McIntyre P7

Our CSI trip

On the 1st of September 2017 p5-7 and Kirkcolm p6-7  went to Wigtown  to solve a crime …A PAINTING HAD BEEN STOLEN! There were 14 stations to help us find out who done the crime! It all started when the grand-daughter of the old man put a photo up on Facebook and the criminal saw it and took his chance!

We found out what kind of finger print he or she had, DNA and UV to find what size of foot wear he or she had. There was a station where we had to cover all the CAT’s that were say if there was a CAT you would cover it and at the end once you have done that you turn over a piece of paper and it needed to match where you’ve placed to find out if it was male or female or red head. This was using DNA techniques. At the end we had to figure who it was and we discovered Cody was the criminal.

Many thanks to the whole crew from the D&G Science Team who set this up. I thought it was a great experience! Thanks to Kim, Finlay’s mum and Gael, Charlotte and Phoebe’s mum for coming with us. All of us would recommend that you go along yourselves if you ever get the chance.

Oh and by the way…. the crime was not real!

Boyd Sloan P6

On Friday the 1st of September , Primary 5-7 of Leswalt  school went  to CSI in Wigtown along with p6/7 from Kirkcolm Primary too.

There we found a crime scene taped off. In the room there were 14 different stations to find out who was the suspect! My favourite station was the mug shot and the footprints. My least favourite thing was the DNA- it took quite a lot of working out. The crime scene was brilliantly thought out because there were things all over the floor and lots of clues to suss out. We were kept busy.

Before we left we got to talk to a retired police woman. Her name was Sue and she told us about finding evidence at the scene of a crime and the different methods that can be used.

It was very interesting and a great day out.

Jenna Calderwood P6


Our trip to Wigtown Science Fair

On Friday Leswalt p5 to 7 and Kirkcolm p6 to 7 went to Wigtown for a science fair. A real-life CSI!

The science fair was set up as a crime scene investigation where a painting had been stolen. There were 14 stations to go to. These investigated some of the clues which had been left at the scene by the criminal.

I really enjoyed the fingerprinting and investigating soil samples using a microscope because they were the messiest bits!

I really liked our trip to Wigtown.

Finlay Scott P5


Now check out these photos – there are quite a few dodgy looking suspects!

Basketball Fun!

We had the pleasure of welcoming Dean and Adam from YMCA for a basketball session this afternoon. They gave us lots of tips and tricks to help us to develop our basketball skills. It was great fun and we all enjoyed having a shot at shooting, passing, dribbling and playing a game! We will continue to work on our skills this term! Basketball players of the future? Maybe….

Let’s Get This Term Started!

Hello and welcome everyone to session 2017-2018! Rested, energised and bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and that’s just the teachers (!) we are raring to go!

Lots of exciting, fun things planned and a fabulous team of staff and pupils makes for a winning combination to ensure this is going to be a brilliant year!

Just take a quick look at the photos below to see some of the fun we enjoyed on day one and meet our new Primary 1s and their P7 buddies.

We are delighted to welcome Hamish, Brandon, Mark, Isla, Faye, Cara and Carys to Leswalt Primary and we know they are going to have the best time with us all!

Leswalt Wedding Scramble!

Excitingly, the pupils of Leswalt Primary were invited along for a wedding scramble last Friday. Jack and Iona’s mum, Karen, had very kindly organised this, even though she had plenty of other things on her planning list for her wedding to Ninian that day! We all headed along to the house just before the wedding car was due to pick up the bride, bridesmaid and beautiful Iona. We treated them to a rendition of ‘One More Step’ as we waited outside for a first glimpse of the ladies in the gorgeous dresses. Jack wasn’t there as he was with the groom, Ninian. Jack and Iona’s big brother, Dean, was giving his mum away and looked very smart in his kilt. He invited the pupils onto the driveway for the wedding scramble; Karen had organised a £1 coin for every pupil in the school. Much excitement and giggling ensued as everyone scrambled for their coin!

We then waved the bridal party off and headed back towards school. Some of us were just too desperate to spend our money, so Mrs Ferguson took a group along to Leswalt shop to buy some goodies. The rest were saving their cash for home – wise bunch!

Huge thanks to Karen and Ninian for inviting us along for the wedding scramble. We loved being a part of your special day!

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