Super Scots Song and Verse from Cara, Colin and Hamish!


Last night, Cara, Colin and Hamish represented Leswalt Primary at the Stranraer and District Burns Club. Such Confident Individuals who did so well!

Hamish sang ‘The Lewis Bridal Song’ and was awarded 3rd equal place in the P6/7 singing category. Colin recited ‘The Kirk Moose’ by Lavinia Derwent in the P3-5 Recitation category, and did so with great gusto! Cara performed ‘Address to a Haggis’ by Robert Burns and was also awarded 3rd equal in the P6/7 recitation category.

It was a fabulous night, showcasing lots of local young talent. Many thanks must go to Mrs Jane Sloan for her piano accompaniment of Hamish.

Well done Cara, Hamish and Colin – we are very proud of you!


UNCRC Article 29 and 31

Rugby Fun at Leswalt!

This afternoon, we had the pleasure of welcoming Neve and Niamh to lead us on the first of a block of rugby sessions!

We started with some fun warm-up games to get us moving and the heart rates up. Great fun – though admittedly a little on the muddy side! Working in small groups/pairs, the class enjoyed an activity-fuelled hour of exercise.

Mrs F tried to pre-empt the inevitable mud-fest by looking out some carrier bags, laying down newspaper for muddy shoes and dishing out old football shorts for those who had no change of clothes. Apologies to those at home though as there are a number of rather mud-encrusted children coming your way! Needless to say, old clothes, spare trainers and socks and a carrier bag to stash those filthy clothes in are, without a doubt, the way forward.

On the plus side, just take a look at the smiles on the photos below as the pupils had such a good time 🙂

Session two – next Tuesday!





Old clothes, spare trainers and socks and a carrier bag

Safer Internet Superstars!

Today was Safer internet Day, so we kicked off proceedings by joining together for an Internet Safety Assembly organised by Google ‘Be Internet Legends”. A big thank you to Mrs McHarg for signing our classes up to the online assembly as we listened and learned about protecting privacy, being informed and not falling for false scams and the importance of keeping passwords private! Now they know the do’s and don’ts – here’s hoping all pupils remember how to stay safe online!
Afterwards, our newly learned knowledge was put to the test with an online quiz which explained different scenarios and what we should do, we learned that parents, carers and teachers will always help if ever in a cyber crisis!!
We played a “guess the app” game which had been organised by our Digital Leaders, Daisy and Ewan-  and we had good fun with this round. Some of the app icons really got us thinking!
Back in class, P5-7s checked out the BBC Own It website by exploring the ‘Put your phone down and meditate’ section for a digital detox and Stop-Think-Send which encouraged everyone to think before they posted online – and what to do if they have said something they regretted or received something which upset them.  This is something which we have been talking about a lot in class recently and so hopefully pupils really found this session useful!
We reinforced this by sending a kindness email to a class buddy – just a nice way to communicate with someone! Everyone cc’d Mrs F into their emails so she could get a warm and happy glow from all the lovely things everyone was saying to one another!
Used safely – the internet is a wonderful place 🙂
Article 7 right to reliable info
Article 19 protection from harm
Article 34 protection from exploitation 

Are these pupils Primary 5s from Leswalt? Or Roman Soldiers?!

Mrs F left the 5 Primary 5s (Roman, Ben, Rachael, Murray and Colin) an assignment to complete last week whilst P6/7 were away on their Glasgow overnighter! Their mission – to research the Roman army and plan, design and make their own Roman replica shields, helmets and swords!

Were they successful? Did they complete their task?

They most definitely did! Just look at their blog reports below and the fabulous photos!

Well done P5 – any Roman emperor would have been proud to have you as part of their army!

Last week when the primary 6-7 were away, the p5 made some Roman shields helmets and swords. It was hard but fun! The hard bit was making the helmets. I really want to take the the stuff home and play with them and show everyone. It was quite tricky making them but we had some ladies helping. Thanks Mrs Kyle and Sheila!  We couldn’t do it ourselves .It was fun doing some research with our friends too!       

By Murray 

Last week we made Roman swords, shields and helmets. We made them out of cardboard, tape and pins. I loved making them! They are great! I love everything creative. It was a lovely treat to have when the p6/7 were away in Glasgow. Remember it was us p5s who made these amazing Roman shields, helmets and swords! We are going to teach P6/7 how to make them later this week!     

By Colin

Last week the p7 and p6 went to Glasgow, but the p5 stayed at school and made Roman shields then we made swords and helmets. We made them out of cardboard and it was AMAZING! So next time you want to make cardboard shields or helmets – just ask Leswalt p5’s.       

By Roman

Last week, when the P6 and P7s went to Glasgow, all of the P5s made some Roman shields! It was a little bit hard but not too bad that I couldn’t do it! Sheila and Mrs Kyle helped us. I liked doing the painting and designing the pattern. I think our shields are amazing!       

By Rachael

I had lots of fun last week creating my Roman shield, helmet and sword when the P6/7s were in Glasgow! Spray painting the helmet was one of my favourite bits! I am looking forward to taking them home. We will be showing the P6/7s how to make mini shields later this week.   

By Ben


Article 17  Access to Information

Article 29 Aims of Education

Article 31  Rest, Play, Culture, Arts



Hamish and Faye represent Leswalt Primary at the Rotary Lunch

P7 pupils, Hamish and Faye, represented Leswalt Primary at the Rotary Lunch at the North West Castle today. They were excellent Responsible Citizens, able to chat politely to all and be superb ambassadors for our school.

They enjoyed a very interesting talk from Mr V. Plant about Robert Burns and enjoyed time talking with Rotary Club members.

Thank you Faye and Hamish for being fabulous school representatives – we are very proud of you!


K’Nex Competition at Sandhead for Ben and Ewan!

Well done to Ben Gill and Ewan Clark who represented Leswalt Primary at the Rhins K’Nex competition held at Sandhead Primary this morning!

The boys were set the challenge of building a go-kart. They set to work by sketching a plan and using the pieces in their kit to build their design. Though they didn’t win the engineering task today, we are extremely proud of their efforts and delighted that they were our representatives for today.

Both boys were presented with a certificate for their participation.  We awarded them 2 merits each once they returned to school – for being Responsible Citizens and Percy Perseverance skills in being faced with a tricky task – and in finding success in their end product!

Well done Ewan and Ben!

Ocean Odyssey with GSA Biosphere

This morning, we were delighted to welcome Ribh and Faith from GSA (Galloway and South Ayrshire) Biosphere who had come to deliver a presentation about Ocean Odyssey and the marine life found in and around our shores.

The time was packed with quizzes, activity, matching tasks, questions and chatting about a information powerpoint. Below are just a few of the facts that we noted down…

Galloway Forest Park
Inside zone – peatlands       Outside zone – Galloway Forest Park
Transition zone – areas where people live and work
Marine Life
Basking shark – Scottish. They eat plankton – water leaves through gills
Atlantic salmon – Scottish. They live in freshwater and saltwater. Live in rivers/lochs to breed. Then leave to seas/oceans to grow. Change colour to adapt to water type.
Crocodile- not Scottish!. Not warm enough here!
Bottlenose dolphin- Scottish. Eyes at side of head – almost 360 vision! (like a teacher perhaps?!)
Loch Ness monster – Scottish?? Is it real….
Grey seal – Scottish. Babies born white and furry which keeps them warm.
Penguins – not Scottish! Not native. Live in the Antarctica. In the South.
Common whelk empty shells looked amazing!  Looked like Rice Crispies 🤣

Lesser spotted dogfish and Thornback Ray – empty shell casings looked and felt a bit plastic but weren’t!

Plastic is originally made from fossil fuels. Takes from 20-1000 years to breakdown. More than 40% is only used once.

Polyester is plastic. This is in your clothes!

Glass jar – plastic round seal.

Bubble gum – in wrapper. Also in actual gum. Makes it stretchy.

Suncream – bottle, lid and actual lotion!

Teabag – glue down sides of bag

Cans – lined with plastic to keep products fresh.

Paper cups – plastic coating so they don’t disintegrate. 95% paper!

How plastic ends up in sea – littering, from boats, industrial waste, over-fishing, over-flowing bins, flushing things down toilet, draining micro plastics down sink/shower from hygiene products. Shampoo, shower gel etc… washing machine takes micro plastics from clothing.

We talked about ways in which we could all do our little bit to help. Ribh and Faith were impressed to see so many reusable water bottles! We are hoping to plan a Beach Clean for next term – and now we know so much more about some of the things we might find on the beach too!

Thank you GSA Biosphere!

Happy Birthday Rabbie – fae Leswalt!

The pupils of Leswalt Primary went ‘all things Scots’ in celebration of  the Bard’s Birthday!

We were delighted to welcome Mrs Mary Buchanan (Mrs B – formally a teacher at Leswalt Primary) to do the official judging of the pupils’ handwriting, artwork and recitations of their Scots poems. Goodness, what a hard job she had!

Following this, everyone gathered in the hall to enjoy their Burns Lunch together. Ably compered through proceedings by Brandon Millar, we began with Mark Drummond leading us with the Selkirk Grace and the haggis being proudly carried in by Jorgie Paton P1 and accompanied by Katie Gill P7. Hamish McGregor P7 gave a rousing Address to the Haggis and we all tucked into our haggis, neeps and tatties!

Then it was time for the after-lunch entertainment with recitations from Ellie Bennewith P6, Roman Haver P5, Lily Bennewith P3, Hannah Drummond P2 and Cameron McDonald P1. Both classes sang their wee hearts out with P1-3 performing ‘Broon Coo’ and P5-7 singing ‘500 Miles’ by The Proclaimers Leswalt-style as ‘I’m a Wean Fae Leswalt Schule’. Then whole school got together to sing a Scots version of ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen – renamed ‘Stuff ’em Aw’!

Interspersed with the pupils’ performances, the P7s continued with their Burns Lunch traditions with Kaiden Giblin giving the Toast tae the Lassies, Cara Jamieson offering the Reply to the Lads, Faye Adams with her Toast tea the Schule and Carys McHallum rounding off the afternoon with a vote of thanks. All done with confidence  – they were braw!

After a  rousing sing-song of Auld Lang Syne, the pupils dashed outside for a quick break, and staff got the hall ready for the afternoon’s Scots Showcase with friends and family invited in to enjoy!

Faye Adams danced a Highland Fling to welcome the audience, the Scots songs were sung once again and all were treated to the judge’s results! Great excitement as pupils sat on the edge of their seats to find out who had won each category in each year-group, with the winners being invited up to show off their handwriting or artwork and to perform their poem in front of everyone.

The results are as below:


Handwriting – Beathan Wright

Artwork – Cameron Mcdonald

Recitation ‘Mince and Tatties’

  1. Jorgie Paton

2. James Hunter

3. Cameron McDonald


Handwriting – Keira Richardson

Artwork –  Aria-Rose Williamson

Recitation ‘Twa-Legged Mice’

  1. Hannah Drummond

2. Eilidh Ramsay

3. Emma Shirley


Handwriting – Lily Bennewith

Artwork – Lily Bennewith

Recitation ‘The Sair Finger’

  1. Lily Bennewith

2. Ellie Burton


Handwriting – Murray Reid

Artwork – Roman Haver

Recitation ‘ Wee Kirk Moose’

  1. Colin McGregor

2. Roman Haver

3. Murray Reid


Handwriting – Holly Santangeli

Artwork – Isla Kirkpatrick

Recitation ‘Wille Wastle’

  1. Ela Chang

2. Daisy Doyle

3. Ewan Clark


Handwriting – Faye Adams

Artwork – Hamish McGregor

Recitation  ‘Address to a Haggis’

  1. Cara Jamieson

2. Hamish McGregor

3. Mark Drummond

Huge congratulations to everyone for their efforts! Rabbie would be proud!

Investigating a Planetarium with the GFAS!

This morning, Leswalt Primary hopped on a bus to make the quick journey round the coast to our friends at Kirkcolm Primary.

The purpose of our visit? Well, there was a visit from the pop-up planetarium and the Galloway Forest Astronomical Society there to talk to us! Not an opportunity we wanted to pass up…..

We joined our buddies once we arrived at school and enjoyed some time together first for a quick catch-up. The younger class went into the Planetarium first whilst the older bunch worked together on their Rights Respecting Schools activities – and created some fabulous quizzes to test us all on the UNCRC. Some questions created to really make you think…

Then it was time for a break outside and a chance to enjoy the company and playground of our friends on this beautiful January morning!

Swap over time….and the older group got the chance to enjoy the wonders of the Planetarium whilst the younger pupils created their own aliens – wonder if any of their designs might be spotted in Outer Space?

Inside the Planetarium, Doug (the computer expert) and Andy (the lead presenter) took us all on a tour of the night sky exploring the moon, Mars and Jupiter. We talked about the hugely varied temperatures on planets in Space, gravity, signs of life,  moon controlling tides and the individual features of planets. Such an interesting session!

Many thanks to the Galloway Forest Astronomical Society (and Kirkcolm) for a morning of inter-galactic fun!


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all!

It’s so good to see our Leswalt team back together for the start of a fabulous year!

We decided to kick things off with a traditional Scottish toast – with sparkling flavoured water and some delicious shortbread- raising our glasses to wish one another a very happy 2024!

We then joined together in a rousing rendition of Auld Lang Syne and worked with our buddies to create our New Year’s resolutions.

Here’s to a very happy, healthy and busy 2024 😊

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