Keeping Leswalt Beautiful!

The boys and girls of Leswalt Primary, together with Mrs McKnight, Mrs Ferguson and Joshua and Kaiden’s mum and dad (with little Aria-Rose in the buggy!), did their bit for their community this morning by heading out in the drizzle with their litter pickers to spruce up the streets of their village.

Well done everyone. What responsible citizens you are!

Big thank you to Natasha, Ross and Aria-Rose for joining us!

‘Dragon Days’ Show Delights!

Well done to all the boys and girls of Leswalt Primary for their superb hard work in putting on another fantastic show!

The story told of a lonely dragon hiding high in the mountains above the Alpine village of Stumbledorf, the hilarious villagers who were a little frightened of this creature, Old Ma and her hero son Tommy who came to save the day and Gilda the Goatherd who made friends with the dragon and encouraged others to do the same. By the end of the show, the villagers and the dragon were great friends with everyone agreeing to ‘Not Judge a Book by its Cover’- the message of the final song.

Super songs helped to tell the show’s story; a mixture of cheery tunes, rock n’ roll Tommy, a melancholy ballad from the lonely dragon, a frantically upbeat reminder about social media’s effects and a touch of yodelling too! The children’s fabulous singing (as always!) and acting combined to make ‘Dragon Days’ a feast for the audience’s eyes.

Huge thank you to Audrey Buchanan from Stranraer Drama Club for her help with costumes- they really helped to bring the characters to life!

Well done everybody!

Curling Competition!

On the 18th of March, we (that’s Jenna, Millie, Eva and Charlotte) represented Leswalt in an InterSchools curling competition. On a Tuesday night we all go to the ‘ Curling’s Cool Club’ at the North West Castle. We had a great day and managed to come home in 2nd place out of twelve schools! The final was a closely fought game but unfortunately we weren’t the winning team. As a prize, we got an Easter egg. We really enjoyed the experience.

Report by Millie, Jenna, Eva and Charlotte



Leswalt’s Got Talent – lots and lots of it!

Crazy hair was all the rage at school today! The boys and girls had been buying red noses all week in support of Comic Relief and rounded the fun off today with their mad hair-dos, casual clothes and a very entertaining afternoon….

We hosted Leswalt’s Got Talent; with the children putting on an excellent showcase of their acts to a very appreciative audience made up of their fellow classmates, staff and parents and friends. From dancing babies to cello playing, comedy synchronized swimming to gymnastics, family dance troupe to guitar playing, solo singing to a self-choreographed dance routine – there was quite a variety of talents on show! So lovely to see all of these Confident Individuals giving it their all!

The very tricky job of judging was given to Mr McCracken, Gillian Murdoch and Mrs Buchanan – not an easy task. The boys and girls treated their audience to a sneak preview song from their upcoming show whilst allowing the judges some thinking time. After some discussion they gave the winning certificates and yummy Easter egg prizes to:

1st place – Jack Cloy – singing ‘Rule the World’

2nd place – Mille Smith and Jenna Calderwood – dancing babies routine

3rd place- Auryn, Breagh and Isla Kirkpatrick – synchronized swimming and Baby Shark routine.

Many thanks to all the wonderful acts for the hard work they put into learning their routines. We thoroughly enjoyed watching all of you, having a great afternoon AND raising money for a very worthwhile cause.

** Fundraising update – We raised over £190!! **

Take a look at the photos of a fun-filled day in aid of charity.


Super Science Afternoon!


In a follow-on to Friday 1st’s  Super Science morning enjoyed by the P4-7 class, the P1-3 pupils had a blast last Friday afternoon! This was to celebrate British Science Week; engaging everyone in lots of fun science-based activities! There was all manner of investigations set up in the classroom and in the hall for pupils and their families to enjoy.

Take a look at all the fabulous photos below.


Super Science Fun!

A Super Science morning was held across our wee trio today! The P4-7 pupils from Leswalt, Portpatrick and Kirkcolm welcomed The Galloway Forest Astronomical Society with their mobile planetarium and tried out loads of amazing Science activities too!

From engineering to electricity, coding to robotics, human biology to magnetics; the children explored many different scientific tasks and were led on an adventure through the Solar System inside the planetarium. All in all it was great fun…


History Coming Alive – Ancient Egyptian Style!

p1-3 welcomed Kathryn Purchase from History Alive into their classroom for a fabulous morning crammed full of Ancient Egyptian facts, fun and activities.

The boys and girls have been learning about this historical period over the last few weeks and Kathryn’s visit yesterday was a super way to share their learning, find out even more, do some digging (!) and enjoy dressing up in typical Egyptian costume.

Just look at the fabulous photos below…

Engineers of the Future!

Huge well done to Finlay Scott and Luke McHallum for winning the K’nex Challenge this morning. This competition was held at Stranraer Academy and was set up by the Glasgow Science Centre, and overseen by our STEM advisor Miss Creighton along with three judges.

The boys were set a brief to build a go-kart with a steering mechanism; with  certain measurements to adhere to and a design plan to be sketched. They worked really well together and their creation was crowned the winner!

The boys will now go on to compete in the next stage which is to be held in Dumfries. Fabulous!


Bringing History Alive!


Today we had the pleasure of History Alive’s Kathryn Purchase who delighted P4-7 with an informative presentation on World War Two. She sped the children through the years before war broke out, the events oversees and at home between 1939-1945, and the after-effects in the post-war years. The children were enthralled; quite literally sitting on the edge of their seats as they soaked up the WW2 experience. After sharing all of her vast knowledge; the children enjoyed handling the artefacts, looking at the propaganda posters and trying on replica WW2 clothing. Such great fun!

Take a look at the photos below. I’m sure you’ll agree it looks like a lot of fun and a brilliant way to learn!

Safer Internet Day!

Today we celebrated International Safer Internet Day! This year the theme was: Together for a better internet. Over 160 countries participated, with over 2000 UK schools and organisations too.

The world wide web is a fantastic resource that our parents, grandparents and teachers did not have when growing up – but we do! But all great resources need to be used wisely and there are things to be aware of. We learnt today how to be super computer savvy…

1. Choose to be aware 

Make sure you know the rules about how to behave and stay safe on the sites, games and apps you like to use. Look out for buttons that let you block, mute and report other users who aren’t behaving and always ask for help if there is something you are not sure about.

2. Choose to make sensible choices online 

Always keep your personal information safe and any personal information belonging to your friends and family.  Check with an adult before signing up to a new game or online service and before downloading a new app or game .

3. Choose to ask if it’s okay 

Always think about how your online actions might make others feel. Be a respectful friend online and remember to ask for permission before sharing something about someone else. This could include a picture, video or piece of their personal information like where they live or their full name. Take a look at our Safer Internet Day film to see what other young people think about asking for consent online.

4. Choose to be a role model 

Always be kind to others online and support your friends if they are having a difficult time. You can help your friends by showing them how to block and report in games and apps or by going to talk to a trusted adult with them.

5. Choose to ask for help

If you are ever unsure about something you see online, or anything makes you feel worried, upset or confused then ask a trusted adult for some help and advice.


Remember! Think SMART – Safe, Meeting, Accepting, Reliable, Tell.


Check out for more information including a section with top tips for parents/carers.


Pupils can easily access the ThinkUKnow website via their GLOW launch pad. This has some fantastic games and a Parents/Carers section too.

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