What a lovely way to start a new week! P7 pupils from Leswalt and Kirkcolm headed into Stranraer Baptist Church (after dropping the P6s off at Kirkcolm with a lengthy to-do list!) to enjoy Easter code – an event offered by Owain from Scripture Union and the Stranraer Baptist Church Team.
Each day this week, P7 pupils have been invited to discover more about the Easter story through quizzes, craft, drama and other fun activities. Leswalt and Kirkcolm were their first visitors of the week.
Welcomed in, we started with a ‘Who Wants to be a Millionnaire’ style quiz with some tricky egg-scellent questions to get those brain cogs whirring…We had to select our multiple choice answer – correct answers won an egg point for our teams! Did you know that the World’s most expensive Easter egg costs over £50 000! Could you even begin to guess how many Cadbury’s Creme Eggs are produced each year? Three hundred million in case you were wondering! That’s a LOT of chocolate!
Owain then explained the 5 activity gazebos which were ready and waiting for us. Each one took us through the Easter Story and explained the importance of them – Serving, Struggling, Sacrifice, Sharing and Seeking.
The first one was about foot washing – a ritual done at the Last Supper when Jesus washed the feet of his Disciples. Ben and Owen volunteered to have their feet washed!
The 2nd activity talked through the Passover Meal and the food traditionally eaten at this time. The children sat on cushions and tried the matzos (unleavened bread), bitter horseradish, saltwater and honey and apple. Each food type represented the slaves fleeing Egypt for the Promised Land.
The 3rd task invited children into a ‘Garden of Gethsemane’ where they watched a short film clip from Miracle Makers and talked about the arrest of Jesus.
Then it was on to the drama activity – the ‘trial’ of Jesus with everyone being invited to shout and heckle as Jesus faced the accusations.
Finally, the art activity involved the cross – when Jesus was crucified. Pupils decorated these to show it was a joyful time despite the sadness.
The fun morning session wrapped up with a round-up of the story and what happened in the days after the crucifixion. Pupils were invited up to dramatize this. A quick photo of everyone – a Cadbury’s Creme Egg for all (that’s 14 down from the 300 000 000 produced!) and we headed back to school a lot wiser about the Easter Story than we had been on arrival!
Thanks to Owain and the Stranraer Baptist Church Team for being so welcoming to us all. We had great fun!
UNCRC Article 13 Sharing Thoughts Freely, Article 14 Freedom of Thought and Religion, Article 29 Aims of Education
Meta Skills
Collaborating Cora Communicating Cate Integrity Imani