Outdoor Den Building with Jack and Linnea

What a beautiful February afternoon we enjoyed with Jack and Linnea over at the Aldouran Wetlands! Our sessions with Children’s Parliament are nearing their end and we’ve all had such good fun discussing our community, climate, curriculum and campus and the important features of these.

We chatted about what makes a community strong and the ways in which we all work together to make the 4 Cs be the best they can possibly be!

This afternoon’s fun involved building a den using natural materials  –  using climate to build a campus, working together to create this – utilising our curriculum, and creating role-play scenarios to represent everyone who is involved in our school – community.

All good fun and giving us lots to think about. Looking forward to our next session with Jack and Linnea from the Children’s Parliament.


Article 24- Health, Water, Food, Environment

Article 29 – Aims of Education

Article 31 – Rest, Play, Culture, Arts


Initiative Ivy        Integrity Imani      Adapting Aleksander

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